View Full Version : read but fail to comment?

12-16-2009, 06:32 PM
You ever read threads that pique your interest and you're like "Hey i got something to say about that," then you read the thread and decided against posting bc basically what you would say has already been said a dozen times?

And while we're not on the subject, what's up with those people moving furniture everyday around this time in the apartment above me? Anyone?

12-16-2009, 06:44 PM
Ha! I just did that to your thre... OH NO! I MESSED IT UP!

But seriously, for me it depends on the specific circumstances. If I think that even after others have made similar comments, mine will be profitable, then yeah, I don't hesitate. Generally I will post if I care about the subject, even if it is only to agree with what others have said.

12-16-2009, 06:52 PM
Ha! I just did that to your thre... OH NO! I MESSED IT UP!

But seriously, for me it depends on the specific circumstances. If I think that even after others have made similar comments, mine will be profitable, then yeah, I don't hesitate. Generally I will post if I care about the subject, even if it is only to agree with what others have said.

ahahahaha...you are a funny man Just_Me...wait, or is it just me here? am i talking to myself again?...crap. better find those meds....

12-16-2009, 06:57 PM
See I'm having an issue right now... I wanted to read and not comment, but nobody said what I wanted to say... Dang. In essence I have done that all the time. But what happens more is I would have wanted to comment on te original post bu afte three pages the thread has been jacked and the topic has changed ( usually to a sisters topic,lol)


12-16-2009, 07:01 PM
See I'm having an issue right now... I wanted to read and not comment, but nobody said what I wanted to say... Dang. In essence I have done that all the time. But what happens more is I would have wanted to comment on te original post bu afte three pages the thread has been jacked and the topic has changed ( usually to a sisters topic,lol)


Strange how that constantly seems to happen around here...I thought the RG was the Imperial master of the shadows...seems like Melissa and her sisters are more ninja than anyone else around here...

sometimes on comment is just feel lazy, and you're right a thread will totally get jacked...then we're talking about how man marines can really fit in a rhino and if we should be using loaf pans in place of rhino's since they're more to scale....

12-16-2009, 07:14 PM
No comment.

person person
12-16-2009, 07:48 PM
But seriously, for me it depends on the specific circumstances. If I think that even after others have made similar comments, mine will be profitable, then yeah, I don't hesitate. Generally I will post if I care about the subject, even if it is only to agree with what others have said.

Agreed (See what I did there?)

I was just reading a thread about razorbacks that started talking about how all assault (and possibly Rapid Fire) weapons should be defensive and Heavys shouldn't. Then got steered back into topic by 1 OT post.

12-16-2009, 07:55 PM
No, if I want to comment, I never fail to.

12-16-2009, 08:28 PM
No, if I want to comment, I never fail to.


12-16-2009, 08:59 PM
Sometimes I even type up a huge reply and then go "you know what, **** it" and close my browser and go do something else :cool:

12-16-2009, 09:27 PM
No, if I want to comment, I never fail to.

We know:p

Sometimes I even type up a huge reply and then go "you know what, **** it" and close my browser and go do something else :cool:

Yeah, I've done that before, when I realize for one reason or another my response just wasn't worth it.

12-16-2009, 09:31 PM
Yeah, I've done that before, when I realize for one reason or another my response just wasn't worth it.I tend to do it when I realize that I'm about to get into a huge nit-picky thing with someone on the internet and I don't actually care all that much.

12-16-2009, 10:33 PM
Sometimes I even type up a huge reply and then go "you know what, **** it" and close my browser and go do something else :cool:

I do the same, those super hot girls won't kiss themselves.

12-16-2009, 10:57 PM
I write up replies a lot but then usually two things happen, I realize who I'm talking to and don't want o get involved any more or I end up saying the exact same thing repeated over and over. That and I just don't care the majority of the time :P

PS It took me 3 attempts to write this reply ;)

Brosef Stalin
12-16-2009, 11:08 PM
I have no opinion on this topic. Speaking of which, how about that 40k, amirite?

