View Full Version : Know your Bs—Bug Bunker Basics

01-13-2014, 05:26 PM
Here's an idea:

Hive Guard w/Impaler Cannon in a 'Bunker'!
no need of line of sight, just use the bunker slits!

Spore Chimney:
Venomnthrope in a Bunker that has the Comm Link. Make that 6" Shrouded radius as large as possible!

Exocrine + Quad Cannon: BS4 Goodness. Get to fire plasma as well!

01-13-2014, 05:33 PM
Old army in new codex? Judging by the codex points reduction, you might have enough points for a "Fortress of Redemption". You can put all sorts of bugs in there.
Don't for get the Venomthrope!

01-13-2014, 05:36 PM
Addition to the Spore Chimney! Put Biovores in the Ramparts! Then it truely spews spores!