View Full Version : High Elves

Craig Lamb
01-12-2014, 08:37 AM
I thought I would share the beginnings of my High Elves.


01-12-2014, 10:31 PM
I like the colorscheme...

It's a nice change from the mostly silvers, blue and white I usually see :)

Show us more :D

Craig Lamb
01-13-2014, 03:16 AM

I am part way through griffin so that should be up soon, but run out of my undercoat spray so waiting for that to finish prepping the rest. Will be up soon though.

01-13-2014, 05:09 PM
Looks great! Do you mind sharing the colors you used?

Craig Lamb
01-14-2014, 06:56 AM
So here is an update;

Rest of the sword masters and sea guard are now under coated,


1 Mage part done next to finish,


Closely followed by my griffin,


Can't forget the reaves as well, have to redo this one as not happy with the results so far, not base coated the others yet either,


Slow progress but getting there.

The colours used are;
Base colours - Armour leadbelcher, robes ulthuan grey, shoulders mephiston red, helmet plumage averland sunset, golds Balthasar gold
Washes - nuin oil, carroburg crimson, casandora yellow
Layers - Uriel yellow, flash gitz yellow, wildrider red, troll slayer orange, gehmennas gold, auric armour gold, altdorf guard blue

Sure there are a few more but can't remember sorry.

01-27-2014, 09:16 AM
It's a nice change from the mostly silvers, blue and white I usually see :)

I definitely agree with this. The change of color from what you "normally" see is quite refreshing and quickly drew my eye to the models you showed us.

How are you finding working the griffon in two pieces? I found I needed to greenstuff to fill games in the underbelly so never considered painting the two pieces seperately.

Craig Lamb
01-27-2014, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the comments.

It is force of habit now painting in bits, not sure how it will be when putting it together mind. May have a change of mind, too late now though.

Craig Lamb
02-03-2014, 07:34 AM
Ok so here is the latest addition;

http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb239/lambykins1/image_zpsf7009df5.jpg (http://s211.photobucket.com/user/lambykins1/media/image_zpsf7009df5.jpg.html)

This will take some time as I have several other bits going on at present and an upcoming business trip which means no painting e rest of the week.