12-17-2009, 02:07 AM
Sometimes I even type up a huge reply and then go "you know what, **** it" and close my browser and go do something else :cool:

I do that a lot, usually in the more heated discussion threads. I normally leave those well alone, I'm here to post and talk about wargames not get into arguments with people I've never met about something that's a hobby. If I want to argue with people I'll go to a meeting

Lord Azaghul
12-17-2009, 07:34 AM
See I'm having an issue right now... I wanted to read and not comment, but nobody said what I wanted to say... Dang. In essence I have done that all the time. But what happens more is I would have wanted to comment on te original post bu afte three pages the thread has been jacked and the topic has changed ( usually to a sisters topic,lol)


YES, YES YOU"VE DONE IT! My exact thoughts, on the apperorate topic, but since I haven't read the rest of the tread it might have changed by the time the post actually pops up!

12-17-2009, 10:22 AM
you guys are all amazing...i'm shocked anyone actually has replied to this thread, i figured it'd just die...where do dead threads go anyway? I totally have typed up replies and just "neverminded" it many a time. Sometimes I just don't want to get into a rules debate or whatever....i prefer to help the newbies or share and idea, but to argue the theoretical absolutes so many people actually seem to be looking for, gets tedious for me. It's a hobby and a fun game, and it changes constantly from person to person and game to game, so sometimes i'm just not into finding the absolute best Sternguard composition or the most broken codex or what not...sometimes i just want to go watch battlestar and dexter with my wife...:p

12-17-2009, 10:35 AM
I do that a lot, usually in the more heated discussion threads. I normally leave those well alone, I'm here to post and talk about wargames not get into arguments with people I've never met about something that's a hobby. If I want to argue with people I'll go to a meeting

But isn't arguing about fake army men what the internet was invented for (Ask Al Gore)? I mean I come here to get away from they everyday drool of work/ stress. If that means that I have a heated debate with some perfect stranger about the appropriate size of a Rhino to fit 10 marines then so be it. lol

Ideally we would all agree that XYZ unit is broken and that powergaming should be banned... Or simply that we all hate SOB. But in the grim Darkness of the internet there is only argument!

(S***T I think I just jacked this thread off topic, lol!)


12-17-2009, 10:36 AM
this thread is on the money i have beeb looking over BoLS for ever and just now joined so i could post. like many of you i dont want to fight over the game. which will lead to a (nevermind that). but everytime my group plays we find some small rule that we missed. and i think "man i need to share this" but once i see its got 4 pages of posts i think again. never mind

Lord Azaghul
12-17-2009, 10:42 AM
this thread is on the money i have beeb looking over BoLS for ever and just now joined so i could post. like many of you i dont want to fight over the game. which will lead to a (nevermind that). but everytime my group plays we find some small rule that we missed. and i think "man i need to share this" but once i see its got 4 pages of posts i think again. never mind

its pretty often the same 5 people (duke, melissa, other guy, I'm looking at you!):D
When I see a thread has taken off on a sisters tangent I just start to ignore it and let them have their fun.

But: On Topic. This thread is spot on. It usually happens to me about once a week here, where I just want to talk abou the game in general of various individual are strongly insisting that everybody else is missing their point or "clearly aren't paying attention" ...blah, blah, blah...to which I pretty much end up deleting anything I was thinking about posting, and head on over the read the news to see who screwed what up now!

12-17-2009, 10:50 AM
I have no opinion on this topic. Speaking of which, how about that 40k, amirite?

'Don't know, 'don't really care for it myself... :p

But isn't arguing about fake army men what the internet was invented for (Ask Al Gore)?

Well, that and all the porn... ;)

I have heard of some crazies that actually use it for "information" and "research," whatever that means...

where do dead threads go anyway?

