View Full Version : Tyranid Crone vs Flying Vehciles

01-11-2014, 02:28 PM
Hello all!

I'm getting back into Warhammer with the new Tyranid codex and not super familiar with the 6th edition rules. I was looking through the book and noticed that the Crone doesn't have skyfire, nor do his anti-aircraft one shot weapons (Tentaclids). The Tentaclids do however have a special rule stating they can reroll hits against flyers/FMCs. So my question would be does this mean that the crone can fire 2 tentaclids a turn that only hit on 6s with a reroll or am I missing some special rule somewhere about air vs air combat?

Any insight on this would be appreciated.

01-11-2014, 02:47 PM
You're missing something! Flying Monstrous creatures, when swooping, can choose to use the Skyfire special rule. So can Flyers, for the record.

01-11-2014, 02:53 PM
All flying monstrous creatures in swoop mode can choose to have the skyfire rule for their shots, so the hit table for the crone's Tentaclids would be based off the ballistic skill of the crone.

01-11-2014, 03:22 PM
Awesome! Thanks for the information on this, it just didn't seem to add up.

I am having problems finding this rule in the book though, could you give a page/paragraph please?

01-11-2014, 03:43 PM
They forgot to mention it in the rulebook proper, but it's in the FAQ:

Q: Flyers are entitled to choose whether or not to use the Skyfire special rule at the start of each Shooting phase. Can Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures also do this? (p49)
A: Yes.

01-11-2014, 03:58 PM
Ah, gotcha. I guess I don't feel so silly not finding it in the BRB then. Thanks for the info!