View Full Version : Forget Father Christmas, Papa Nurgle was kind this festive season...

01-03-2014, 05:23 AM
Just before Christmas I decided that while I love my Grey Knight army I am very much fed up of painting silver and pristine armour. So I took the plunge and grabbed Dark Vengance and decided that I would have a stab at a Nurgle army.

Then Christmas happened a trip to Forgeworld... and I have well over 2000ts now.

I have decided that while my GK are a labour of love (I tend to spend a minimum of 7 hours on each marine model) this nurgle army is going to be quick and dirty.

Paint scheme:
-Using an old colour I don't like I i mixed sand in and applied it to the models/armour.
-Then I just used the brightest version of my colours
-Washed in a flesh wash, washed in a watered down Biel Tann Green and on the pustules I washed a purple.

TL : DR - I got lots of Nurgle models for Christmas here is a painting blog of me trying to get them done quickly to a decent enough standard.

Below you can see my cheap and nasty conversion of the marines from DV, I literally covered heraldry in sand so they required little to no conversion:

It's not gonna win any awards, but it will get me an army painted quick enough (all 10 are done now).

And below the Dark Angels Biker Sargent converted, I did take time to remove Dark Angels imagery on these and added bits.

Feel free to offer comments and criticism as I go and this thread is more of an inspiration to post work and be shamed into finishing things.


Wolf of Winter
01-03-2014, 11:18 AM
Personally I think this looks ace. There are times that I think we painters/gamers focus too much on having a pristine GD standard army to field, which sets a benchmark that can burn you out pretty quickly. I find it quite refreshing to have something that you can rattle out quickly and still get great looking results, as you have done here. Papa Nurgle would be proud. The marine here looks suitably diseased and err, 'drippy'. It's also nice to see that you didn't go for the obvious green-stuffing of a bloated gut. Don't get me wrong, I love that stuff too, but there is a lot of it!

Looking forward to seeing what else you'll be doing. Especially on the biker there. Kudos!

Rob Godin
01-03-2014, 12:07 PM
I like it!
Although, tbh, I read the title and thought..."oh, he got flu over the holidays too"

01-03-2014, 04:36 PM
@Wolf of Winter: thank you for the comments, I freaked out a little bit today thinking "oh my word these are horrible when put next to my knights" but you're right! Not every model needs be a GD or even amazingly painted. Some just just need to look table top quality and the fun is in the playing.

I like the sand as I think it's closer to the scale pustules might be... And my green stuff skills are lacking. But mainly the first one :D

I got side tracked from the biker and converted an old chaplain on a bike to nurgle lord on a bike. Expect pictures tomorrow.

@Rob Godin: papa nurgle did also bless me with flu, I'm currently recovering. Ahahaha.

01-04-2014, 12:20 PM
Progress update - below are pictures of all of the finished marines squad.
6583 6584

I was hoping to finish The Lord on a bike today but got side tracked doing a cultist test model.
6585 6586

I've been having fun with these testing out the new technical paints from gw.

Any advice or feedback is appreciated.

*EDIT* apologise for the cultist pictures! they are saved the correct way around but when I upload them they are turned.

01-06-2014, 07:02 AM
More progress updates:
This time it's the Nurgle Lord on bike... I really need to find a better way to photograph these.


Comments and Crits encouraged!

Wolf of Winter
01-07-2014, 11:02 AM
Honestly, I feel like I would catch some nasty unpleasantness going to near to these guys! awesome! Just to reiterate on my previous post, which didn't quite sound right when I read it again, I think your paint jobs are awesome, and that your Nurgle scheme would do the great bloaty one proud :)

The biker looks sick, I love the conversion work too. A good balance of gross and spikey lol!

Edit: I just picked up Nurgles Rot (the paint, not the disease) and the Typhon one as well, what do they actually do? (haven't even had chance to test them out yet!)

Patrick Boyle
01-07-2014, 11:58 AM
Honestly, I feel like I would catch some nasty unpleasantness going to near to these guys! awesome! Just to reiterate on my previous post, which didn't quite sound right when I read it again, I think your paint jobs are awesome, and that your Nurgle scheme would do the great bloaty one proud :)

The biker looks sick, I love the conversion work too. A good balance of gross and spikey lol!