To that big forum in the sky, where the moderators only joy and responsibility in life is to look after them, everyone has perfect spelling, there are no trolls, and after every flame war everyone becomes fast friends and goes out to get hot chocolate together.

its pretty often the same 5 people (duke, melissa, other guy, I'm looking at you!):D

Who is that then? :confused:

I didn't know most of those beyond the first two were real, just figments of their own imaginations.

12-17-2009, 02:19 PM
Depends on whether or not I have anything to comment on. If the thread is about some xeno faction, then I am out of my depth already, if its more imperial or chaos related then yeah, maybe... What were we talking about again?

12-17-2009, 04:28 PM
But isn't arguing about fake army men what the internet was invented for (Ask Al Gore)? I mean I come here to get away from they everyday drool of work/ stress. If that means that I have a heated debate with some perfect stranger about the appropriate size of a Rhino to fit 10 marines then so be it. lolWait... are you arguing with someone's statement that they don't like arguing on the internet? :)

My favourite flavour of ice cream is strawberry. Am I right? :confused:

12-17-2009, 04:42 PM
Wait... are you arguing with someone's statement that they don't like arguing on the internet? :)

My favourite flavour of ice cream is strawberry. Am I right? :confused:

No, Im not arguing... :p lol


12-17-2009, 06:24 PM
Well I'm usually more of a reader than a poster on this site. Theres like a group of 10 users or something that seem to post in every thread and between them have already run the whole wheel of ideas before I log in to check out what's new. Chumbalya especially has a nasty habit of saying anything I want to say about on a topic before me and usually better than what I had cooked up in my head. Unless the thread is something that I'm either really opinionated about or really experienced in I just roll with what everyone else said, who needs another head nodding for the same thing anyway?

12-17-2009, 07:16 PM
My favourite flavour of ice cream is strawberry. Am I right? :confused:

Strawberry is for noobs, Chocolate is better in every way.

12-17-2009, 07:33 PM
Strawberry is for noobs, Chocolate is better in every way.

Heck yeah. Except for Strawberry Shortcake. Strawberry Shortcake is awesome.

12-17-2009, 07:43 PM
Everybody thinks Strawberry Shortcake is great, but they haven't seen the ultimate truth. I know because I read it on Y.T.T.H. and Stelly is never wrong.

Strawberry shortcake gets soggy quick. By turn 2 you basically have soup sitting there, spongy soup, and that sucks. It also requires whipped cream, which is like doubling its cost. I can get 3 scoops of chocolate and sprinkles instead, guess which is better?

Play against some better desserts and you'll see what I mean, it sounds like all the ones you have suck.

12-17-2009, 08:48 PM
Strawberry is for noobs, Chocolate is better in every way.Oh godammit now I have to go out and get chocolate because strawberry has been nerfed. Chocolate gets all the cool stuff :mad:

12-18-2009, 10:26 AM
Everybody thinks Strawberry Shortcake is great, but they haven't seen the ultimate truth. I know because I read it on Y.T.T.H. and Stelly is never wrong.

Strawberry shortcake gets soggy quick. By turn 2 you basically have soup sitting there, spongy soup, and that sucks. It also requires whipped cream, which is like doubling its cost. I can get 3 scoops of chocolate and sprinkles instead, guess which is better?

Play against some better desserts and you'll see what I mean, it sounds like all the ones you have suck.

But strawberry shortcake is about to get a new wrapper and it is going to be "teh Asewonme!" Mostly because of built in Whipped cream that doesn't turn to water after 3 min, and strawberries that recycle and are "without number." Fear my squads of 1-3 shortcakes!


P.S. Does this make this thread officially off-topic-jacked?

12-18-2009, 12:10 PM
But strawberry shortcake is about to get a new wrapper and it is going to be "teh Asewonme!" Mostly because of built in Whipped cream that doesn't turn to water after 3 min, and strawberries that recycle and are "without number." Fear my squads of 1-3 shortcakes!


