View Full Version : (1850 and 2000) Guard vs Ultramarines Siege Assault Vanguard Escalation and hold

01-04-2014, 02:13 AM
Looking to set up a 2000 point game using the new Escalation and Stronghold books along with a Siege Assault Vanguard list from Imperial Armour Ten The Badab War Part II.

I am keen to test out my old Baneblade and the new Tempestus Firebase, Storm Wing and Centurions I got in the Boxing Day sale.

I see the Guard defending a fortification and have two defending lists below followed by two attacking lists. Points are around 1850 and 2000. Depending on mission the defender would start with Heavy tanks in reserve along with 2 Chimeras of infantry. Remaining infantry would hold fortifications with Earthshakers under Void Shield.

My Guard models are a bit limited in choice as they are Vostroyans and direct order cost from the Antipodes is prohibitive if I wish to expand selection.

Guard 1850
HQ w 3 Plasma Guns, Master of Ordnance, Chimera 180
Platoon Command w 3 Flamers, Chimera 100
Squad w Lascannon, Grenade Launcher 80
Squad w Lascannon, Grenade Launcher 80
Platoon Command 30
Squad w Grenade Launcher 55
Squad w Grenade Launcher 55
2 Earthshakers 150
2 Leman Russ w Hull Lascannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons 370
Firestorm Redoubt w 2 Quad Lascannon, Magos Machine Spirit 230
Firestorm Redoubt w 2 Quad Lascannon, Magos Machine Spirit 230
Vengeance w Punisher 75
Emplacement 40
Imperial Defence Line 80
Imperial Bunker 55
Void Shield 50
Total 1860

At 2000 the walking HQ starts on the table and mobile HQ is in reserve.

Guard 2000
HQ w 3 Plasma Guns, Astropath, Master of the Fleet Chimera 210
HQ w Master of Ordnance 80
Platoon Command w 3 Flamer, Chimera 100
Squad w Grenade Launcher 55
Squad w Grenade Launcher 55
Platoon Command 30
Squad w Grenade Launcher 55
Squad w Grenade Launcher 55
2 Earthshaker Platforms 150
Baneblade 525
Firestorm Redoubt w 2 Quad Lascannons, Magos Machine Spirit 230
Firestorm Redoubt w 2 Quad Lascannons, Magos Machine Spirit 230
Emplacement 40
Imperial Defence Line 80
Imperial Bunker 55
Void Shield 50
Total 2050

The Siege Assault Vanguard is Ultramarine based as my Space Marines are painted blue. The idea is Vindicators advance supplying fire support for the walking advance of the Tactical Marines and Dreadnoughts whilst the Centurions arrive via Storm Raven. At 2000 the Siege Assault Marines arrive via the Caestus.

Siege Assault Ultramarines 1850
Siege Master w Shield Eternal, Thunder Hammer and Melta Bombs 190
Librarian Mastery Level 2 90
Tactical Squad w Siege Mantlets, Multi Melta, Melta Gun and Sergeant w Melta Bombs 215
Tactical Squad w Siege Mantlets, Multi Melta, Melta Gun and Sergeant w Melta Bombs 215
Siege Dreadnought Talon ea w Multi Melta360
Centurion Assault Squad w 2 Hurricane Bolters (keeping 1 Frag Launcher), 3 Twin Linked Melta Guns , Omniscope 215
Stormtalon w Twin Linked Lascannon 140
Stormraven 200
2 Vindicators 250
Total 1875

Siege Assault Ultramarines 2000
Siege Master w Shield Eternal, Thunder Hammer and Melta Bombs 190
Tactical Squad w Siege Mantlets, Multi Melta, Melta Gun and Sergeant w Melta Bombs 215
Siege Assault Squad w Melta Bombs and 2 Melta Guns 205
Siege Dreadnought Talon ea w Multi Melta 360
Centurion Assault Squad w 2 Hurricane Bolters (keeping 1 Frag Launcher), 3 Twin Linked Melta Guns , Omniscope 215
Stormtalon w Skyhammer 225
Caestus Assault Ram 235
Stormraven 200
2 Vindicators 250
Total 1995

I have a fair bit of painting to do to get ready for a game with these forces. There's a lot in those boxed sets. With some help from a friends spay gun I could be ready in three weeks.

How do you think Escalation and Stronghold will work in terms of Warlord traits if the Guard have the forts and a super heavy?