View Full Version : Oh... god please don't mess up the new orks codex too...

01-15-2014, 01:49 PM
So, after I watching some reviews of the new tyranids codex and then having read it myself my heart sank. It was like a tyranid invasion where my feelings of despair and horror kept getting worse after each page I turned. Now it has to be said that the codex just came out and still has to be tested thoroughly to really give a good judgement, but you don't have to be a rocketscientist to know that removing units things from the codex (ie the doom), nerfing, limiting options as a means to balance, really isn't a good way to make an army fun to play. The tyranids really needed a boost and I think what they got is a kick in the teeth instead. In my opinion we won't be seeing much of them in the tournament setting and many a casual nids player will just sigh as they put away their spore pods and doom to collect dust on that wooden shelf of broken dreams.

I am a fervent orks player. It was the first army I played in both fantasy and 40k and I absolutely LOVE them. In 40k they currently are one of the last books to receive an update for the new edition. I was anxiously awaiting this up because they too, even though I think they can really hold their own with the current codex, could use a boost. But now I am dreading the new codex because of the complete and utter nutering of each and every tyranid's toxin sac. Oh god please do not do to the orks the same lazy and uninspired writing that you did to the nids...

What do you guys think? Will the ork codex be ruined and shunned? Will ork players cry as riptides and wraithknights high five? Or will we see GW redeem itself by delivering a inspiring, innovating codex that challenges ork players with tough decisions, worthwile units, and just a great feeling and a hearty whaaaagh! in the the throat of every greenskin?

01-15-2014, 01:55 PM
So, after I watching some reviews of the new tyranids codex and then having read it myself my heart sank. It was like a tyranid invasion where my feelings of despair and horror kept getting worse after each page I turned. Now it has to be said that the codex just came out and still has to be tested thoroughly to really give a good judgement, but you don't have to be a rocketscientist to know that removing units things from the codex (ie the doom), nerfing, limiting options as a means to balance, really isn't a good way to make an army fun to play. The tyranids really needed a boost and I think what they got is a kick in the teeth instead. In my opinion we won't be seeing much of them in the tournament setting and many a casual nids player will just sigh as they put away their spore pods and doom to collect dust on that wooden shelf of broken dreams.

I am a fervent orks player. It was the first army I played in both fantasy and 40k and I absolutely LOVE them. In 40k they currently are one of the last books to receive an update for the new edition. I was anxiously awaiting this up because they too, even though I think they can really hold their own with the current codex, could use a boost. But now I am dreading the new codex because of the complete and utter nutering of each and every tyranid's toxin sac. Oh god please do not do to the orks the same lazy and uninspired writing that you did to the nids...

What do you guys think? Will the ork codex be ruined and shunned? Will ork players cry as riptides and wraithknights high five? Or will we see GW redeem itself by delivering a inspiring, innovating codex that challenges ork players with tough decisions, worthwile units, and just a great feeling and a hearty whaaaagh! in the the throat of every greenskin?

Good luck. You'll need it.

01-15-2014, 02:38 PM
4 out of the last 5 have been very good... Orks are a random army supposedly, you now have an 80% chance to be good! ;)

01-15-2014, 02:39 PM
Maybe people can stop *****ing, play some ****ing games and shut the **** up about a book that was released five days ago. L2Play n00bs. ZOMGZ when I run in a straight linez my Nidz all diez, whyz Nidz so bad against TAU!!!AAADADKNDSKJH

01-15-2014, 02:39 PM
Can't beat down orks jus' by ruining da kodex!

Green is mean and ain't nuffin gonna change dat! Not if dey push Boyz up to ten points, not if dey disappear Wazdakka, not even if dey make em all lose an attack!


Power Klawz
01-15-2014, 02:54 PM
You can't nerf greenness son.

If anything Nids are encouraging for us toothy warbosses, they really went over it with a light touch and didn't really make any drastic changes. They added a few "necessary" (flyers) things and a few "nice" (haruspex et. al.) things, adjusted some points values and voila.

Obviously Nid fans were hoping for much more as the majority were highly displeased with their old codex, but I'd wager that most of us Ork players were rather satisfied with our last incarnation, and if all we get are some tweaks here and there we'll still be largely happy, especially if we can get some fluffy supplements to ally with.