P.S. Does this make this thread officially off-topic-jacked?

But more importantly how many Strawberry Shortcakes can you fit in a Little Debbie box? it can't be to scale, there's no way 10 of those guys can fit. See that's my problem with the entire metadessert, as it transfers to table top, once it's all out the wrappers and sitting on a dish, they scale is way off. theres nothing more disappointing than looking at that bowl and realizing it can only hold one scoop of chocolate...

and yeah not only has this thread been jacked but beaten with a toothpick too...

So i guess the 40K to dessert crossover would mean Duke plays Strawberry short cakes and Melissa is down with Lemon Tarts (those SOB's are so bitter), what else could possibly be out there...Rainbow warriors would be like Neopolitan ice cream or something....

Somehow it's amazing that there are more comments when a topic goes off topic than when it stays on...

12-18-2009, 01:35 PM
Me? I like cheesecake.

Herald of Nurgle
12-18-2009, 03:23 PM
But more importantly how many Strawberry Shortcakes can you fit in a Little Debbie box? it can't be to scale, there's no way 10 of those guys can fit. See that's my problem with the entire metadessert, as it transfers to table top, once it's all out the wrappers and sitting on a dish, they scale is way off. theres nothing more disappointing than looking at that bowl and realizing it can only hold one scoop of chocolate...

and yeah not only has this thread been jacked but beaten with a toothpick too...

So i guess the 40K to dessert crossover would mean Duke plays Strawberry short cakes and Melissa is down with Lemon Tarts (those SOB's are so bitter), what else could possibly be out there...Rainbow warriors would be like Neopolitan ice cream or something....

Somehow it's amazing that there are more comments when a topic goes off topic than when it stays on...
I control the evil Cheese Forces, then?

12-18-2009, 03:32 PM
This thread is ridiculous.

12-18-2009, 03:34 PM
This thread is ridiculous.

this forum is rediculous. i feel like we have those that run from warseer and those that are teh warseers

12-18-2009, 03:48 PM
You know, I've never been to Warseer. I hear it's nice this time of year.

12-18-2009, 04:28 PM
This thread is ridiculous.

Your face is ridiculous,

though i would normally say "your mom is____" if i knew you better...and her...

You know, I've never been to Warseer. I hear it's nice this time of year.

see above...:D

12-18-2009, 05:03 PM
But strawberry shortcake is about to get a new wrapper and it is going to be "teh Asewonme!" Mostly because of built in Whipped cream that doesn't turn to water after 3 min, and strawberries that recycle and are "without number." Fear my squads of 1-3 shortcakes!


P.S. Does this make this thread officially off-topic-jacked?

The real powerhouse is soft-serve swirl, get a squad of 10 of those mounted on cones, give 'em each different sprinkles for a little musical-wounds and voila! and your opponent can kiss their butt goodbye...

Unless of course he brings apple pie and starts slinging those plates around to table...

12-18-2009, 08:30 PM
You know, I've never been to Warseer. I hear it's nice this time of year.

Yeah, I like it here a whole lot more than Warseer. I never did anything more than lurk and check for rumors and interesting discussions. Here, I get intelligent conversation and discussion. Well, ok, at least I get entertaining discussions:p.

Subject Keyword
12-18-2009, 10:20 PM
Oh godammit now I have to go out and get chocolate because strawberry has been nerfed. Chocolate gets all the cool stuff :mad:


Dude! it's like me getting mopey about Marine updates! Oh, god... Marines are Chocolate Ice cream...
Oogh. My ribs hurt.

On a more serious culinary note, Chocolate is Vanilla's b**h.

12-18-2009, 11:10 PM
On a more serious culinary note, Chocolate is Vanilla's b**h.

Very true, you have great wisdom...

12-19-2009, 01:10 AM
User Banned [RealGenius]

Subject Keyword
12-19-2009, 01:15 AM

She's gunna kill you dead...

