View Full Version : Tyranid 1850pts Flyer list.

Dave Caruana
01-14-2014, 08:36 AM
After my 1st list, I started thinking about tau, eldar, taudar and came up with thisopinions would be appreciated as im playing a taudar player soon!!

X2TL Devourers, regen, t.sacs.

X2TL Devourers, regen.

x3 Warriors-90pts

X3 Warriors-90pts

X20 Termagants-80pts

X20 Termagants

Fast Attack




Heavy Support




Total: 1845pts.

Warriors babysit gaunts and go for objectives, while the crones vector strike riptides, wraithknights, wave serpants (even tho id use the tentaclids for anything with an armour value and having 12 of those babies, I hope im covered enough), exocrines fire pieplates on broadsides or hopefully seriously hurt riptides with 6 bs3/4 s7 shots shud wound with 3/4 per exocrine and with ap 2 should be good (though cover is still a problem:/) and the flyrants im hoping when he sees theyre my toughest synapse creatures with regen on a 4+ hell emphasize on them while the exocrines and crones do their job.

What do you think? Enough synapse? Overkill on exocrines, maybe im over impressed by them?? Three crones for anti air anti tank is too much??

01-14-2014, 10:59 AM
You do have enough Synapse. I think that 2 is going to be the sweet spot for Hive Crones, as 3 of the buggers will clutter the table very quickly. I would rather see a Harpy instead of the third Crone, giving you some S9 firepower (if you insist on taking 3 FA flyers). 3 Exocrines does seem a little overkill. Have you considered taking some Hive Guard? Removing one Crone and one Exocrine will get you 3 units of 2. That would boost your ground firepower quite a bit.

Dave Caruana
01-14-2014, 12:10 PM
Played a game vs CSM with deamon allies with 2 crones and 2 dakka flyrants this weekend, I thought 2 would be enough but kairos...he is a pain in the ***....my meta every1 uses flyers 1 guy has IG with CSM thats 2 helldrakes a deamon prince and 2 vendettas :/ thats why im gna thinoing about getting 3 in the list. As with the exocrine for a unit of guard, hmm sounds good, with the shock cannon or impaler cannon? Cos since ill have 3 crones, thats 6 tentaclids per turn that cud be fired on tanks too and with farther range, was womdering about finding space fkr zoanthropes or a lictor brood to coincide with the FMCs arrival in the enemies deployment zone :/