View Full Version : I'm gonna Headbutt you! Crone Spawning!

KrewL RaiN
01-12-2014, 02:51 AM
All of a sudden I have a clear picture of what I want my Crony to be. Seems like my creative juices are on overdrive again and my desk is flooded with projects lol!

Anyhow here is what its looking like so far.


The thought processes:

That axe bladed T-Fex head I felt would be perfect for headbutting flyers lol. I also wanted to overhaul the Drool Cannon. No silly lollygagging tongue and external sac things. Such an acid system would be safer internally.

In place of the sacs are scything talons from the Trigon kit. Those talons combined with the nasty tail spike would give the beast a nasty grip on flying foes! TRIPOD STABBYS!

MORE SPIKES! Adding some Carnifex thornback spikes to complement the chest spines makes it look 100% more deadly!

Nestled between the chest spikes are the Cluster Spine banks. I need to re-sculpt the rib structure around the banks.

I narrowed the maw a bit. A flying creature doesn't need a huge chomp like a Trigon, especially when your loaded in nasty stabby bits!

I am using the spore mine sphincters over the giant butt spike. I figured this beast would give birth to the Tentaclids, but at a slower pace then the Spore Mine pooping Harpy. This will fit the only 4 a game thing, these guys have a longer gestation period! The sphincters do have a mini butt spike though... gogo butt spikes of any size!

I really want to cut off the scything talons on the wings... but I am scared I am going to damage said wings... I am hoping an idea will pop into my head. I am open to opinions too!

01-12-2014, 05:02 AM
As every the conversion community rocks :D

Pauly Addams
01-12-2014, 08:05 AM
Very slick green-stuffing, looks good so far :)

More pics, more paint!

KrewL RaiN
01-12-2014, 11:29 PM
Well, who would of thought some booze would break my cowardliness to modify the wings lol... I carefully/brutally/magically cut away the scything talon bit away in 3 sections. I have plenty of Mawloc spines laying around, so the finger was easily done. I just have to sculpt in the gaps. The Flyrant and Gargoyle are there for wing design references and they want to know how their new flying buddy is coming along lol.


And here is a wing compassion between the Tyrant and Harpy/Crone wings. The Tyrants is a little larger when it comes to wing span, but the Harpy/Crone's are wider.


The Gargoyle stares in amazement and wishes it were that big...

01-13-2014, 03:33 AM
Love it!

Look forward to seeing it all done