(basically fix Flash Gits, add a few more options to the equipment list and get outta da way WAAAGH!)

01-15-2014, 03:07 PM
Can't beat down orks jus' by ruining da kodex!

Green is mean and ain't nuffin gonna change dat! Not if dey push Boyz up to ten points, not if dey disappear Wazdakka, not even if dey make em all lose an attack!


Wot dis git sed.

01-15-2014, 03:24 PM
In the end, there's no sense in worrying about the ork codex for the next 6-12 months. You'll just depress yourself. There will be plenty of time for wailing, rending clothes, and gnashing of teeth once the rumors start flowing.

01-15-2014, 03:41 PM
Well... the current Ork dex ain't bad at all (aside from some questionable units I guess).

If they were to make a new Ork book bad, I'd say they were deliberately trying to make it worse, and not trying to "fix" it, which I feel they tried to do with nids... just failed horribly. And by deliberately making it worse it would be something like... Orks cost the amount of points of a Space marine and just have all their stats halved. That's not fixing, thats sabotage, lol.

I'm however waiting on some nice (preferably video) battle reports with the new nids codex to see how it actually plays... because you know, on paper tends to be slightly different than "in practice"

01-15-2014, 03:47 PM
Tyranids aren't as bad as the 3 or 4 "Internet Celebrities" of the 40K community would have you believe, remember, there is more page views and ad revenue in slagging off a codex than saying it looks solid with lots of options for different builds, its a good, fluffy codex which will let you play some really fun games. Also ignore the tournament folks, they want to win tournaments, so they're not going to share any new tactics or exploits they see, especially ones that would counter the new army they just spent a few thousand dollars getting built and painted for them.

Orks will be good, there will be loads of fun stuff in there, they've always been a bit out there and had lots of random effects compared to the other armies, so now that random is the new hotness, they'll likely have even more, plus, no one will moan about them not having access to the book powers because they never did!

01-15-2014, 03:48 PM
In the end, there's no sense in worrying about the ork codex for the next 6-12 months. You'll just depress yourself. There will be plenty of time for wailing, rending clothes, and gnashing of teeth once the rumors start flowing.

We'll likely see rumours within the next 4 months and a release within 6

01-15-2014, 03:57 PM
Maybe people can stop *****ing, play some ****ing games and shut the **** up about a book that was released five days ago. L2Play n00bs. ZOMGZ when I run in a straight linez my Nidz all diez, whyz Nidz so bad against TAU!!!AAADADKNDSKJH

I am left speechless by this display of insightful high-brow intellectualism...

01-15-2014, 04:04 PM
I am left speechless by this display of insightful high-brow intellectualism...

Well said. There are plenty of us that aren't whining, but that doesn't mean we are going to eat a turd sandwich and call it Quiznos sub.

Power Klawz
01-15-2014, 07:14 PM
Well said. There are plenty of us that aren't whining, but that doesn't mean we are going to eat a turd sandwich and call it Quiznos sub.

I'm not understanding the analogy. Are you saying that Quiznos is good?

01-15-2014, 07:49 PM
Maybe people can stop *****ing, play some ****ing games and shut the **** up about a book that was released five days ago. L2Play n00bs. ZOMGZ when I run in a straight linez my Nidz all diez, whyz Nidz so bad against TAU!!!AAADADKNDSKJH

Ironically, this post makes me think the writer would be exactly the sort of person to react like that if their codex wasn't to their liking.

01-15-2014, 07:55 PM
Hypocrisy is a wonderful thing.

Aspire to Glory
01-15-2014, 10:53 PM
I'm fine with the current Orks, but looking forward to new models, such as plastic meganobz. I wouldn't be able to resist the call of the WAAUGH!!

I took a look at the Nidz dex and decided that if I were to make a horde army, it would be the greenskins.

01-16-2014, 02:31 PM
We'll likely see rumours within the next 4 months and a release within 6

My bad but that wasn't the point of my post. There's just no sense in worrying about it till the rumors are solid.. Truthfully, it's not even worth busting a nut over then either.

