View Full Version : 1,000 points of IG for Tournament

01-03-2014, 01:36 PM
I'm playing a low-point tournament in a couple of weeks and I wanted to see what you guys thought of my list.

1 Lord Commissar - power sword, melta bomb

1 Veteran squad - 3 meltaguns

3 Veteran squads - 3 meltas, 1 missile launcher, chimera

1 Basilisk

1 Aegis Defense line - quad cannon

I've horsed around with the points and thought of playing a Vendetta instead of the basilisk and defense line, or a Leman Russ and Marbo. Has anyone had reliable success with an IG list at the 1,000 point level?

01-03-2014, 02:01 PM
Veterans with Meltaguns on foot really won't work too well. They need a transport for added resilience and mobility.

This is my 1k IG tournament list that has worked very well for me:

Company Command Squad 180
-4 Plasmaguns, Company Commander has Plasma Pistol, Chimera

Guardsman Marbo 65

Veteran Squad 155
-3 Meltaguns, Chimera

Platoon Command Squad 50 (rides in the Vendetta)
-4 Flamers
Infantry Squad 60
Infantry Squad 60

Fast Attack
Vendetta 130

Heavy Support
Leman Russ 150

Leman Russ 150

TOTAL: 1,000

This list has mobile firepower, 35 scoring bodies, disruption (Marbo), sufficient anti-air, and large blasts. It has worked very well for me in recent games, and I hope it gives you some good ideas!

01-03-2014, 02:06 PM
Thanks, Chexmix!

I do like your list. I've got the old Valhallan models, so I don't have any plamaguns, but I may steal your list!

01-03-2014, 05:03 PM
I've got Valhallans too! I just use them for basic infantry squads, though. My Veterans and Command Squads are Cadians with fur helmets from Pig Iron.

01-03-2014, 06:09 PM
I've got Valhallans too! I just use them for basic infantry squads, though. My Veterans and Command Squads are Cadians with fur helmets from Pig Iron.

Nice! *Red army fist bump*

01-03-2014, 06:35 PM
You should never put heavy weapons inside of a normal infantry squad. Far better to put them in a Vet squad where the ballistic skill will make it worth the points. Also, if you aren't going to use a Company Command Squad which allows you to take advantage of the special orders that IG officers can issue to units (a power multiplier), then the best option is a Primaris Psyker. Gives you some more ranged advantage.

Here is a list I would suggest for 1,000 Points.

Company Command Squad [60]
Veteran Squad (95)
3 x flamers

Veteran Squad (95)
3 x grenade launchers
Veteran Squad (95)
3 x sniper rifles
Veteran Squad [125]
3 x Plasma Guns

Fast Attack
Vendetta Gunship [130]

Heavy Support
2 x Basilisks [250]
1 x Leman Russ Battle Tank [150]

01-09-2014, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the advice, Kath!

01-11-2014, 04:49 PM
Happy to oblige.