View Full Version : Edar seeing the Greater Good.

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12-16-2009, 04:38 PM
Ok, so I love the Eldar as a race, but their play style doesn't really do it for me.
I've always wanted to play Tau, but I don't like the hooves and blue heads on the models.
So my idea is to make a sect of Eldar that have joined the Tau and use their gear.
I need two things:

Good looking, unhelmated head for some of the models,

And a way to replace their feet with something less goat-like.

I have considered wood elves, but the shoes just don't look right to me, plus I only need a handful of heads.
Anyone have any advice?

12-16-2009, 05:09 PM
I always liked that Tau were blue...

Anyway, you will need to use twice as many sets of legs than you would normally need if you are dead set on not having hooves. My advices is that you file the hooves and then greenstuff feet over them. It will save you some serious cash and allow you to get exactly what you are picturing in your head.

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12-16-2009, 05:15 PM
Wow. I can't BELIEVE I didn't think about greenstuff. :rolleyes:

That actually sounds perfect.
I just need some good heads now. I don't really have a problem with the blue, it's the lack of noses.
I mean, how do they smell? (Imperium: "Awful. Xenos Scum.")

12-16-2009, 06:16 PM
I just need some good heads now. I don't really have a problem with the blue, it's the lack of noses.
I mean, how do they smell? (Imperium: "Awful. Xenos Scum.")

According to Xenology very very well. Their vision by contrast is poor compared to that of humans. They most likely scent by inhaling through their mouths (hardly unprecedented in earth animals).

Personally, I'm not sure you are giving each of these races a chance by themselves. But hey, whatever floats your boat, and the project itself is certainly an interesting one.

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12-16-2009, 07:18 PM
I actually really love BOTH of the armies. It's just that I've made 4 "traditional armies" and wanted to try something unique.
I still have a lot of decisions to make, like whether they will keep some Eldar-like symbols and generally how much they will be loyal to their roots as the Craftworld people, and whether kit-bashing a Tau battle suit and a Wraithlord will look stupid or not. :confused:

I do remember that part in Xenology. I know she was killed humanely, but it still made me sad. :(

Ooh, oogh. I just realized that I misspelled Eldar. Some college student I am...

12-16-2009, 07:26 PM
I do remember that part in Xenology. I know she was killed humanely, but it still made me sad. :(

That's because it is sad, the whole book is creepy and tragic as hell (and quite well written).

Ooh, oogh. I just realized that I misspelled Eldar. Some college student I am...

No stress, everyone makes typos...