View Full Version : (1500) Imperial Guard Army List (Semi-Rookie :) )

01-04-2014, 06:34 PM
Hey guy's so this is my attempt at an army list for some casual play with friends and also some games at a local store with randoms they are requesting 1500 points.

I'm making this thread for hopefully some feedback but also any corrections I need to make etc (Never used allies before and stuff, but will attempt to include atleast one other unit :)

The idea behind my army is 2x vanquisher cannons + melta bombs in all my troop choices to eliminate any tanks/vehicles from the people I play against, and then plenty of anti infantry through mortars and many many heavy flamers, I find heavy flamers extremely cost efficient and once the vanquishers deal with enemy tanks they can still be extremely strong vs infantry with the heavy flamers.

Total pts - 1505

HQ Command Squad - 65 - Regimental Flag

Troops: 720

1st Platoon - 270 pts
Platoon Command Squad - 30pts
10x Guardsman - 85 pts - Lead by a Commissar
10x Guardsman - 55 pts - Sergant with melta bomb
10x Guardsman - 50 pts
10x Guardsman - 50 pts

2nd Platoon - 270 pts
Platoon Command Squad - 30pts
10x Guardsman - 85 pts - Lead by a Commissar
10x Guardsman - 55 pts - Sergant with melta bomb
10x Guardsman - 50 pts
10x Guardsman - 50 pts -

Ally - 5x Necron Immortals - 85

Dedicated Transport: 55 pts total
Chimera - 55 pts - 2x Heavy Flamer

Fast Attack: 190 pts total
Armored Sentinel - 70 pts - Auto Cannon
Hellhound - 130 pts -
Ally - 3x Necron Wraiths - 135 - Whip coils on all

Heavy Support: 435 pts total
Basilisk - 125
2x Leman Russ Vanquishers - 310 pts

01-05-2014, 12:35 PM
First of all, Saint Celestine is not an HQ choice for the Imperial Guard. So...yeah, that needs to be fixed. If you're taking an Allied Detachment of Sisters of Battle/Adeptus Sororitas, then feel free to include her, but otherwise you should be hosting a Company Command Squad up there under the HQ section.

Secondly, you need to re-read the Troop Section of your codex. To take an Infantry Platoon requires you to take a Platoon Command Squad (5 models) and at least 2 out of 5 possible Infantry Squads. So your troop section should look something like this:


1st Platoon
Platoon Command Squad - 30pts
10x Guardsman - 85 pts - Lead by a Commissar
10x Guardsman - 85 pts - Lead by a Commissar
10x Guardsman - 55 pts - Sergant melta bomb (Will join a squad above to make 20 total unit squads)
10x Guardsman - 55 pts - Sergant melta bomb (Will join a squad above to make 20 total unit squads)

2nd Platoon
Platoon Command Squad - 30pts
10x Guardsman - 85 pts - Lead by a Commissar
10x Guardsman - 85 pts - Lead by a Commissar
10x Guardsman - 55 pts - Sergant melta bomb (Will join a squad above to make 20 total unit squads)
10x Guardsman - 55 pts - Sergant melta bomb (Will join a squad above to make 20 total unit squads)


Now that isn't a bad set-up. gives you four troop units that are big, take a lot of damage, and are stubborn thanks to the Commissars. If you give them special weapons at all, only ever give regular infantry squads flamers and grenade launchers. Anything else is a waste of points because their ballistic skill is too low. Far better to take a Squad of Veterans for special weapons and heavy weapons.

Heavy Weapon squads are awesome. However, I'd give them either autocannons or missile launchers. Get more bang for your buck.

Thirdly, drop the Armored Sentinel with the heavy flamer. He won't survive long enough to get close enough to use it and those points can be better used elsewhere. If you do take a AS, then arm him with a missile launcher or standard mutli-laser. Gives him some range to stay away from.

Fourthly, the Hellhound is a unique and interesting Fast Attack choice, but again, has to be very close to use its weapons. For the same point costs it would be better to take a Vendetta Gunship, which will give your army some badly needed anti-air support.

Last, the heavy support section looks good, but I wouldn't replace the heavy bolters with flamers. Again, you want to keep as much range between you and your opponent. You're Imperial Guard and its at long range that you excel.

01-05-2014, 01:21 PM
Ok so like I said i'm kinda new to allied rules, so if I want to include Saint Celestine I need to have 2 troops of sisters of battle or?

And thanks for all the feedback! Will make those modifications :D

This Dave
01-05-2014, 02:11 PM
I agree with Katharon about the Heavy Flamers on the heavy support tanks. They are too slow to chase infantry to get many shots off (if any) and usually by the time infantry get close enough they'll charge and destroy the tanks anyways. With their longer range the Heavy Bolters can usually start shooting on turn one, especially on the Vanquishers since they can always fire all their weapons.

