View Full Version : Tyranids 1850 First Draft

01-16-2014, 06:16 AM
So I have got the Codex and dug out my army and started toying around with potential ideas for an army to field using the it.

I have also decided to start trying to actually update my blog more frequently and as such you can find the list HERE (alshrive.blogspot.com)

Any and all feedback (and followers) would be greatly received as I am still quite unsure as to what exactly is going to effective in the new Codex.

01-24-2014, 08:21 AM
Just to let you know this has now been updated!

Martyn Powell
01-24-2014, 10:35 AM
I assume the flyrant is using the guard as a wound buffer for turn 1, then it will detach and swoop in turn 2? If you're doing this you are potentially increasing your surivibility at the expense of 6" of movement (roughly).

This can be quite important for getting right up close which is what MC's and FMC's do best, only way to play them now is to get them right up on their line as quickly as possible.

01-24-2014, 04:40 PM
I actually think a list like this would do better dropping the crone. playing around with the list a bit and slipping in another tfex or another exo. i would say having those units set up anchored by swarmy would be a better option then the crone and the tyrant. adding in the additional guns will also help with the loss of the crone who for some reason i just don't like.

01-24-2014, 08:08 PM
Your list is pretty balanced which I like a lot. Solid, sturdy troop choices and if those tervigons go ham you are swarming the board. Decent fire power with the tyrannofex and exocrine and some mobility with the flyrant / crone. Overall I like the list as venomthropes give you a chance at survivability and you have really good synapse as well.

Couple things:

1. Not sold on the exocrine. I think 3 biovores for a slightly cheaper cost and twice the range may be better. Objective control/horde control. Exocrine packs a friggin wallop but at 170 points and only range 24' I'm not convinced it will end up justifying that cost.
2. You don't have disrupt units like mawlocs, lictors or anything like that. Not the end of the world but it's nice to play those mind games with your opponent. Maybe drop the exocrine and either get a mawloc there or biovores or both.

Glad you are still going strong with the Swarmlord. His 3 powers make him the most powerful force multiplier the 'Nids have available to them. Nerfing his reroll successful invuls sucks and for some reason he is 5 points more expensive (LOL?) but I think the added potential to get catalyst in particular is really nice.

01-29-2014, 10:00 AM
sorry for the slow replies guys!
1) I hadn't thought of that! I quite like the idea of 3 biovores, and may look at playing around and replacing the exocrine with them, which would also give me some spare points to play around with.

I am using the Swarmlord for several reasons. 1) It's just awesome. I love the model and I am more bothered about the aesthetics of an army than necessarily winning every game. and 2) Blog Wars (The tournament this army may be used for) require the inclusion of a character in your army. and Swarmlord is a character and synapse so was a no-brainer for me!

Martyn Powell
Actually the Guard were for Swarmlord. My provisional plan was to simply keep the Hive Tyrant out of sight hidden. I hadn't debated putting the Flyrant with them if I am honest.

The Crone is a reserve unit that will come in. It provides some anti-armour firepower in the form of its Haywire Tentaclids and its S8 Vector Strike. Also when teamed with the Flyrant and the Outflanking Tervigon it puts 3 Monstrous Creatures across the board very early in the game.