View Full Version : Adepta Sororitas - Seraphim: What's with their guns?

01-04-2014, 10:00 AM
Hey all. Been out of the 40K/GW scene as most of my group has abandoned it for Warmachine and X-Wing. Trying to get back in, and as a result have been looking at the e-codex for Sisters. As expected, it shows all the quality one would anticipate from something that was clearly not taken all that seriously.

Be that as it may, I'm looking at the Seraphim description, and it mentions they have two pistols. Nowhere, however, does it say those are twin linked (like they've previously always been). Of course, this would lead to the question, "then why do they have two?" but I'll leave that alone for a moment. The rules also say one can have two hand-flamers, but there are no stats given for "hand-flamers," and it also mentions two of them can replace their two bolt pistols for two inferno pistols. I've looked through the BRB and if there's something that says someone armed with twin pistols fires them as though they were twin linked, well then I've missed it.

So my question to the masses are:

Would you say the Seraphim's twin bolt pistols are twin linked?
Would you say twin hand-flamers are equivalent to a flamer?
Would twin hand flamers fire twin linked?
Would twin inferno pistols fire twin linked?

I looked through the forum for these answers and haven't seen them discussed, so apologies if they were previously discussed.

This Dave
01-04-2014, 10:13 AM
Having two pistols give the Gunfighter rule. This lets them fire both pistols as one shooting attack rather than twin-linking like it used to. Hand Flamers are a S3 AP 6 Template weapon and so a model with two of them can fire both templates.

01-04-2014, 10:59 AM
This Dave, do you have any references for these answers, it might help Necron2.0 to know where you found them!

01-04-2014, 11:25 AM
The reference is the BRB. Hand flamers are included in the weapons section. As for the dual pistol/gunslinger, again, look up the USR in the BRB for your answer.

This Dave
01-04-2014, 11:32 AM
This Dave, do you have any references for these answers, it might help Necron2.0 to know where you found them!

The info about shooting two pistols is on pg. 52 under Pistol Weapons. Firing two templates is on the same page under Template Weapons. The stats for the Hand Flamers is in my copy of the Soritas codex.

01-04-2014, 11:39 AM
1) No, as per the Gunslinger rule (core book, page 52, beneath Pistol Weapons) each pistol fires separately. So each Seraphim fires each pistol they have once (i.e., if they have bolt pistols, they fire 2 bolt pistol shots, if they have 2 hand flamers, they fire 2 hand flamer templates, etc.).

2) No, the Hand Flamer stats are located in the core book (core book, page 56, under Flamer Weapons). Template, S 3, AP 6, Assault 1

3/4) No, each Hand Flamer, Inferno Pistol, or Bolt Pistol is a separate weapon and fires separately as per the gunslinger rule referenced above.

Black Library unfortunately neglected to put the above information into the Adepta Sororitas codex for ease of use.

This Dave
01-04-2014, 12:55 PM
1) No, as per the Gunslinger rule (core book, page 52, beneath Pistol Weapons) each pistol fires separately. So each Seraphim fires each pistol they have once (i.e., if they have bolt pistols, they fire 2 bolt pistol shots, if they have 2 hand flamers, they fire 2 hand flamer templates, etc.).

2) No, the Hand Flamer stats are located in the core book (core book, page 56, under Flamer Weapons). Template, S 3, AP 6, Assault 1

3/4) No, each Hand Flamer, Inferno Pistol, or Bolt Pistol is a separate weapon and fires separately as per the gunslinger rule referenced above.

Black Library unfortunately neglected to put the above information into the Adepta Sororitas codex for ease of use.

The interactive iBooks version has all that information in links. Can't say about the regular ebook version.

01-04-2014, 02:46 PM
Yeah, I have the regular ebook version since I don't have iAnything at this time.

01-04-2014, 03:53 PM
OK, thanks all, especially for the references. Yeah, the version of the SOB codex was a PDF on a laptop at my LGS ... no links.

And in the "learn something new everyday" category, hadn't realized "Gunslinger" was not a special rule.