You do seem light on air defense as well, though depending on who you play that may not be a problem. I might swap one or two of the Heavy Weapon squads Mortars for Autocannons. They can engage infantry and light vehicles and can destroy any flying thing. And against Flyers they don't lose any effectiveness going to ground if the Flyer attacks them first.

And Katharon is right, you do need a Company Command squad. If you want to have Saint Ceelestine you can take her as an ally but you'll also need to take a Troops choice from the Sororitas codex.

01-05-2014, 02:23 PM
When you guys say, I need a company command squad, is that as in, its really good so never not have one? Or like i literally must have one?

This Dave
01-05-2014, 02:55 PM
When you guys say, I need a company command squad, is that as in, its really good so never not have one? Or like i literally must have one?

Guard doesn't have many HQ choices and the Company Command squad is definitely the best option. The orders the commander can give really help out the otherwise weak Guard infantry. And you can tailor it to be either very shooty or decently assaulty depending on your preference.

01-05-2014, 03:22 PM
Are vox casters like a no matter what for each unit of guards + hq?

This Dave
01-05-2014, 03:36 PM
Are vox casters like a no matter what for each unit of guards + hq?

If you have the points to spare they can be useful but they're not a must take in my opinion. I usually find more use buying more guns for my Guard armies.

01-05-2014, 05:43 PM
Guard have 3 troops

10 penal
10 vets
minimum Cpc Squad and 2 platoon troops.

If you are running a platoon you must take the command squad that goes with it.

Why all the commissars I can see taking one and merging the squads, but a commissars as a sergeant for each squad ???.

If you want melta bombs it is better to run vets with demolitions

Oh to run Saint Celestine you have to run a minimum of 1 sister troop. However if you are running sisters I don't see why you wouldn't run an Exorcist.

01-05-2014, 06:58 PM
Question for everyone, Veterans.. are those just guardsman but you say they are a veteran squad? im assuming same with conscripts?

01-05-2014, 09:08 PM
You have a choice of veterans which have better gear and bs.

Than you have regular guardsmen which are in platoon s

Than you have conscripts which are you cheap ducky guardsmen.

01-06-2014, 09:21 PM
Before you go looking for a list, read your codex. Read it. Read it again and again until you can quote it from memory.

01-07-2014, 02:59 AM
Added some allies :) Took out a few units, like the heavy weapons

01-07-2014, 07:39 AM
You need a Necron HQ to do that. What is the point of running 5 necrons. Anyway the platoon list makes more sense. However I think you need to read the main book, and codex and take away the semi off the title. Anyway how old are you. I'm just curious.

01-07-2014, 12:30 PM
22, but im learning this game kinda still, the reason i posted this here was to get some feedback on what i'm doing wrong etc. I'm a 4th year finance major so I already have to read a **** ton, so I read the rulebook and codex whenever I get a chance haha. Is there something specific im missing and should read up on? Or you just saying in general?

01-07-2014, 12:31 PM
What do you mean take the semi off the table?

And the point behind the wraiths (someone advised me to include them at a local hobby store (random guy in there playing)) is that the wraiths provide good movement for assaulting their victory point locations while packing a nice melee punch compared to most imperial guard units.

01-07-2014, 02:26 PM
22, but im learning this game kinda still, the reason i posted this here was to get some feedback on what i'm doing wrong etc. I'm a 4th year finance major so I already have to read a **** ton, so I read the rulebook and codex whenever I get a chance haha. Is there something specific im missing and should read up on? Or you just saying in general?

Anytime you take a squat on the porcelain throne, you read your codex. Anytime you are sitting down the lunch or dinner, you read your codex. Anytime you are in a car and not driving, read your codex. Front to back.

It's a bit of a hyperbole but true. Read the Army List section in the back very carefully. Read each entry and all the fine print in regards to where things and what units can take what gear, etc. Just by reading and re-reading that section I've come up with dozens of different new army lists that are weighted towards one different aspect or another, or a combination of the IG army traits.

There are so many different builds you can do to suit your playing style with the IG. But first, you got a lot of reading to do.

01-07-2014, 11:32 PM
Here are my recommendations.

1. Put special and/or heavy weapons in your infantry squads. Forty guys with lasguns can't do much, but forty guys with lasguns, 4 flamers, 2 missile launchers, and 2 autocannons? That can do a lot more.

2. I don't see the point of the Necron allies. Those points would be better invested in special/heavy weapons for your squads.

3. Voxes are great! I don't know about the other Guard players out there, but I have lousy luck on my orders rolls, so I put a vox in every squad.

01-08-2014, 12:03 AM
Here are my recommendations.

