View Full Version : Because who doesnt love the T5 2+ chasis: 1850 CSM

01-15-2014, 09:39 PM
Hey guys wanted to get some thoughts on this list. Jeske probably hates it, but still.

Typhus: solid HQ, tough warlord (yeah his trait sucks but oh well)

Sorcerer, Terminator Armour, 2x additional mastery: A mastery level 3 sorcerer with 3 rolls on telepathy....because invisible terminators and puppet master riptides are hilarious.


6x Terminators, MoN, 5x Combi plasma, Heavy flamer, 6x Axes: This is my lord retinue, can deploy flexibly iin a pinch, is cheap, packs a punch in CC and murders things within 12

3x Terminators, MoN, 3x Combi plasma, 3x Axes: first termicide kill-team, have found that people don't like having MoN terminators in their backfield after they have had plasma shot into their vulnerable units.

3x Terminators, MoN, 3x Combi plasma, 3x Axes: Redundancy is a must for this kind of unit, at the best of times I hit 22 targets at the worst I hit one with 12 plasma rounds.


20x PLague Zombies

20x Plague Zombies

10x Cultists, 8x autoguns, heavy stubber

10x Cultists, 8x CCW+Pistol, Flamer

(Thoughts on scoring: While it seems initially week it operates on the understanding that in 3 of the missions scoring either doesn't matter or is boosted by my FA and HS options and in 2 of the other 3 there is a single objective each side. so killing my "scoring" isn't as easy as it first appears.)

Fast attack:



Heavy Support:
2x2 Obliterators, MoN, VotlW

2x2 Obliterators, MoN, VotlW

and thats 1840, have 10 pts but not sure where to put it.

01-16-2014, 10:33 AM
Looks fun to me but terminators Deep Striking in have to be wary of Riptides else they will die to the intercepting str 9 ap 2 blast of cheesiness.

01-16-2014, 08:24 PM
I don't hate it i like the plague zombies typhus is a good investment along with the sorcerer. i would say if possible maybe slim down to 3 troops and make one of them some plague marines? i know wound wise your going from 20 down to 5+ but on a t5 model with feel no pain i think they will last a lot longer then the cultist will that and you would have a strong unit to guard your backfield keep them on foot to save points if you like and their squad size should keep them unharmed.