View Full Version : 1850 Guard list

01-05-2014, 03:29 PM
This is my list I will bring to the next local tourney so far. I might add sisters and Inquisition to it at a later date. Since I don't have the legal versions of either codex yet I will stick to guard. Please give me some feed back since I haven't played competitively with guard in awhile.

If I do go sisters than I will add an Exorcist and 1-2 sister squads with flamers and take two Immolaters. If I do that I would probably drop the plasma vets or drop the 2 Chimeria's with 2 ssw teams with flamers. I have to figure out how I want my Cannoness geared out

With inquisition I probably get an Inquisitors for divination, mainly so I can run my Inquisitors Loki model. Also gives me an excuse to run skulls.

I want to keep my two main tanks and my 4 armoured sentinels. I figure with this army I should burn the he'll out of hordes or plasma/ melta any elite armies to death.
1850 Imperial Guard

145 Company Comand Squad: 4 melta/ Chimera
170 Veterans x 10: Chimera, 3 plasma
170 Grenadier Veteran Demolitions: Heavy Flamer, melta x 2
125 infantry platoon: chimera, melta x 4
125 squad x 10: chimera, lascannon
125 squad x 10: chimera, lascannon
70 special teams x 6: 3 x flamer
70 special teams x 6: 3 x flamer

230 Leman Russ Executioner: plasma cannonsx 2
195 Demolisher: Multi x 2

130 Vendetta
150 Armoured Sentinel x 2 plasma cannon
150 Armoured Sentinel x 2: plasma cannon

01-06-2014, 09:26 PM
If you're going mechanized, then drop the platoon and add more veterans. If you're taking sentinels, then don't take plasma cannons; they have too few hull points to risk giving them a weapon that could destroy them.

01-06-2014, 09:48 PM
The sentinel s are front armour 12, they usually do well since I keep them back enough to avoid side shots.

I don't really like taking a bounce of veterans. Also I like a few squads already on objectives that can score, while the armoured portion move up if possible. .

01-07-2014, 01:05 PM
The sentinel s are front armour 12, they usually do well since I keep them back enough to avoid side shots.

I don't really like taking a bounce of veterans. Also I like a few squads already on objectives that can score, while the armoured portion move up if possible. .


The front armor of an armored sentinel means nothing if its own weapon is capable of killing it. The plasma cannon's Get's Hot! roll can kill it faster than your enemy can. Also, 36" isn't good enough range for keeping a Sentinel from getting shot in the side.

I'm guessing you mean "bunch of veterans." Veterans are better options unless you are taking a horde of infantry. Since you are going mechanized with a lot of troop transports, then Veterans are the way to go. They are Troops and can score points by claiming objectives. I'm not sure where this dislike of Veterans is coming from...every IG player I know loves them.

This Dave
01-07-2014, 01:17 PM
My only real problem with Veterans is that they're more expensive than yet still die in a stiff breeze like regular Guard infantry, which makes them not so good for holding objectives unless they're in heavy cover. They are the best choice for a mech list though as you don't need as many of them.

01-07-2014, 02:28 PM
My only real problem with Veterans is that they're more expensive than yet still die in a stiff breeze like regular Guard infantry, which makes them not so good for holding objectives unless they're in heavy cover. They are the best choice for a mech list though as you don't need as many of them.

They're 30 points more expensive because of the fact that they have a higher ballistic skill and more wargear. They also have a ton of more options, like the ability to take three special weapons in a single unit. Not to mention that they can take all three of the Combat Doctrines they have listed at the same time. Veterans are pretty much what Stormtroopers *should* have been but were not.

01-07-2014, 03:29 PM
I always use both. I use my platoon guardsmen as a static force and my veterans as my advanced force. My special weapon teams hoping in the platoon guardsmen Chimeria's have worked really well. It allows me to have a dirt cheap squad with 3 weapons in my Chimeria's.

Gosh darn it. I keep forgetting about 6th and vehicle plasma weapons. That means my 5 plasma death tank can kill itself rather quickly, no wonder why I haven't seen them used. I completely forgot. Guess I will drop the sentinels and plasma tank.

However I will field my baneblade now. I will have to rethink on which Russ to use now. I might go buy a Medussa or two now.