View Full Version : Demonic Defiler Project - Assembly complete

01-05-2014, 03:11 PM
It's like the Devin Townsend Project, only less metal!
(Nothing is as metal as Devy... even a part spider, part machine warp daemon)

So a few weeks ago i posted some work in progress shots of this bad boy - my first ever conversion project - and now the construction side is done! :D

I'm absolutely stoked with it - and as a bonus i entered it into my local GW's conversion comp - and bloody won?!?!

Now just to work out what colour to paint him.. i was thinking possibly purple??

Anyway, how to make this thing is actually a lot more simple than it looks, even if it is time consuming as all hell. It's basically the back end of the arachnarok kit with the soul crusher at the front. To get the two pieces to fit together you'll need to do a bit of cutting on the Arachnarok piece, then use a butt load of greenstuff to stick the together and start building a shape for the underside of the body.

All the soul grinder legs need to have the ball-ends cut off, as well as cutting them in half at the joints. Once it's cut then glued together you'll need to stuff the legs with green stuff so we can pin them to the body and pin the joints in their new positions - the way the legs are positioned out of the box don't work for this conversion.
Before you attach the legs, you'll need to carve the crap out of the original leg mounts on the arachnarok until they are nice and flat. Then it's just a case of working out how you want the legs to sit, trim to fit, glue, then fill gaps with green stuff.

The gun was made with some paper straw covered in liquid green stuff, with regular green stuff covering it, shaped into a wicked and natural looking gun which will be your battle cannon.

The head for the Aracknarok was glued directly onto the powerclaw for a menacing finish to the defiler.

Lastly, the marine in the claw is a combination of veteran bits and the outstretched arm from the Dark Vengeance Librarian.

I hope you all like the final product :)

01-05-2014, 03:12 PM

01-05-2014, 05:12 PM
You might consider replacing the claw tips of the defiler feet with the ends of the spider legs to further reinforce the mecha-organic look of the model. Cool conversion though.

01-05-2014, 05:47 PM
Hi trianglebob, thanks for the feedback.
I did actually consider either using the spider legs, or blending the two together when I first started planning. In the end I went with the soulgtinder legs as while they are fully mechanical, they still have bits of muscle on them, which I am also going to add to before I start painting. In the end I felt the fully mechanical legs enhanced the whole idea of the daemon side growing over the existing structure, taking it over. :)