View Full Version : Gun-Skulls

12-16-2009, 05:44 PM
I was reading about servo-skulls in the Dark Heresy Inquisitor's Handbook, and it gave me an interesting idea. I have several extra servo-skulls from the Forge World pack of 4, and some Hellpistols sawed off of Storm Trooper sergeants (to make way for their plasma pistols). I figure I could make some cool looking conversions with armed servo-skulls counting as veteran guardsmen with Hellpistols & CC weapons.

If I did that I could make almost my entire retinue out of servo-skulls (I could even count Soloman Lok's servo-skull with scroll as a sage), I would have to find a new use for my converted CC servitors, but that should be fine. How do you think this would come off? would it be clear what they are? Would they be acceptable counts-as models, or would they be too confusing?

12-16-2009, 07:58 PM
I think it'd be fine, just five seconds of explanation and you're done! I plan to only buy one psyker model and then field a bunch of satellite servo-skulls to be the other ones in a Psyker Battle Squad...they all act to magnify his power. And I think it's a neat visual...

Just make sure you've got some nice choppy bits so it's obvious! Besides, anyone who wouldn't go for it isn't a worthwhile opponent anyhow.

12-16-2009, 08:16 PM
Inquisitor's retinues are supposed to be showcases of a modeller's imagination, so I say go nuts. As long as you don't use a servo-skull as a familiar, gun skulls for guardsmen and scroll skulls for sages should be fine. Even if you did have a skull familiar, I can't see how anyone could object if you explain who's who.

I use a couple of servo-skulls in my Psyker Battle Squad as psykers. I just assumed no-one would object. I'm lucky I guess, I've never even met, let alone played against a freaky basement case like the ones I hear about on the net, the sort of person who would demand that I remove my servo-skulls from the table because they aren't Sanctioned Psyker models. Come to think of it, do people like that REALLY exist? :confused:

12-16-2009, 08:22 PM
As long as you don't use a servo-skull as a familiar, gun skulls for guardsmen and scroll skulls for sages should be fine. Even if you did have a skull familiar, I can't see how anyone could object if you explain who's who.

Actually I am, that was kinda the point :o. I think servo-skulls are really cool, and it occurred to me that it would look cool if the entire retinue (aside from the Inquisitor and acolytes) were servo-skulls.

12-16-2009, 09:05 PM
Oh OK :rolleyes: sorry!

Yeah that would be cool, just one guy with a cloud of skulls buzzing around him. Maybe the familiar can be the one without the gun/scroll?

Also, how do you base them? I love servo skulls, but I hate having them sitting on a big pole/flying base so I try to model them to look floating using terrain. It's cool, but I'm afraid it might seem a bit contrived after a while.

EDIT: Oh you have acolytes too. I really should read more carefully shouldn't I? :D

12-16-2009, 09:32 PM
Oh OK :rolleyes: sorry!

Yeah that would be cool, just one guy with a cloud of skulls buzzing around him. Maybe the familiar can be the one without the gun/scroll?

No worries, that was exactly my thoughts, the familiars will be the plain vanilla skulls, the scroll skull will be the sage (it is acting as a familiar now, but I don't need 3, and a sage might be nice), while the gun skulls would be warriors.

Also, how do you base them? I love servo skulls, but I hate having them sitting on a big pole/flying base so I try to model them to look floating using terrain. It's cool, but I'm afraid it might seem a bit contrived after a while.

I agree, servo-skulls rock, more than almost anything I think they epitomize the flavor of the Imperium. For basing I am rather unimaginative and use thin wire. There are pics over on this (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=3607&page=2) thread, but I'm not the greatest painter in the world, so don't be too disappointed. Your basing idea sounds neat, and I would love to see some pics.

EDIT: Oh you have acolytes too. I really should read more carefully shouldn't I? :D

Again, don't worry about it, the "one guy with a cloud of skulls" is the feel I wanted, but I think two acolytes would still fit in nicely, and I already have one cool acolyte model and have a few others in mind.

12-16-2009, 10:48 PM
I'm lucky I guess, I've never even met, let alone played against a freaky basement case like the ones I hear about on the net, the sort of person who would demand that I remove my servo-skulls from the table because they aren't Sanctioned Psyker models. Come to think of it, do people like that REALLY exist? :confused:

I've met plenty of people who refuse to play against non-GW models, and I've had people complain because of using GW models other than the official one. Usually it's for a converted HQ that isn't the official GW model, but sometimes my chaos conversions are frowned upon too.

12-17-2009, 07:35 AM
I like the idea!

I am toying with the same idea of only servo skulls for my Psyker Battle Squads. I like the idea of a single psyker surrounded by skull boosting his abilities.

Your painting is good. All you need to do is add ink. A diluted black or browns like chesnut will make give all your flat paint areas amazing pop. Just keep it diluted.

Model question. Do you think the SM devestator and Cadian command sprue Servo Skulls the same size as the Inquisitorial ones? I just want some cheap servo skulls and those seem to be the best.

