View Full Version : Trying to make Codex: Tyranids work

01-16-2014, 08:40 AM
Ok. My 'Nids have been sitting on the shelf for a long time, but I swore that they would be the project of early 2014- basically until Space Orks or Wood Elves come out. Now what to do with them?

So far, here's what I've got. Let me start by saying I'm not a tournament player, so let's not worry overmuch about how I'm going to handle 2++ rerollables or Taudar or any crazy spam list...I'm looking for something where I'll have a good time and won't be tabled by turn three playing in my local FLGS, which has some pretty hardcore people in it but whose WAAC players are pretty easily avoided. As long as I'm not blasted off the table in an embarrassing and boring fashion, I'll be happy to lose many good games. =)

Here's the list (also I'm at work and doing this from memory so I might be off by a Termagant or three, but you get the idea):


HQ: Hive Tyrant- wings, 2L devourers w/brainleech worms, lash whip/bonesword

ELITES: 3 Hive Guard- impaler cannons
ELITES: Zoanthrope
ELITES: Zoanthrope

TROOPS: 5 Warriors- 4 deathspitters, 1 venom cannon
TROOPS: 30 Hormagaunts
TROOPS: 30 Hormagaunts
TROOPS: 25 Termagants
TROOPS: 25 Termagants
TROOPS: 10 Genestealers and 1 Broodlord

FAST ATTACK: 20 Gargoyles

HEAVY SUPPORT: Carnifex (no upgrades)
HEAVY SUPPORT: Carnifex (no upgrades)

I also own a Biovore, a Lictor, and a Trigon Prime, as well as another brood of warriors and more gants and gaunts, but they don't fit in the list.

01-16-2014, 09:24 AM
If you put adrenal glands on your Hormagaunts you'll be able to glance vehicles to death in CC (and more reliably run them up the board).