12-19-2009, 02:47 AM
Wow this dessert metaphor is getting out of hand...

Subject Keyword
12-19-2009, 03:27 AM
Wow this dessert metaphor is getting out of hand...

Your MOM'S dessert metaphor is getting...
Ooh. I see what you're saying.

But, speaking to the topic of this thread:
Yes. Every forum I have ever tried to be a part of.

12-19-2009, 06:20 AM
You know, I've never been to Warseer. I hear it's nice this time of year.

Warseer is never "nice" its got a few good people on there, but most are trolls, and worse still... The mods there do nothing to tame the trolls.

The nice thread you had going about why you are giving up on strawberry ice cream, and moving on to black forest will quickly turn in to a hot chilli chocolate fest and locked before you know whats going on.

That said, its been a few months since I was last there....

person person
12-19-2009, 06:45 PM
This thread makes me hungry. OTOH... uh... I forgot what the topic was thanks to frigg'n Desserthammer.

12-19-2009, 07:42 PM
On behalf of the Strawberries of Battle I demand strawberry in plastic tubs! Strawberry is badly neglected, though it can still kick your ***.

Funniest thing I've seen all week :D

12-19-2009, 11:17 PM
Funniest thing I've seen all week :D

Your mom's the funniest thing i've seen all week.

12-20-2009, 05:27 AM
This thread makes me hungry. OTOH... uh... I forgot what the topic was thanks to frigg'n Desserthammer.

Ok. This made me laugh.

FYI, the topic is why people reply to some topics but not others.:rolleyes:

12-20-2009, 10:50 AM
On behalf of the Strawberries of Battle I demand strawberry in plastic tubs! Strawberry is badly neglected, though it can still kick your ***.

Holy crap I can't believe you made that handle! Where is Melissa on this one?


12-20-2009, 11:04 AM
Uh what? Oh sorry, wrong thread.....

Subject Keyword
12-20-2009, 12:37 PM
Conversion time. *Leaves desk*

12-20-2009, 07:19 PM
I agree!!!

12-21-2009, 09:08 AM
Holy crap I can't believe you made that handle! Where is Melissa on this one?


i was working under the assumption that was her...and kudos

Uh what? Oh sorry, wrong thread.....

welcome to the madness Aldramelech, :D

I've noticed sometimes the ridiculous threads are refreshing to comment on.

12-21-2009, 11:26 AM
Woof woof woof. Thats my other dog impression.................

12-21-2009, 11:57 AM
Always with the negative vibes Moriarty, always with the negative vibes...

12-21-2009, 12:19 PM
I guess it being melissa makes the most sense..

On a completly whacked note: I was at the grocery store and had to buy strawberry shortcake with ice cream becuase this thread made me want it so bad... Thanks guys! I'm sedning out the bill for my eventual liposuction!

12-21-2009, 01:39 PM
For the love of God Duke don't go on forgeworld Website if you are that easily influenced...

Your significant others may not understand this close to crimbo.

12-21-2009, 02:22 PM
Always with the negative vibes Moriarty, always with the negative vibes...

Take it easy Big D some of these people got sensitive feelings! :D

Herald of Nurgle
12-21-2009, 02:25 PM
Take it easy Big D some of these people got sensitive feelings! :D
He's right you know...

12-21-2009, 03:03 PM
In fact I was hurt that someone else was hurt. That means my sensitivity is like 7.

Herald of Nurgle
12-21-2009, 03:16 PM
In fact I was hurt that someone else was hurt. That means my sensitivity is like 7.
That means you get a free Icon!
Come to Nurgle...

12-21-2009, 03:20 PM
Green is sooooo not my color........

12-21-2009, 03:29 PM
I think I just vommited... Does that make it official HoN?

Another side note: I got an unexpected Dividend payment and my first thought was "I can buy a freaking Reaver!"... The sad thing is that I already have a Revenant that nobody will let me use cause its "too powerful," So sad, but true! Does that also mean I get a Slannessh Icon for Excess? Sweet, look out Im on my way to being the Everchosen... Skulls anyone?