12-17-2009, 10:18 AM
Your painting is good. All you need to do is add ink. A diluted black or browns like chesnut will make give all your flat paint areas amazing pop. Just keep it diluted.

I have been thinking more and more about doing some ink-wash work, but two things keep holding me back; I am very worried about messing up with the technique (I have seen many an otherwise good model rendered ugly by misuse of highlights and washes), and I am a little daunted by the prospect of giving my entire model collection the wash treatment (it's an odd thing of mine, if I do something for one model, then I have to give all the others equal treatment) when you have around 16,000pts in total armies, that is no small undertaking :p.

If you have any tips for beginners, I would be quite grateful

Model question. Do you think the SM devestator and Cadian command sprue Servo Skulls the same size as the Inquisitorial ones? I just want some cheap servo skulls and those seem to be the best.

I don't actually have either of those plastic servo-skull models, so I can't give you a direct comparison, but judging from pictures online of them with models I do know the scale of, I would say they are fairly close with the Dev. and Command squad skulls being slightly smaller.

At 4.90 GBP the FW skulls aren't really that expensive (they translate to a little less than $10 before shipping for a pack of 4), though FW has a minimum order value of 10GBP and a 15% shipping fee, so you would need order at least 2 packs and something else and pay another $3-4 in shipping. Net effect you most likely end up paying quite a bit less than you would for an equivalent number of psykers. On the other hand, I have seen the individual plastic Dev and Command skulls online for a lot less.

You are the second person to mention the servo-skull Psyker Battle Squad idea in this thread alone, I think it is a very cool idea, and would love to see pics of the results eventually. I am (slowly) building my Psyker Battle Squad out of all Sanctioned Psyker models, but that is because I seem to be in the minority in that I really like the models. They have this great bowed and haggard look that I think perfectly captures the feel of the burden and fear they carry, and I love the "whole is greater than the sum of its parts" psychic choir idea. I always wonder though, rules-wise can they mind fry someone and still fire their pistols :confused:, I should ask that question in rules subforum...

I am glad so many people like the idea, I think flocks of servo-skulls would be awesome, and I think that an Inquisitor with only servo-skulls and a couple of trusted aids would really give that "scary, mysterious loner" feel I want for my Inquisitor character.

12-17-2009, 10:51 AM
I've got this =][= assault cannon skull:D
pretty awsome HB servitor

12-17-2009, 12:39 PM
In a similar concept, I use Sisters Repentia as my Ministorum Priests for my Guard army. I think the kind of people who get bent out of shape by your idea, or the many millions of other cool conversion ideas out there, are the kind of people who ruin the hobby. They forget that it's about having fun, not just unflinching loyalty to the GW product line.

12-21-2009, 09:22 PM
I give you the first pair of gun-skulls:



What does everyone think?

person person
12-22-2009, 02:38 PM
Looks good. Always thought that servo-skulls are pretty Grimdark, and Inquisitors were Grimdark, so servo-skull retinue would be very GRIMDARK!!!

Also I have a few Dev. servo skulls and have seen the Cadian Command squad ones in person, they're the same size or the Cadian ones are smaller by a tiny bit but have those long wire bits. I

IDEA:if you paint those wires hanging down from the cadian skulls all glowy like, it would make a CC weapon for the skulls.

12-23-2009, 12:30 PM
Looking good!

I was thinking (scary I know) what about the servitor from the Space Hulk box? You can buy them on e-bay and you could use them to represent a sturdier servitor. It’s like a little skull on small tracks. Maybe mount a heavy weapon on it? Can't inquisitors take servitors with heavy weapons?

Can you picture three of these little tracked skull units with heavy bolters mounted on them?

12-23-2009, 04:43 PM
Your basing idea sounds neat, and I would love to see some pics.Don't have my camera ATM but you can see one of them in my overseer thread. One is a Cadian command skull with the mecha dendrites brushing against (i.e. carefully glued to) a piece of rusted tank plating, and the other is a metal Citadel servo skull with the base pole replaced by a strip of parchment (which is made from one of the stoles in the WHFB Empire wizard kit). The parchment is dragging on the ground.

I also really like the sanctioned psyker models, they really are some of my favourite GW models, but I didn't like the lack of dynamism of using multiples so I built two converted psykers plus the servo skulls and use 5 sanctioned models.

Your acolyte looks pretty cool :)

01-03-2010, 09:48 AM
I agree, servo-skulls rock, more than almost anything I think they epitomize the flavor of the Imperium. For basing I am rather unimaginative and use thin wire. There are pics over on this (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=3607&page=2) thread, but I'm not the greatest painter in the world, so don't be too disappointed. Your basing idea sounds neat, and I would love to see some pics.

There is nothing wrong with your units, I like the format and organisation that you have. As well as the use of the servoskulls already.

Carry on the excellent work with your Gun skulls idea, it will blend well with your existing selection.

Personally, I would enjoy facing these units that have had thought and dedication put into them (but baulk at the firepower that I would also be facing:eek:).