View Full Version : Inquisitors Chimeria have access to Inquisitors armoury?

01-03-2014, 01:40 AM
Just seeing the if I read this right, need to look at Inquisition codex again to make sure. If I read this right Chimeria's can take psybolt ammunition. I see it can't upgrade the heavy flamers, but if it can take the ammo now than it can fire 6 strength 6 Ap 5 shots. That would be rather nice and a few strength 5 shots with the storm bolter.

01-03-2014, 07:00 AM
Yes. It can take psybolt ammo. Which is my inner fluff daemon frowns at.

This Dave
01-03-2014, 08:28 AM
That's one of the best 5 point upgrades you can take. It gets even better if you also take the TL Heavy Bolter turret from Forge World as you also get the accuracy boost.

01-03-2014, 04:59 PM
That's one of the best 5 point upgrades you can take. It gets even better if you also take the TL Heavy Bolter turret from Forge World as you also get the accuracy boost.

Whilst a good idea, not sure that's allowed. The Chimera TL HB turret is listed in IA1 2nd Edition, but only for Codex: Imperial Guard, and unfortunately the Inquisition Codex doesn't list the option. Shame.