12-21-2009, 03:33 PM
Most Unclean........ I shall smite thee in his name!

12-21-2009, 03:48 PM
Most Unclean........ I shall smite thee in his name!

Since the last name we mentioned was Nurgle I am going to assume you are smiting me in Nurgles name... Welcome convert! woot! lol


12-21-2009, 03:54 PM
Assume will make an *** out of you and me;)

12-21-2009, 03:57 PM
Assume will make an *** out of you and me;)

Sweet, so if I have been now changed into an A** then that means I recieved the blessings of Tzeentch, that was the last of the gods. Now I am officially the Everchosen. And thus begins my regin on terror.... I shall start by banning Neopolitan ice-cream... All those flavours in one sopt is simply ridiculous, make a choice! cause you can't have all three.


12-21-2009, 04:00 PM
As long as raspberry ripple is unaffected I'm OK with your reign of terror.

Herald of Nurgle
12-21-2009, 04:13 PM
Sweet, so if I have been now changed into an A** then that means I recieved the blessings of Tzeentch, that was the last of the gods. Now I am officially the Everchosen. And thus begins my regin on terror.... I shall start by banning Neopolitan ice-cream... All those flavours in one sopt is simply ridiculous, make a choice! cause you can't have all three.

Bah. I presume you also have five chaos armies to serve under you?

12-21-2009, 04:13 PM
Rasberry Ripple shall be spared my wrath... However, after a little debat with my other personalities I have decided to also ban Mincemeat pie! mostly for two reasons

1. GW is british, Mincemeat pie is British... I shall make them pay!
2. there is no meat in mincemeat pie and thus it shall be destroyed.

Duke (now, Emperor Duke)

Herald of Nurgle
12-21-2009, 04:22 PM
No! You sick monster!

My Britishness gives me Super Strength!

12-21-2009, 04:36 PM
Mince pies are what Xmas was invented for!

Your will is strong but I will deify it!!

12-21-2009, 06:26 PM
Hmm... I may be merciful in my judgement, perhaps if you would being me 1000 skulls then I shall perhaps turn mine vengeful eye from Mincemeat pie.

OR failing that provide me with another sacrifice for Duke, Destroyer of Desserts!


person person
12-21-2009, 07:31 PM
I shall start by banning Neopolitan ice-cream... All those flavours in one sopt is simply ridiculous, make a choice! cause you can't have all three.


You guys made hungry AGAIN!!!:mad:

12-21-2009, 08:14 PM

You guys made hungry AGAIN!!!:mad:

BWHAHAHA!!! my great plan progresses. lol


P.S. I can't wait to see Avatar a second time!

Herald of Nurgle
12-22-2009, 01:12 AM
Hmm... I may be merciful in my judgement, perhaps if you would being me 1000 skulls then I shall perhaps turn mine vengeful eye from Mincemeat pie.

OR failing that provide me with another sacrifice for Duke, Destroyer of Desserts!

I offer thee the most perfect of forbidden fruits... the hair of Jervis Johnson!

May the beardiest of game designers be banished to the deepest shadows!

12-22-2009, 10:19 AM
BWHAHAHA!!! my great plan progresses. lol


P.S. I can't wait to see Avatar a second time!

So you fatten us all up on sweet goodness until we are too fat and lazy to retaliate, then strike where it hurts most, the Sugar worlds. Giant manufactorium worlds dedicated to our empire's most precious asset...sugar...you are truly despicable and cruel.

12-22-2009, 11:02 AM
Yes, you are right! the sugar worlds are now under my control... I shall replace all the sugar in the galaxy with SALT! and the best part is that you won't even know it until its too late!

you should all keep a keen eye on your soda pop reserves! BWAHAHAA ::COUGH:: HAHAH ::COUGH:: COUGH:: hahaha (you get the point.)