Edit: I just picked up Nurgles Rot (the paint, not the disease) and the Typhon one as well, what do they actually do? (haven't even had chance to test them out yet!)

Typhus corrosion is a dark brown, almost wash-like paint with a lot of fine grit in it. It's good for laying down as a base then drybrushing over it as it provides texture(GW's example is for creating a rust effect, for example), but works by itself too. Nurgle rot is a translucent, bright green goopy paint that dries shiny, so it looks like glistening snot, essentially.

Wolf of Winter
01-07-2014, 01:18 PM
Typhus corrosion is a dark brown, almost wash-like paint with a lot of fine grit in it. It's good for laying down as a base then drybrushing over it as it provides texture(GW's example is for creating a rust effect, for example), but works by itself too. Nurgle rot is a translucent, bright green goopy paint that dries shiny, so it looks like glistening snot, essentially.

Got it, thanks for the heads up, Patrick!

01-08-2014, 07:09 AM
On these models I used:

Typhus Corrosion - Used on the metal bits to make them look filthy and dirt ridden. And I've used it as a base for the rust as Patrick pointed out, the video tutorial on GW YouTube was cool for that, I especially recommend their tips for using your metal re highlight edges after the rust is applied as well.

Nikalidh Oxide - I used this where ever the really dark broze was used, I applied it all over, then used a cotton bud to remove excess on the flat areas and dry bushed the original colour back over the top of it making sure it was only really in the recesses. I think this might be my favourite.

Ryza Rust - As I mentioned above I drybrushed it over the top of typhus corrosion to make rust.

Nurgles Rot - I just blotched in vents or on top of dense collections of the sand pustules. It's not as see through as I would like, so I'd say be wary if you want to see things through it. I might think mine with PVA glue.

I'm currently at work but I will try and get some shot specifically on the areas where I used them.

01-10-2014, 03:58 PM
Papa Nurgle smiles evermore on this army!!

In the office today one of the chaps was selling off his 40k Ultramarines army and I managed to snag a bargain in the sale.


I got the 3 "rhinos" and the Land Raider for the princely sum of £15. Now they obviously aren't the best painted models or the best looked after. I mean one is clearly not the rhino he advertised and is a predator missing a turret and I think another is a an old razorback? (The pinkish one)

But for £15 stripped and green stuffed these will be a great bargain!

Darren Richardson
01-11-2014, 02:43 AM

I got the 3 "rhinos" and the Land Raider for the princely sum of £15. Now they obviously aren't the best painted models or the best looked after. I mean one is clearly not the rhino he advertised and is a predator missing a turret and I think another is a an old razorback? (The pinkish one)

But for £15 stripped and green stuffed these will be a great bargain!

yeah that's the classic 2nd Ed Razorback and Pred's...

and considering how old those tanks are, £15 is a real steal.....

I've seen badly painted and even damaged ones go on eBay for as much as £20 or more on some days..... :(

01-11-2014, 08:39 AM
yeah that's the classic 2nd Ed Razorback and Pred's...

and considering how old those tanks are, £15 is a real steal.....

I've seen badly painted and even damaged ones go on eBay for as much as £20 or more on some days..... :(

Thanks for clearing that up, I wonder if it might be better to trawl eBay for parts and restore them or stick with the plan of green stuff nurgling the crap out of them.

Anyway it's the weekend and obviously for most that means more time for the hobby.

So here's what I did today:

Zombie Dragon/Helldrake Conversion, used the zombie dragon kit, it took some chopping to get it more 'flat' like a flyer and obviously it needed a new stand. The rest of the bits on it are Helldrake parts as I wanted to make sure that it was obvious it was meant to be a Helldrake. Underneath their are some warp crystals from skaven to power to power it and I replaced the tongue with some more mechanical looking to drag it into the 40th Millennium.


And I made a daemon prince, he's not too converted, I just added a mask to the face and switched the middle finger hand for something from a Dark Eldar model? I dunno I traded it from a friend.

