View Full Version : Dark Angels 1850, Snipers

01-15-2014, 07:43 AM
HQ- Librarian Lvl2 w/ infravisor
Librarian Lvl2
TTL: 205pts

Troops- 10 scout snipers
10 scout snipers
10 Tac marines w/ M.Gun, Combi-M, Multi-Melta in a drop pod
10 Tac Marines w/ M.Gun, Combi-M, Missile Launcher in drop pod
10 Tac Marines w/ Flamer, Combi-F, Heavy Bolter in drop pod
TTL: 855pts
Fast- Nephilim w/ Avenger
Nephilim w/ twin linked Lascannon
TTL: 360pts

Heavy- Devastator squad w/ 3 Lascannons and P. Cannon +3 Marines
Whirlwind w/ HK missile
TTL: 327

Aegis Defense Line with Quad gun 100pts

Comes to 1847pts

First game played won Big Guns Never Tire against Eldar. By 5th turn he had 3 bikes and a squad of guardians remaining. I don't know if the game went really well for me or if this is actually a decent DA list, I hope the latter :D

01-15-2014, 09:08 AM
The list doesn't look half bad at all, (You play a far different style than myself, I footslog, although I'm beginning to realize that may be to my detriment...) I like the amount of troops you've got and they're equipped reasonably well. I assume the Scouts and Devastators hang back at the Aegis Line and pop stuff which is good and I'm always a proponent of the Whirlwind. I've not used the Nephilim yet, how does it stack up?

Personally, I think it's a solid list. If I were to change anything I'd maybe drop a Whirlwind for a DakkaPred and maybe 1 Scout Squad for something else, but that's about it.

01-16-2014, 01:59 PM
Nephilims are rarely ever making their points back, but so many times they've made a blow in just pinning a detrimental squad or cleaned up a would be line breaker. They've done things for me that are worth more than points.

Scouts ensure if there's high T models, they were somewhat useless. If I was against wraith knights or something I'd likely prescience them to snipe the crap out of it.

I've ran dakka preds and they've utterly failed me. The ignores cover blast from WW is the main part. Blasting guardians or guardsman out of cover is incredible. Typically I leave 1 in reserve and hope to pop a transport 1st turn, between 2 melta pods and lascannons pretty likely. The WW on board has a juicy 3" tight group of models :) and so on.

I am thinking about shifting A scout squad or 5 guys out. Not sure what.

01-16-2014, 11:09 PM
You'd get more out of this list if it were from the standard SM codex. This kind of vanilla list doesn't play to the strengths of the Dark Angels, as has already been said by some above, the Nephilim fighters are not the most sterling of flier choices. Let's not forget that you're also missing out on Chapter Tactics (which as far as I know the Dark Angels don't have).

That said, if it works for you then it works for you. No need for any extreme changes. But, since you ask in a public forum, I'll just reiterate that this list would be stronger coming from the standard SM codex than from the DA codex.

01-16-2014, 11:32 PM
Can't speak for the OP but I play Dark Angels out of a love for them, their background and partially because I like a challenge. I feel treacherous whenever go for anything other than them. I plan on building up a Howling Griffons force to cover off the bases I am missing.

(Also Necrons because I want to field 3 C'Tan Shards in one army.)