View Full Version : No love for the Tempestus Firebase?

01-02-2014, 05:02 PM
Hey all, first post here and over a quandary I'm having.

I ordered the Stronghold Assault book and Tempestus Firebase at the same time because, well, THEY ARE FRIGGIN' AWESOME!

The book has TONS of cool ides and upgrades that take the plain-jane terrain and turn it into a dynamic piece of your army. Luvz it!

Tempestus Firebase is GINORMUS! I took me a few days to get everything put together and I am literally afraid to try to tackle the paint job. I was also surprised that it came with two of each type of weapon for the Vengeance Weapons Battery. A little snip-snip and I can now swap them out as needed. ;)

Here's my dilemma though. You are only allowed one fortification per army list and the Tempestus Firebase is technically SIX!

One Aquilla Strong point
Two Firestorm Redoubts
One Imperial Defense Emplacement (used as mainly a bridge between sections)
One Vengeance Weapons Battery (It has two platforms to it, but the rules state you get one and then pay for the additional piece which is also counts as another fortification)

The Book gives rules for specific fortification combinations and how they can count as one, but the Tempestus Firebase is not there! The Wall of Marters fortification group has everything BUT the Aquilla Strong point (kinda the whole reason for getting it) so it does me no good.

You may think, "Well just add it to the Wall of Marters list and be done with it" but I just know I'm going to run into that one rules **** that will forbid me to play with it / force a forfeit because it isn't in black and white.

The 2013 guide I first saw the Tempestus Firebase in stated that it would come with rules for using it in Apoc. and 40k but only the construction guides were included. It isn't stated on the GW website that it comes with the rules though so I'm starting to think I have a really cool piece of sceanery...

PS- I also E-mail GW and have not received a reply.


Any ideas, thoughts or pointers?

01-02-2014, 06:01 PM
Hey all, first post here and over a quandary I'm having.

I ordered the Stronghold Assault book and Tempestus Firebase at the same time because, well, THEY ARE FRIGGIN' AWESOME!

The book has TONS of cool ides and upgrades that take the plain-jane terrain and turn it into a dynamic piece of your army. Luvz it!

Tempestus Firebase is GINORMUS! I took me a few days to get everything put together and I am literally afraid to try to tackle the paint job. I was also surprised that it came with two of each type of weapon for the Vengeance Weapons Battery. A little snip-snip and I can now swap them out as needed. ;)

Here's my dilemma though. You are only allowed one fortification per army list and the Tempestus Firebase is technically SIX!

One Aquilla Strong point
Two Firestorm Redoubts
One Imperial Defense Emplacement (used as mainly a bridge between sections)
One Vengeance Weapons Battery (It has two platforms to it, but the rules state you get one and then pay for the additional piece which is also counts as another fortification)

The Book gives rules for specific fortification combinations and how they can count as one, but the Tempestus Firebase is not there! The Wall of Marters fortification group has everything BUT the Aquilla Strong point (kinda the whole reason for getting it) so it does me no good.

You may think, "Well just add it to the Wall of Marters list and be done with it" but I just know I'm going to run into that one rules **** that will forbid me to play with it / force a forfeit because it isn't in black and white.

The 2013 guide I first saw the Tempestus Firebase in stated that it would come with rules for using it in Apoc. and 40k but only the construction guides were included. It isn't stated on the GW website that it comes with the rules though so I'm starting to think I have a really cool piece of sceanery...

PS- I also E-mail GW and have not received a reply.


Any ideas, thoughts or pointers?

I don't remember seeing anything about rules anywhere in white dwarf - but at 2000 points you can take a second fortification ( so you could have the wall of martyrs and the aquilla) and since the whole set would be over 1000 points I would imagine you would only use it in games of that size normally anyway?

01-02-2014, 07:39 PM
If you are the defensive player in a Stronghold Assault game you get more than one fortification, so you can use the Wall of Martyrs formation and add the Aquilla Strong point.

01-13-2014, 12:01 AM
Been researching it all and I can't, in fact, use them all together even if I'm defending.

The Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defence Network composition is as follows:

1-3 Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunkers
1-4 Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defence Lines
1-3 Wall of Martyrs Imperial Defence Emplacements
0-2 Wall of Martyrs Firestorm Redoubts
0-2 Wall of Martyrs Vengeance Weapons Battery

The Tempestus Firebase does not come with any Imperial Bunkers or Imperial Defence Lines so I do not have the base pieces to make the Defence Network. So with that out of the picture, I can only use three of the five items in the set. As cool as that is, it leaves the Firebase incomplete by GW rules.

