View Full Version : Eric here.....moving back to the Austin area!

12-15-2009, 03:43 PM
I have been around the Lounge for a while now, but thought that I would toss this out here to see what the current gaming status is around Austin and Dlair/BFG.

I am in the army, and am getting out in around 18 months. I am right about to leave Iraq for the last time, and will be home in mid January. So I will have 19 good months of Austin gaming before I take off for Houston and school (as a 29yo Freshmen...yeesh).

I lived in Round Rock a few years ago, but was on a sort of hiatus, so I really didnt get any gaming in. Shame as my wife used to work right next to Dragon (in the Dive shop down the row as a swim instructor). And I have been past BFG everytime we go to Alamo.

But anyway, hiatus is over. I am back in the swing of things and am looking to roll dice. I am more of a casual player, but I love to play and have been to GTs and many RTTs. I do not field unpainted models, and I have won best painted at tourneys. Painting is pretty important to me.

I know a couple of regulars to BFG, have chatted with Goatboy (I read his webcomics all the time years ago when I lived in Maine, kinda funny to run into him again after all that time and half a country away) and Aaron (grey_death).

I have...

9k of Black Templar which I have played since 1999.
Orks - In work, want to have the army done by June for BoLSCon
Pre-Heresy true scale "Something" - Working on sculpting to cast my own heresy armor, then I will build either Word Bearers or Iron Warriors, haven't decided yet really.But you can follow my sculpting on my blog for the interested.

Dwarves - Also for BoLSCon, they are in work. Will be 2250 to start, and then expanded from there.
Chaos Nurgle Mortals - Around 1k.
Empire - Around 1k

Bloodbowl - Humans, and two Chaos Teams (want to do up a Dwarven Team)
Mordheim - Aldorfers, Chaos Marauders, and Carnival of Chaos (Nurgle)


Protectorate of Menoth - Models are waiting for me to get home, I am finally taking the plunge after hemming and hawing over it for the last 4 or so years. They will be painted pretty quick, to hit the tables ASAP.

Skorne for Hordes - This spring I am going to knock out some Beasts! Love those Cyclops models.

Plus I have Space Hulk, and a ton of the Zombies sets and Munchkin. I love to roll dice on board games too.

So anyway, a "regular" gamer is coming into the area in about 30 days! Can't wait to get in there!

I know that BFG has a really awesome tournament scene and I would like to jump into the waters and swim with the sharks, so to speak!

Anyway, look forward to meeting the Austin crowd and rolling some dice with you all!


12-20-2009, 10:10 AM
First from one vet to another let me say thank you. ~

I see we have a few things in common, our name and taste in our major army!! The Black Templars

I have BT and love them so it’s nice to see another fellow crusader on the boards!
