View Full Version : Paint before assembly?

Bunny of Doom
01-13-2014, 02:41 PM
I have noticed of late, many folks painting their miniatures before assembly? I have considered doing this in the past but always wondered how to tackle the assembly when painting was complete. Could anyone help me out here. I know the answer is right under my nose and I am not new to the hobby. I would like to know how those of you who do it are going about it.

Once again, a big thank you to all who keep answering my questions and to those of you on BoLS, this community is great.

01-13-2014, 02:45 PM
There is some discussion here that may be helpful:

Bunny of Doom
01-13-2014, 03:31 PM
Thank you Wolfshade, that answered pretty much all I wanted to know.

01-13-2014, 05:04 PM
I've been painting heads, backpacks, and weapons separately for a while now. It's great (especially the weapon) because it really opens up the model for paining.

Things to remember:
- Plastic Cement will cut through paint, so you can glue paint to paint.
- Super Glue will not. So, no paint to paint.
- Plastic Cement might leave a residue.
- Super Glue WILL leave a residue.

01-13-2014, 06:06 PM
I to have been using sub assemblies for a while, mostly for times when arms or weapons cross a figures chest or other parts of the body. I assembled deathwing termies this weekend, fully building all but the heavy weapon terminator and the sergeant because some parts will still be seen but it will be hard to get a brush there.

Also I find that plastic cement doesnt cut through paint at all. I have had minis where I spray painted the sprue and cut, assembled and painted the mini and had parts fall off it later during play or storage. Though it may be that primmer not the glue.

Patrick Boyle
01-13-2014, 07:08 PM
I've been painting heads, backpacks, and weapons separately for a while now. It's great (especially the weapon) because it really opens up the model for paining.

Things to remember:
- Plastic Cement will cut through paint, so you can glue paint to paint.
- Super Glue will not. So, no paint to paint.
- Plastic Cement might leave a residue.
- Super Glue WILL leave a residue.

Which is why when I'm not being lazy about it I mask off the connector areas before priming on the bits I'm leaving separate. That or I'll very carefully take a file to those areas when assembly time comes. I usually do my marines with just the legs, torso and head in place; Backpack, weapon, arms and shoulder pads all separate pieces. Arms will be attached to the torso if they're not going to get in the way of reaching any spots on the body.

01-14-2014, 04:42 PM
SOmetimes if you accidentaly paint over a contact point I have had luck in the past where I have just talen a knife or file and scraped it away. But I never really painted in a piece by piece fashion that often... I'm more of a paint-after-fully assembled type of guy lol.