1. Put special and/or heavy weapons in your infantry squads. Forty guys with lasguns can't do much, but forty guys with lasguns, 4 flamers, 2 missile launchers, and 2 autocannons? That can do a lot more.

2. I don't see the point of the Necron allies. Those points would be better invested in special/heavy weapons for your squads.

3. Voxes are great! I don't know about the other Guard players out there, but I have lousy luck on my orders rolls, so I put a vox in every squad.

If he is combining squads he only need one vox for the 4 squads.

Guard is an interesting codex. It really depends on play style.

01-08-2014, 08:58 AM
Infantry Squads, normal ones, should never be given anything more than a flamer or grenade launcher. The reason for that is because of their battlefield role: meat shields/cannon fodder. They are meant to be sent forward in rolling waves (combined squads) and either flash-cook the enemy with lasgun volleys or bury him in corpses in close combat. If you give them a heavy weapon instead of relying on heavy weapon squads or veteran squads then you've wasted points. It slows them down or turns them static. Because you are able to take heavy weapon squads in Infantry Platoons, you should never have to take heavy weapons in Infantry Squads -- not unless you are creating the biggest gunline ever.

01-08-2014, 10:16 AM
That's a matter of play style. I prefer to keep my infantry platoons static while I attack with my veterans, tanks, and artillery.

01-08-2014, 11:28 AM
That's a matter of play style. I prefer to keep my infantry platoons static while I attack with my veterans, tanks, and artillery.

I tend to focus on point efficiency and battlefield effectiveness. Not really competitive play, but just my own personal form of wargaming OCD.

01-08-2014, 11:53 AM
Infantry Squads, normal ones, should never be given anything more than a flamer or grenade launcher. The reason for that is because of their battlefield role: meat shields/cannon fodder. They are meant to be sent forward in rolling waves (combined squads) and either flash-cook the enemy with lasgun volleys or bury him in corpses in close combat. If you give them a heavy weapon instead of relying on heavy weapon squads or veteran squads then you've wasted points. It slows them down or turns them static. Because you are able to take heavy weapon squads in Infantry Platoons, you should never have to take heavy weapons in Infantry Squads -- not unless you are creating the biggest gunline ever.

Depends on what I want to do with them. 5 heavy bolters/ 5 autocannons with 5 grenade launchers with prescience via dark angels ot inquisition is rather good.

This Dave
01-08-2014, 01:23 PM
Infantry Squads, normal ones, should never be given anything more than a flamer or grenade launcher. The reason for that is because of their battlefield role: meat shields/cannon fodder. They are meant to be sent forward in rolling waves (combined squads) and either flash-cook the enemy with lasgun volleys or bury him in corpses in close combat. If you give them a heavy weapon instead of relying on heavy weapon squads or veteran squads then you've wasted points. It slows them down or turns them static. Because you are able to take heavy weapon squads in Infantry Platoons, you should never have to take heavy weapons in Infantry Squads -- not unless you are creating the biggest gunline ever.

My large foot platoons are rather static and tend to form gun lines as that's what they're best at. I camp them on objectives and then shoot the crap out of anything that tries to come take it, or at least tar pit them long enough to contest at the end of the game. Heavy weapons in there both gives them more firepower and also helps protect the Heavy Weapon teams as they are rather vulnerable deployed out on their own.

I use Veteran squads as the mobile force as they are easier and cheaper to buy transports for as well as being better at shooting outside of order range than regular squads.

01-08-2014, 03:30 PM
My large foot platoons are rather static and tend to form gun lines as that's what they're best at. I camp them on objectives and then shoot the crap out of anything that tries to come take it, or at least tar pit them long enough to contest at the end of the game. Heavy weapons in there both gives them more firepower and also helps protect the Heavy Weapon teams as they are rather vulnerable deployed out on their own.

I use Veteran squads as the mobile force as they are easier and cheaper to buy transports for as well as being better at shooting outside of order range than regular squads.

I actually use my platoon command squads and special weapons teams that way. I usually only field one or two veterans. I just don't like a whole veterans army due to the cost that goes a long with them.

For starters 2 vet squads is almost equal to 3 platoon squads. Veterans with options strategy easily being 2 to one or even as high as 3 to one since some vet squads get up to 150 points. I think 30 guards men for the most part are simply more useful than 10 vets, unless you dealing with MCs or armour.

I can't even really justify having them in Chimeria's since special weapons can embark in one turn one and my platoon command can enter one as well. They get the job done as good or almost as good as vets shooting out of Chimeria's. However veterans are better if you are disembarkment into terrain. Even so you can get more fire power not using them at all. For example 70 pints for a pcs with 4 melta, 60 for 3 melta in SW teams, and 100 for 3 vets with melta. The vets almost cost double than both and that's not adding 30-60 more points for more options.

