View Full Version : 1850 Nids TAC

01-12-2014, 04:49 PM
Figured I'd give the new book a shot and build a list using only what I have available. I'm thinking this could work decently well.

reaper oblit
adrenal glands
Prehensile pincer

3x tyrant guard
toxin sacs
adrenal glands
sword and whip x3

scy tals
sword and whip
flesh hooks
toxin sacs
adrenal glands

3 warriors
venom cannon

3 warriors
venom cannon

30x termagaunts 120

30x hormagaunts 150

3x zoanthropes 150

3x biovores 120

3x Carnifexes
3x hv venom cann


Tyrant flies and kills stuff. Prime goes with tyrant guard as a nice tough melee unit. Fexes charge up killing heavy armor at range and in CC. Warriors are for back field objectives and light vehicle killing. Everything else is pretty self explanatory. Any thoughts?

01-12-2014, 05:50 PM
Is there any reason you chose shreddershard beetles for the thorax swarm? Also, the reaper of obliterax is not worth it, you'd be better off taking a lashwhip and bonesword and using the extra points to give him regeneration or toxin sacs or spend them elsewhere.

01-12-2014, 06:11 PM
Not even, your better off taking a LWBS, Toxin sacs AND adrenal glands, you can get all 3 of those for the price of just the reaper, and replicate the effect of the reaper, with added benefits like poison and fleet

01-13-2014, 05:39 PM
For some reason that I can't think of right now, I was thinking there was a benefit to the Reaper. I was wrong. Beside that error, any other thoughts?

01-13-2014, 05:56 PM
Also, the shreddershard beetles are because a S3 shredding rending template for 10 pts sounds like a good deal to me.

01-13-2014, 09:06 PM
For some reason that I can't think of right now, I was thinking there was a benefit to the Reaper. I was wrong. Beside that error, any other thoughts?

Not entirely true.
Reaper is +1 S.
Adrenal is +1 S that means you are Str 8 on the charge. A lot of things are just plain dead from that.
So, not completely without merit.

01-14-2014, 06:24 AM
Not entirely true.
Reaper is +1 S.
Adrenal is +1 S that means you are Str 8 on the charge. A lot of things are just plain dead from that.
So, not completely without merit.

Definitely something to consider, but I think Fleet+Poison if probably more useful. You can always Smash if you really need to. Not as kill as the Reaper vs multiple T4 multi-wound models, but the coverage of Fleet+Poison and having Smash on the side is better I feel.

Personally I wouldn't bother with Lash&Sword unless you regularly fight against I5-7 Instant Death such as Chaos Lords with Murder Swords, Nemesis Force Halberds and such. It'll be a godsend vs Grey Knights.

As a separate point, you could have a cheap Hive Tyrant for the cost of that Tyranid Prime. I really don't understand why they increased in points so much, they were fairly mediocre before, now they're horrendously overpriced.