01-14-2014, 10:54 AM
Tbh, It Seems like so many points that it would be Apoc only anyways, then you can just throw them all together, right? Oh and by the way I am extremely jealous you got the box, I shouldnt be talking to you =P

01-14-2014, 07:28 PM
I get what everyone is saying that this should be Apoc. only, but Even in the Rule book for Apoc. it is not there.

I know I know, "I can use what ever I want in Apoc" but the fact that there are THREE formations in the Apoc. book and NONE of them are the Tempestus Firebase AND if I wanted to make those three I'd need to buy more pieces...

Long story short, I'm looking at 1125 pts. of coolness with nothing special about the combination.

01-14-2014, 10:07 PM
I could have swore that they made a dataslate for the Tempestus Firebase, but I appear to be mistaken. Which is pants because it deserves its own formation, but looking in the way that you can almost field the Defence Network is awesome though.

I'm working on my own Wall of Martyrs Defence Network too, I've got a Vengeance Weapons Battery and the Defence Emplacement, and just need a Trench Line and a Bunker to get it off the ground!

01-14-2014, 11:18 PM
Wall of Martyrs - Imperial Defense Network was actually also a holiday bundle released in 2012 it consisted of 3 Defense Lines, 2 Defense Emplacements and 1 Bunker in the box, at the time as was suggested by the community at large you technically didn't need rules for any of the pieces since all of them could be used as area terrain and battlefield debris, specific rules were never associated with those pieces until the most recent Stronghold Assault book a year later.

Can you use all the pieces in play without rules support currently? Sure if you don't mind picking just one or 2 fortifications and treating the remainder as area terrain and derelict buildings(lower Armor values) w/ inactive emplaced weapons. Rules already do permit for that.

Simpler solution may be to just get a defense line and bunker to add to your set and use it with rules as presented in Stronghold Assault which gives you 2 fortification slots of stuff and cross your fingers it doesn't take a year to release a specific rule set for the Firebase like it did for the original Wall of Martyrs holiday bundle.

01-14-2014, 11:50 PM
Alternatively, you can ask your opponent if they want to play a Stronghold Assault mission, this will allow you to take up to 3 Fortification choices.

John Bower
01-15-2014, 11:00 AM
Tbh, It Seems like so many points that it would be Apoc only anyways, then you can just throw them all together, right? Oh and by the way I am extremely jealous you got the box, I shouldnt be talking to you =P

I did the same; but I'm lucky I already had a Wall of Martyrs kit from when that came out; does anyone else think it took them long enough to do the rules for it? Anyway, yeah, it should be Apoc, especially the Aquila, but SA like Escalation has rules to use in normal games now. It's awesome and though I got Tempestus before Xmas I've still got 2 buildings to finish, the Aquila itself and 1 of the Redoubts.

JGolden; if you can't use it all together don't worry, you'll surely get your chances to use it in bits and pieces. And as has been said, SA does let you use 2 in defence in the SA missions. Chin up; knuckle down and paint it and enjoy it when you get the chance, if you have friends you play with regularly then do your own game, make an agreement that you will use x amount of points in your force on the forts, and let them use their points how they like. 40k isn't just about RAW; even GW admit that house ruling things is part of the fun. Pick up games and tourneys have to have standard rules, but amongst friends an aweful lot of rules get thrown out or used slightly differently. It's meant to be fun, and building the model is part of that fun, get it looking how you like (Mine is black and bronze with mud spattered up the sides). Oh and quick tip, decide what colour you want it to be, and spray that colour all over it first. Then do the detail, but don't make work for yourself, sometimes simple can be awesome. I did the trenches quite simple really, sprayed black, picked out the bodies and skeletons etc., and the other details, then sprayed the bottom with a dust of sand coloured spray, followed by another dusting of black at a distance. It got me a prize for the job and I hadn't even entered it for that reason, I just wanted to make people stop and think about how lucky they are that we can enjoy our lives; when people really did die in trenches in WW1. Sorry rambling a bit; I'm a bit tired.

01-20-2014, 12:20 PM
Hey guys, thanks for all the help. I realize I'm being overly cautious about all this and I appreciate the input.

Trust me I AM going to have fun with this and I can't wait to get it all painted up. I'm a Grey Knights man and I was wanting to go with that motif but since they are the "Hush-hush" army I'm thinking other color patterns. I love the ideas you put out John, and I'll be keeping them in mind as I get down to it!

Thanks again guys!

01-20-2014, 04:04 PM
the fire base was designed to be in games of planet strike on a large scale and apocalypse