01-16-2014, 10:32 PM
Well I am just hoping that the new dex gives me options, I would love to be able to put burna boyz back in my mobz instead of rokkits or big shootas. Maybe clan rules out there some where, not saying *copy paste* chapter tactics, but something to make snakebites, and deffskullz a little different. Bringing back old characters that have been dropped is probably a bit much to ask for but here is hoping.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
01-16-2014, 10:41 PM
Yeah, I've been wondering about how clans might be handled. Maybe instead of giving an army wide special rule, it instead changes the unit which best represents the clan into Troops? i.e; Bad Moons-Flash Gitz, Deathskulls-Lootas, Evil Sunz-Bikers, Blood Axes, Kommandos, Goffs-Nobs/bring back Skarboyz?, Snakebites-Bring back Feral Orks? (no need for a new kit, just pack the fantasy kit with some round bases).

Veteran Sergeant
01-17-2014, 01:10 PM
I just kinda hope they make Orks shooty again. Less "giant mobs of super cheap models" like they became in 3rd Edition. With the refocus away from close combat in 6th Edition, it would be the right time to make proppa boyz agin with WS3, BS3 like dey supposed to be. Raise the points if they have to. Not every army needs to have 150 models in it, lol. I mean, it's called "More dakka!" not more choppa. ;) Giving Ork players a reason to play proppa orky armies again would be nice.

Would be a great time to bring back some of the goofier things about Orks from the older editions too. De-grimdarking them a little would be amazing. Da orkz wuz da comic relief in tha old dayz. Your rowdy neighbors who'd been watching a few too many late-night marathons of the Mad Max series. And if enough of their friends came over, it was gonna be a bad day.

Da Gargoyle
01-18-2014, 01:19 AM
Actually, they already messed up Orks. I left them alone after the last codex came out. That was the one that dropped Skar boys altogether, then not only priced my Flash Gitz out of the game, but gave you an alternative in Lootas, who aren't. Then we lost big horns, gobs and boss poles became a lip service to their former selves. Bikes lost psycho blastas and an AP point. We lost waaagh, mob up and saw the options for looted vehicles minimised. We saw guns lose their beloved mek boy, and Kans lose 2 WS points for 1 BS. Tank Bustas became slaves to glory hogs and Mega Nobs lost their options for bionics and thus the (questionable boon of) invulnerable saves. And the joy of don't push that!!!

By the time of the new codex I lost, Skar Boys, a Looted Demolisher Grim Daize, Flash Gitz, the capacity to repair my Kannon, the ability to have a mek boy march with my Kans, any control over my tank bustas, and the capacity to get that brutal first charge in for each mob. I used to love the way I would scream up in a trukk the size of a jeep and disgorge five mega nobs.

I have seen lads make very serviceable mobs out of the new codex but at least 50% of the force choices don't make it into the game. Usually its big mobs of normal or eavy boyz, Lootas, Burnas in trukks Big Meks with force fields, though I did play against a Shock Attack gun once.

So, especially if Kelly gets the list again, I have no doubt about his capacity to take you deeper into the mire and sideline more of your favourite force choices.

Ironically, when the codex came out so bad, the range of figures released was stellar. I still look at them and think if only. Maybe one day my mob of kilted black wotcha's will roam the table again, to the chants of "You're gonna get your ****in eds kicked in"

And no, I'm not bitter about the change, I'm bitter and twisted.

01-18-2014, 08:19 AM
Change Lord to Gork (or maybe Mork) and this song makes me thing of how Orks are divided up, yet are pretty much one and the same (Speed freaks drive Porches, Goths Benz, Flash gitz a colour TV, while all Snake Bitez want is a night on the town (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tGuJ34062s))

01-19-2014, 05:11 AM
I have both 4th and 5th edition orks codexes. I never played with the 4th edition but every time I read it it does seem like more fun. There are way more options in that one. All that bioniks, iron gobs, mix and matching your units really appeals. I am still very content with the 5th edition codex. I'm able to make fun armies that still stand up to the new codexes. The games has never been about winning for me but I still like to play competitively. I'd like to see the upcoming codex bring back some of the wacky stuff the 4th edition had and more options in wargear and upgrades. I'm not sure Phil Kelly is in charge of writing the new one, but if he is I have faith the new one is going to turn out making me happy.

01-19-2014, 07:41 AM
the sky is falling!

01-20-2014, 09:52 AM
I'm fairly certain when the ork codex is released the metric volume of nerd rage will be enough to shatter the internet.