When I have more cash I'm gonna grab the nurgle daemon prince, switch that horrible head out and add plague drone wings and this one will be reserved for boon table princes.


And it's only 2pm, might head out to wilkos and get cork for the bases.

Darren Richardson
01-11-2014, 04:49 PM
Thanks for clearing that up, I wonder if it might be better to trawl eBay for parts and restore them or stick with the plan of green stuff nurgling the crap out of them.

Chanderzz, I would go with the route of making basic turret shapes up out of plasti-card and plastic or brass tubing for barrels and then green stuff it to nurgle hell and back :)

At least it will stand out then from the crowds...

01-12-2014, 12:45 PM
I painted a chosen this weekend to try the colour scheme on a more complicated model. I'm so happy with the results. The chosen in the dark vengance box are gorgeous, it's just a shame they are strong units. I might use them as champions for my standard csm.

6714 6715 6716 6717

Wolf of Winter
01-13-2014, 02:00 PM
I painted a chosen this weekend to try the colour scheme on a more complicated model. I'm so happy with the results. The chosen in the dark vengance box are gorgeous, it's just a shame they are strong units. I might use them as champions for my standard csm.

6714 6715 6716 6717

Fabulous, I may have to steal, I mean, borrow, this color scheme ;)

01-18-2014, 05:19 PM
So I'm still not sold on my colour scheme and I can't commit to painting everything until I'm fully happy with what I'm doing.

So on a whim tonight I dug out an old marine model, and this has to be at least 12 years old, so please don't judge my childish pose and crazy use of accessories.

Long story short I wanted to try a pre heresy deathguard colour scheme but more corroded so like Deathguard 35k somewhere between.

6771 6772

One leg has hand painted chipping on and the other and the other I painted the damage with a dry brush.

Personally I'm thrilled with the rusty death guard armour!


01-19-2014, 03:54 PM
Finished a chosen in this new 35k Deathguard style! I'm so happy with this!


Darren Richardson
01-20-2014, 07:15 AM
I'm liking the work on the legs, I think both would look good on the foot troops, but not both on the same part of the miniature, perhaps have the rusted effect on the legs with the chipping on the torso and arms.

After all most enemies will be firing away at the torso which would lead to plenty of chipping from shrapnel and ricochets off the army, while the legs would be subjected to what ever the marines were treading in (blood, guts other assorted body parts/mud ect....)

So I'm still not sold on my colour scheme and I can't commit to painting everything until I'm fully happy with what I'm doing.

So on a whim tonight I dug out an old marine model, and this has to be at least 12 years old, so please don't judge my childish pose and crazy use of accessories.

Long story short I wanted to try a pre heresy deathguard colour scheme but more corroded so like Deathguard 35k somewhere between.

6771 6772

One leg has hand painted chipping on and the other and the other I painted the damage with a dry brush.

Personally I'm thrilled with the rusty death guard armour!


01-22-2014, 02:24 PM
I got some better pictures today instead of ones took in horrible dingy orange light.


01-28-2014, 07:03 AM
Finished my Typhus at the weekend:

Absolutely thrilled with the result :D

Darren Richardson
01-29-2014, 02:37 AM
Finished my Typhus at the weekend:

Absolutely thrilled with the result :D

ohhh he looks absolutetly manky, I Love him!

Lord Ezekial
01-29-2014, 01:05 PM
Didn't Realize you had your own thread! Loving the models!

Wolf of Winter
02-03-2014, 04:38 PM
Very nice! Love the weathering/rot on him. Superb!

02-08-2014, 03:04 PM
Been a bit quite of late as I prepare for my best friends wedding but I have been working on a little something. Today I decided to pop my green stuff cherry, I picked some up in store and decided to to get around to my skaven rat ogre chaos spawn.

I've been reading the horus heresy of late and i wanted my chaos spawn to be be like jubel (sp) the idea is like a monstrously deformed ex marine.


Let me know what you think.

02-18-2014, 04:39 PM

Still a way away from finishing as I need to do metal highlights,, leather, nails, staples and shoulder pad highlights but I've been so busy that I thought I'd post WIP to keep the forward momentum.

C&C welcome.