View Full Version : Broodlord Attack! Customizing Single Pose Models

Brass Scorpion
01-13-2014, 01:55 PM
My latest hobby article for Spikey Bits is about adding variety to single pose models featuring Broodlords.


01-13-2014, 03:26 PM
I'm also going to use several of this model as Broodlords as I also think it's a gorgeous model, but I really want to change the pose a bit. Changing the hands to talons is an interesting concept, though I would want to do it for all or none.

One idea that I think should work very well is to change the head positioning... a cut at the neck should be easy to hide or fix with putty, and having one BL look forward, one to the right, and one to the left, should give a major separation between the models with a relatively minor change.

Another possibility is to see how the arms can be dug out of their shoulder joint to have their angles changed slightly. The hunched over posture for all of them would be fine as a distinctive style of walk, but to have that work out they would need some minor changes so that it would look as if they are all walking together, with a similar gait, but are caught looking in different directions and with the arms at different positions.

A combination of everything might be to use the base to lean one of them to a side and turn its head to a side, further accentuating what would be just a minor difference physically.