Duke Doofenshmirts evil incorporated!

12-22-2009, 11:17 AM
We will strike back with the power of savory!

Arm those scotch eggs, prepare to fire the sausage rolls!

12-22-2009, 11:21 AM
Best. Thread. Ever. :D

person person
12-22-2009, 01:29 PM
Yes, you are right! the sugar worlds are now under my control... I shall replace all the sugar in the galaxy with SALT! and the best part is that you won't even know it until its too late!

you should all keep a keen eye on your soda pop reserves! BWAHAHAA ::COUGH:: HAHAH ::COUGH:: COUGH:: hahaha (you get the point.)

Duke Doofenshmirts evil incorporated!

Your fiendish scheme is no match for....


12-22-2009, 08:24 PM
I've skipped over this thread dozens of times now. :p

I'm not sure why I chose to chime in now, but yes, I do skip commenting sometimes especially if what I want to say has already been said several times or articulated how I would want to say it.

And as far as having tenants live above you... I totally feel your pain.

12-23-2009, 07:23 AM
Argh! The sweet uncleaness of it all! The Tofu must stike back! For Qourn!

12-23-2009, 10:53 AM
Your fiendish scheme is no match for....


Ahha! I see you have met my Daemon Prince, Cannibul Cake!

@Renegade: I feel a shadow in the sugar-warp...It is called Tofu! Immediatley dispose of this tasteless substance.

(I also agree that this is the best thread ever, and the best part is that its comlete nonsense.)

DUKE (is scared of Tofu)

person person
12-23-2009, 04:47 PM
He has exposed his true weakness, STRIKE HIM DOWN MEN!!!


12-24-2009, 10:27 AM
more nonsense and less tofu!!

person person
12-24-2009, 01:22 PM
I can do that! suohcdnfuaosnupocojmasol!

On a serious note: Merry Christmas everyone!

12-24-2009, 01:43 PM

person person
12-24-2009, 01:47 PM
Same here, I'm just too damn jolly for my own good! :D

12-24-2009, 02:01 PM
I hate being Jolly. It only makes you fat, look at Santa... He is very Jolly and super fat!

In another note Technically it isn't Christmas yet, on page 9000 of the BRB it says, "you may not begin the celebration phase until the eve phase is completed." So Obviously you cannot say 'Merry Christmas,' until tomorrow.

That said, Merry Christmas!


12-24-2009, 02:01 PM
yeah Happy holidays gents! and melissa :D

person person
12-24-2009, 02:03 PM
I hate being Jolly. It only makes you fat, look at Santa... He is very Jolly and super fat!

In another note Technically it isn't Christmas yet, on page 9000 of the BRB it says, "you may not begin the celebration phase until the eve phase is completed." So Obviously you cannot say 'Merry Christmas,' until tomorrow.

That said, Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Eve!!

12-24-2009, 02:29 PM
Yes, thank you. Merry Christmas Eve to you as well. I shall halt my Sugar ban for 48 hours to shoe the galaxy my Christmas Spirit!

I just noticed that this page has 1200+ views and only 100 or so posts. That means that more than 90% of people have viewed without posting... talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!


12-24-2009, 02:49 PM
Yes, thank you. Merry Christmas Eve to you as well. I shall halt my Sugar ban for 48 hours to shoe the galaxy my Christmas Spirit!

I just noticed that this page has 1200+ views and only 100 or so posts. That means that more than 90% of people have viewed without posting... talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy!


bwahahahaahh! my ultimate plan slowly comes to fruition, soon the apathy will settle then people will only read my posts and my brain washing will be complete!!

12-24-2009, 02:49 PM

12-24-2009, 11:13 PM
Rules Lawyer!

At least someone got what I was trying to do, lol


person person
12-28-2009, 11:04 AM
bwahahahaahh! my ultimate plan slowly comes to fruition, soon the apathy will settle then people will only read my posts and my brain washing will be complete!!

