View Full Version : Ink wash in bulk

01-17-2014, 01:47 AM
Over the past year I have finally discovered the marvelous benefits of using ink washes on my models and have embarked on the slow process of touching up and ink washing some of my older armies to bring them up to scratch. Unfortunately I find that I run out of the little pots of citadel ink at an alarming rate when washing an entire army, not to mention how tedious the process is.

I'd like to have enough ink to streamline the process by simply dipping infantry models but that would take a LOT of little citadel pots. Does anyone know of an alternative product or recipe for something that replicates "nuln oil" in quantities large enough to support dipping?

01-17-2014, 03:18 AM
I don't use it personally, as I prefer a finer degree of control than dipping allows, but DARK Tone, from Army Painter is likely what you're looking for (http://usshop.thearmypainter.com/products.php?ProductGroupId=1). It's a gloopy, wash/varnish substance which sticks to a model and runs to crevices, leaving an appearance similar to an all over wash.

Basis of its use is:

Paint your model in basic colours, usually a tone lighter than you wish them to show.
Dip models in pot and vigorously shake off the excess
Leave to dry for 24-48 hrs
Once TOTALLY dry, spray with Army Painter Anti-Shine (Matt varnish) to remove the glossy/waxy finish left by the dip.

You won't get the same degree of control you do with a GW wash, and coverage will be a bit more even, but if you want to save time dipping could be the way forward. You could also paint this on more sparingly with a brush to gain more control whilst sacrificing a bit of time.

Hope that helps.

01-17-2014, 03:24 AM
Have you thought about oil washes ? It's really easy to do and gives you loads of control compared to other washes.

If your interested give me a PM and I can give you some pointers.

01-17-2014, 05:41 AM
The citadel washes are great. You just need to get a brush that's fine enough to use but holds enough wash

01-17-2014, 07:48 AM
This thread (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/261541.page) is Les from AwesomePaintJob giving his recipe for custom ink washes, with bonus video of the process. It might take a test model or two to get the correct intensity (you don't have to use the same brand of acrylic ink he uses but every manufacturer is slightly different and the number of drops of colourant might need tweaking) but it'll definitely scale cheaply enough to dip a whole army.

Dave Fothergill
01-17-2014, 08:43 AM
I use army painter on my Blood Angels but I don't dip them I paint on the quick wash instead you get much much better controll and results.

Cpt Codpiece
01-17-2014, 02:51 PM
i am using armypainter washes (pot not dip) on my word bearers, its easy to paint on and its a nice effect.

airbrushing washes can make it easier and more even (low PSI, keep even), and oil washes are great if a little time consuming (paint/varnish/wash/cleanup/matte)