View Full Version : Tyranid 1850 Fast Attack

01-16-2014, 04:00 PM
So after looking over the codex thought I'd start out with a go using some of what I think are the Codex's strengths in terms of numbers and closing speed primarily thru jump units and Adrenal Glands.


Swarmlord 285 points (Warlord, Psychic Support, Primary Synapse)

Flyrant w/ Wings, 2 x Twinlinked brainleech Devourers, Regeneration, and Elecroshock Grubs (Anti-Flyer, AV14 Anti-Armor, Synapse Network) 270 points


Tervigon w/ Shreddershard Beetles and Regeneration (Rearguard Synapse Support and Objective Holding, Spawn Termagants to maximize board control) 235 points

30 Termagants w/ 10 Spike Rifles 20 Devourers (Fire Support) 200 points

30 Hormagaunts w/ Adrenal Gland 210 points

20 Hormagaunts w/ Adrenal Gland 140 points


Zoanthrope (Synapse and Psychic Power Support) 50 points

Venomthrope (Deployed to maximize Spore Cloud - 6" Shrouded out of LoS) 45 points

Fast Attack

Harpy w/ Cluster Spines, Adrenal Glands and Toxin Sacs (2 large pie plates w/ Pinning and Sonic Scream for -5 I) 175 points

15 Gargoyles w/ Adrenal Glands (Blind, Tarpit Monsters, Glance transports) 120 points

15 Gargoyles w/ Adrenal Glands (Blind, Tarpit Monsters, Glance transports) 120 points

01-17-2014, 04:22 AM

Vanguard first rank of 30 Hormagaunts spread out across the line of deployment 2" apart to provide 5+ cover to models behind them

Second rank of 20 Hormagaunts deployed behind the first

One flank anchored by the Flyrant and 30 Termagants

Centrally located Swarmlord w/ a Venomthrope located centrally within 6" of gaunts out of LoS if possible

Opposite flank anchored by the Harpy and gargoyles w/ Tervigon, keeping the Tervigon more than 12" away from Termagants from opposite flank

Zoanthrope initially deployed where its random psychic power would be most useful out of LoS

5+ cover save from area terrain or intervening models plus shrouded from Spore Cloud of the Venomthrope to provide army with 3+ or better cover saves with the hope that by turn 2 he has more dangerous targets to worry about than the Venomthrope.

Tervigon spawned Termagants to be used to try and restrict Deep Strike options in the backfield and hold objectives

With 7 rolls on the Psychic Powers table should be able to reasonably expect to get Catalyst with at least 1 or 2 psykers w/ Onslaught useable on the Termagants for keeping up with Hormagaunts