Well I irrelevently posted just to spoil your plans!

12-28-2009, 11:45 AM
Oh how quickly our great schemes are dashed against the rocks.


person person
12-28-2009, 12:14 PM

12-28-2009, 02:32 PM
Well I irrelevently posted just to spoil your plans!

curse you and your same first and last name! Now i will never rule the world....t

his thread is so broken, it;s the end of the forum, i'll never post again. I'm off to another forum until that one gets broken and then i'll come back to this one after i see that it's not as broken as i once thought after other people started commenting on threads and everything turns out ok, then i'll be glad i'm back and spend hours on hours of time posting here again until the next thread comes out broken then i'll complain all over again...

12-28-2009, 02:39 PM

12-28-2009, 04:39 PM
Don't Look at me, Im irreverant!

@ Jonny: So see you tomorrow then?


12-28-2009, 07:42 PM
Don't Look at me, Im irreverant!

@ Jonny: So see you tomorrow then?



person person
12-30-2009, 09:21 PM


curse you and your same first and last name! Now i will never rule the world....t

his thread is so broken, it;s the end of the forum, i'll never post again. I'm off to another forum until that one gets broken and then i'll come back to this one after i see that it's not as broken as i once thought after other people started commenting on threads and everything turns out ok, then i'll be glad i'm back and spend hours on hours of time posting here again until the next thread comes out broken then i'll complain all over again...


12-30-2009, 11:55 PM
Sorry, Person Person... the internet doesn't have to make sense. Al gore created it to be like that. Why do you think you have sites like "wikipedia," which cannot be used as a source in academic writing, but also houses almost all knowledge, ever?!

At least the "Female Space Marines," thread is almost dead... I can't believe it went that long... 36 pages! that is a big WTF?!?!


P.S. This thread is way cooler than that thread... cause we are talking about NOTHING!

person person
12-31-2009, 12:37 AM
p.s. This thread is way cooler than that thread... Cause we are talking about nothing!

hell yeah!!!

Edit: I just realized that the site auto edits caps into lowercase. Thats messed, It makes me sound....quiet...to quiet...

12-31-2009, 02:29 AM

Lord Azaghul
12-31-2009, 07:31 AM
Barinicle boy. Mermaidman is stuggling with enough inner conflict as it is,

12-31-2009, 08:18 AM
Sorry, Person Person... the internet doesn't have to make sense. Al gore created it to be like that. Why do you think you have sites like "wikipedia," which cannot be used as a source in academic writing, but also houses almost all knowledge, ever?!

At least the "Female Space Marines," thread is almost dead... I can't believe it went that long... 36 pages! that is a big WTF?!?!


P.S. This thread is way cooler than that thread... cause we are talking about NOTHING!

i was just thinking the same thing this morning,
"really? female spacemarines thread is still a hot topic? seriously? how is there that much to talk about?"
Obviously it doesn't contain the high brow, immensely intellectually stimulating information this thread does...the best part is when some one reads the OP and comments.

hell yeah!!!

Edit: I just realized that the site auto edits caps into lowercase. Thats messed, It makes me sound....quiet...to quiet...

this way you are more ninja...

What I really want to know is:- If Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy had a fight, who would win?

Chumby's mom would beat them both...shes awesome...

why do "your mom" jokes never get old? like farts? they're always funny...no matter how old i get.

12-31-2009, 09:30 AM
Going back to the second part of the original post, her parents were probably coming round. Or she'd lost an earring.

12-31-2009, 12:22 PM
Momma Jokes are still funny becuase most of us stopped maturing at 10. Which also explains the farts.


person person
12-31-2009, 09:06 PM

Ha! Auto editing is no match for the almighty spacebar!

What I really want to know is:- If Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy had a fight, who would win?

Haven't you seen the episode where they actually fight?

Happy New Year too!