01-08-2014, 06:46 PM
I love reading the debates between everyone here :)

1. I've been getting to learn so much from it
But even better 2. I've got to see that there are so many viable army compositions and not just a 1 way route :D

01-08-2014, 09:38 PM
I love reading the debates between everyone here :)

1. I've been getting to learn so much from it
But even better 2. I've got to see that there are so many viable army compositions and not just a 1 way route :D

No one is right or wrong which is the crazy part. I seen 50 guardsmen squads with power axes and flame throwers and a commissar which have done really well, especially with old Jacobs :*(.

I like putting heavy weapons in my squads and don't like taking heavy weapons teams. Especially heavy bolter or infantry killing heavy weapons teams.

However putting 5 voxes and 5 commissars in 5 squads is crazy, if you don't want to combine you could had simply just took the commissar lord instead.

I would say basic rule of thumb with guard is to have lots of guys and dish out lots of fire power. It's rare any other army can out shoot guard. Tau is more accurate, but you can put out way more fire out put.

I would think a good guard army that can beat an all comers list should take these options.
inquisition for prescience and servo skulls
several cheap units that can infiltrate
fire outside of 36" in volume and be able to deal with flyers and have decent anti air.

For example Vendettas is really good. You can also use h ydras for cheap anti air.

I use the bandwolf due to it is great anti horde and can deal with marines. Hellhounds are also good due to them killing Tau in a nasty way.

For armor saves of 2 you can either go ap 2 or have lots of mass fire. Eventually you will run out of saves.

Another great vehicle is the one with the 4 rockets. D3 strength 10 ap 4 is nasty. It is very effective against sides due to it possibly wounding like 10 times, which means about 2 dead suits due to instant death. Also it kills hordes like no tomorrow.

The biggest thing is if you are not stubborn and fearless with lots of bodies stay out of combat. Even than you want to stay away from armies that are horde killers like daemonettes.

01-08-2014, 10:22 PM
What do people think about the conscript/Lord chenkov type of play? I was reading a bit about it, correct me if i'm wrong, I read it a few times but it seems too good... If you make a squad of like 50 conscripts, and then like 40 of them die, you can roll to get all 50 back at the back of the board? Doesn't that seem unreal strong?

01-09-2014, 06:06 AM
What do people think about the conscript/Lord chenkov type of play? I was reading a bit about it, correct me if i'm wrong, I read it a few times but it seems too good... If you make a squad of like 50 conscripts, and then like 40 of them die, you can roll to get all 50 back at the back of the board? Doesn't that seem unreal strong?

Well not sure about it now due to allies. Prescience makes them much more attractive.

My thoughts on them is for 1 point more you get a lot more out of platoon guardsmen than out of conscripts. The same can be said with guardsmen vs veterans, but for 2 points more you are not getting much extra as compared to the other way around.

The biggest set back to them is leadership 5. Which means most people take a commissar lord to keep the from running for every little thing. The next thing is they give up points every time they come back. However seeing 1 out of 6 games where that actually matters it's not too much of a big deal.

They are good for contesting on holding objectives in your back lines. If for example the die in the 4th turn and you need to be on the other side of the board than they will sit there twiddling their thumbs. Also you lose any model that is attached to the squad if you kill them off and spawn a new one.

A smart player would kill the lord off and than go for the squad. I typically ignore them since they are not all that great. If it is kill points than I do kill off the squad several times.

Also due to snap shots I think its a good unit since 100 lasguns in your face is not nice.

01-09-2014, 11:19 AM
Is prescience not a spell that like librarian etc get? I thought its a divination spell

01-09-2014, 11:42 AM
Is prescience not a spell that like librarian etc get? I thought its a divination spell

Yes, it's the Primaris power from Divination. Prescience is available to Dark Angels Librarians and Space Wolves Rune Priests. Codex: Space Marines Librarians do not have access to Divination.

Conscripts and Chenkov seems really good on paper, but the shortcomings of the rule quickly become apparent when played on the table. Having 40-50 Conscripts enter the battlefield on your board edge on turn 3, 4, or 5 is not as good as you might think. They only move 6 + D6" per turn, meaning they are unlikely to see combat again that game. Infantry Platoons are much better in combat as the Sergeants can purchase Power Axes. Conscripts really can't kill anything. I could see the rule being great if the Conscripts could move faster or start towards the middle of the board, but as-is the rule is nowhere near overpowered.

01-09-2014, 12:13 PM
Ok thanks for the tip :D

01-09-2014, 01:54 PM
Yes. Also you can gerbil Inquisition as well. As said before I wouldn't run them. Only good for back line defense.