View Full Version : What is the correct placing of shoulder pad iconography?

01-08-2014, 06:02 PM
As the title suggests, I am working on Black legion, the GW retail page shows csm with the chaos symbol on the left shoulder pad (left pad looking at him).While the Black legion codex shows it reversed.which is correct?

Please specify if you are looking at the model or first person perspective.

Edit: now that I think about it , the chosen came with the chaos symbol on the right like the BL supp suggests.

This Dave
01-08-2014, 06:51 PM
Considering they're Chaos they don't really have uniform codes. So you can place them on whichever side you want.

01-08-2014, 08:08 PM
I play Black Legion and usually place them on the right side of the model (if you're looking at it). But like Dave said, they're chaos and they don't really have any guidelines for iconography placement. Just do what feels right.

01-08-2014, 08:12 PM
next to the second head above the 3rd tentacle....it is chaos after all

01-08-2014, 08:20 PM
it has changed over the real years and issues. If you research back to rogue trader days it goes back and forth.

The base idea is when a space marine shoots they brace with their left shoulder facing the target, which in general you put your symbol there so they know who is killing them, but then came the armor with bolts for extra protection that went on the left, so the symbol moved to the right. Then they used more symbols (tactical, assault, heavy) so then chapter went to left, force org right. Then came along terminators that have crux terminus on the left, so there chapter symbol goes right. Then you get Hersey terminators with neither.

So it really is up to you,
some suggestions:
If you use the plated shoulder it goes left with chapter right.
I you use the force org it goes right with chapter left.
If you use marked troops you may want to but mark on right chapter on left.
Originaly Huron used two chapter symbol the original marked out and hurons new one someplace....
Then there is death watch, librarians, and others,

use a dice man use a dice....

01-09-2014, 05:16 AM
As mentioned before, it depends on Chapter, how closely they adhere to codex, and mark of armour - the Lexicanum pictures show the chapter badge switching from left to right for Mk V & VI, then back for Mk VII and VIII. However traitor/chaos marines seem to be less choosy - especially were a goodly proportion have their armour fuse with their bodies.

I would say knock your self out, or if you want a more uniform effect, follow the 1-4 Left, 5-6 Right, 7-8 Left according to what they wear.

01-09-2014, 05:27 PM
Awesome , thanks for all the quick replies!