View Full Version : Tyranids- Swarm, Swarm, Swarm! (1750)

01-17-2014, 12:54 AM
Trying to come up with a fun army outta Codex: Bugs to capture that endless tide feeling.

I know it won't be competitive with the "top tier" armies but I'm not a tournament player so that's ok. What I would like is to come up with something that will be able to give the other players at my FLGS a good game. If I have a bunch of good, fun games and lose them all, I'm a happy camper. I just don't want to get blasted off the table turn one. =)

Any thoughts on this would be very, very appreciated!

HQ: Hive Tyrant- Wings, 2L Devourer w/Brainleech Worms, Lash Whip/Bonesword

TROOPS: 30 Hormagaunts
TROOPS: 30 Hormagaunts
TROOPS: 28 Termagants
TROOPS: 28 Termagants
TROOPS: 9 Genestealers and a Broodlord
TROOPS: 9 Genestealers and a Broodlord

ELITES: 2 Zoanthropes
ELITES: 2 Zoanthropes
ELITES: 2 Venomthropes

FAST ATTACK: 15 Gargoyles


Have at it, friends!

Dave Caruana
01-17-2014, 01:22 AM
Seems reaaaally fun to play!! Oh how jd love to be able tonuse a list like that, if only I wasnt practicing for a tournament! If your hormagaunts have t.sacs u shudnt underestimatebthem as they ll move 12" a turn and can kill anything!! The 1 drawback with your list is that if you go against someone with fliers, even tho u have 1 flyrant, hed outmanouvre it and down it and ruin your game, so imho you need more AA :/

01-17-2014, 01:35 AM
One thing I see really wrong is you Tyrant has 3 arm weapons, you can only have 2 because you have to exchage your scything talons.

01-17-2014, 02:06 AM
you have 3 synapse node....3

those zoanthropes may have a 3++ but they die like 8 marines to small arms fire and thats no problem, your going to halt in your tracks by turn 2 when your tyrant and zoans have died.

01-17-2014, 06:42 AM
Whoops...I thought one set swaps for the devourers and one swaps for the lashwhip/bonesword. Well, that'll get me some points back!

01-17-2014, 06:44 AM
You're absolutely right that synapse is a problem. I've been looking for good ways around it, that don't involve cutting into the horde numbers too much. If the model count goes down too much the army's going to lose that Starship Troopers feel and that's the whole reason I started playing them...any thoughts on how I can keep model count up while picking up some durable synapse? (I experimented with tyranid warriors and a tervigon but neither seemed a good investment in points)

01-17-2014, 07:03 AM
Whoops...I thought one set swaps for the devourers and one swaps for the lashwhip/bonesword. Well, that'll get me some points back!

It's possible that there might be some confusion here. You seem to have combined '2' and 'TL' (Twin-Linked). You can indeed have one set of Twin-Linked Devourers and Lashwhip & Bonesword. What you've made it look like, though (which is what I assume confused Broodingman87 and myself), is that you've bought two sets of TL Devourers as well as the LashSword, which would total three things. This is especially confusing as two sets of TL Devourers is such a common loadout.

Which we you going for? Two sets of TL Devourers or one set and LashSword?

As for the good, durable synapse thing... let us know when you figure it out, because I don't think any of us have yet. :P

01-17-2014, 08:07 AM
Switch out stealers for warriors. If you can fir a Trygon Prime in the list than synapse shouldn't be a major problem.

I look at it going back to 4th. Although in my opinion Zonathropes where way more durable, however gravity weapons have me liking the newer Zonathropes a bit more now.

01-17-2014, 08:59 AM
Yeah, take a barebones Warriors. Possibly upgrade 'em to Deathspitters and hv weapon.

01-17-2014, 11:12 AM
I would exchange the Genestealers for Warriors, as suggested above. Even Shrikes would be good, as long as you stay away from the expensive upgrades.