View Full Version : 2000 pts 'Nids With Loads of S9 and S10 firepower

01-15-2014, 03:59 PM

Hive Tyrant - 220
Wings, 2x Heavy Venom Cannon

Hive Tyrant - 220
Wings, 2x Heavy Venom Cannon


2 Venomthropes - 90


30 Termagants - 120

Tervigon - 220
Miasma Cannon

4 Tyranid Warriors - 145
3 Deathspitters, 1 venom cannon

Fast Attack:

Harpy - 140
Twin Linked Heavy Venom Cannon

Harpy - 140
Twin Linked Heavy Venom Cannon

Harpy - 140
Twin Linked Heavy Venom Cannon

Lord of War

Barbed Heirodule - 565

We have here a good amount of high strength firepower (12 S10 shots from the Heirodule, 7 S9 shots from the fliers, a decent amount of S6 from the warriors, and then the termies and Tervigon for anti-infantry), five fliers, and a shrouded gargantuan MC being given cover by warriors, gants, and a tervigon. Hopefully, there's enough here that needs significant firepower that the rest can soldier on fairly easily. I feel like it is either going to be absolutely brutal or fold like origami.

What say you?

01-15-2014, 04:13 PM
I would recommend giving the Hive Tyrants 2x Devourers instead of Heavy Venom Cannons. Otherwise you have no reliable way of taking down flyers. Remember that blast weapons (Heavy Venom Cannons) can't target them ;)

01-15-2014, 04:24 PM
Well, first off thank you for making me realize that I can take two of the same gun, that changes my list for the better! Thanks!

Second, against other flyers... yeah, you might have an issue. Tyrants can only Vector strike so much but with 2 of them you might get warp blast, but that's not reliable.

If you could some how sneak a Quadgun in there and let your warriors man it then that would be better. Still not a lot. Maybe swap a harpy for a cone?

Still the list looks spiffy even if its not practical! :D

01-15-2014, 05:49 PM
You aren't allowed more than one big bio-cannon, it says so in the footnote for the Stranglethorn Cannon and Heavy Venom Cannon.

Also as said above, you would probably benefit more from TL Devourers.

01-15-2014, 05:52 PM
You aren't allowed more than one big bio-cannon, it says so in the footnote for the Stranglethorn Cannon and Heavy Venom Cannon.

Also as said above, you would probably benefit more from TL Devourers.

.........Reread it again.... d'oh.

01-15-2014, 05:59 PM
Version 2: Added more anti-air, and fixed a few point errors


Hive Tyrant - 230
Wings, 2x Twin-Linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms

Hive Tyrant - 230
Wings, 2x Twin-Linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms


2 Venomthropes - 90


30 Termagants - 120

Tervigon - 220
Miasma Cannon

3 Tyranid Warriors - 110
2 Deathspitters, Venom Cannon

Fast Attack:

Harpy - 140
Twin Linked Heavy Venom Cannon

Harpy - 140
Twin Linked Heavy Venom Cannon

Crone - 155

Lord of War:

Barbed Heirodule - 565

As much as I like warriors, I'm starting to think that those points might be better spent on another big brood of gants. Three of them is kinda a joke.

01-15-2014, 06:10 PM
I would keep the three warriors. It's a relatively cheap and scoring synapse unit. Hide them if you can.

01-16-2014, 05:11 AM
Yeah, sadly we may be forced to make use of Warriors due to Instinctive Behaviour. We can use Zoanthropes instead I suppose.