View Full Version : Build Your Own Mini - interesting possibilities in the future.

01-15-2014, 01:02 PM
So there's this:


Right out of leftfield; note that the people on this site don't want the 40K scale models. They want the toy-sized ones. ("The detail they're getting, even on small 30mm pieces, is pretty damn good, though you can also get larger 6-inch pieces that are obviously way cooler.")

Now, this is a Kickstarter, so it may or may not succeed. But the technology's out there now. How long until it advances to the point where it could potentially threaten GW?

And might they offer a similar "Print Your Own Model" thing? Say a character designer built into their website. You load up the parts exactly as in a standard computer RPG, only instead of gaming on the computer, the piece is printed and sent to you as a bespoke piece.

How many thousands would they charge?

I don't see it happening 'officially' for a while; GW are on anything but the cutting edge, technologically speaking. Still, there's no reason it shouldn't happen in the future...

01-18-2014, 09:24 PM
Sorry I'm late to the post, but in the few days since you posted this the Kickstarter has been funded and is already at $135,000 when their goal was just $95,000.

Officially I think it will be a long time until we have real GW approved miniatures like this service, because they're only really getting into the swing of things like ebooks right now.

Although we could have usable models a lot sooner, the kickstarter page says if they aim to expand into Sci fi minitures and with the customization I'm sure we can come up with something grim darky enough.

According to this site which predicts how much money a kickstarter project will finish on, these guys stand to collect over $800,000 so if these guys don't immediately get into sci fi surly someone else will smell the money.


01-20-2014, 05:59 PM
they raised enuf to were they are now doing syfi pieces and looking at the update they will eventually do the old west