View Full Version : when the dice just don't like you

ninja skills
12-14-2009, 03:16 PM
I had a game last night, my daemons vs marines. one turn i had 15 horrors (not my norm) shoot at a command squad with lib and killed 1! then charged 3 blood letters and a chariot of slaanesh in and killed.....1 and i lost the combat and all models involved. the dice gods just did not like me :(.

I just wanted to hear of some other stories where the dice just don't want to play fair and crazy/ unexpected stuff happens.

12-14-2009, 03:29 PM
I had five deffkoptaz get charged by eight plaguebearers once. Not only did the plaguebearers not kill a single deffkopta, the deffkoptaz hit back so hard that between combat wounds and No Retreat! they wiped out the plaguebearer unit, even though the koptaz were hitting back at S3 and the plaguebearers had their Feel No Pain.

12-14-2009, 03:57 PM
Once I had two Land Raiders, each with a Grey Knight squad inside, plus my Brother Captain. Opponent is Plague Marines with a Vindicator and DP.

Turn one, I shoot a bunch, and my opponent makes all his cover saves.

Turn two, the vindicator explodes one Land Raider with a single shot. The squad is stranded, and is easily mopped up by multiple Plague marine squads shooting and assaulting it.

Turn 3, my opponent again makes every cover save.

Turn 4, the Vindicator takes its second shot, once again exploding my remaining Land Raider. With no mobility, and no ability to pop his tanks, he easily wipes out my second squad and Brother Captain.

I did the math at one point, and there was like a 3% chance of that vindicator hitting, penetrating and destroying two Land Raiders in two shots, given how each blast had to scatter perfectly and all.

12-14-2009, 04:03 PM
Last night I played my first game with a new army (1000 points of Tau). Top of turn 1, my opponent blew up my devilfish with a single shot. It exploded 6" and killed enough models that I needed to take leadership tests on 5 squads. I failed all 5 and 800 points ran off the table edge.

12-14-2009, 05:04 PM
Last night I played my first game a new army (1000 points of Tau). Top of turn 1, my opponent blew up my devilfish with a single shot. It exploded 6" and killed enough models that I needed to take leadership tests on 5 squads. I failed all 5 and 800 points ran off the table edge.

Horrible things like that tend to happen to new armies and/or new units. It seems every game that I put down a shiny new model on the table, it is dead turn 1. My Blood Angels are about a year and a half old and they are still struggling and think they have lost more games then they have won.

That is a pretty insane story tho man. haha

12-14-2009, 06:51 PM
Oh, and in a similar case (my opponent's dice were on fire), I once killed a friend's Necron Lord with res orb and phylactery every single turn of the game, only to have him stand back up each time.

Subject Keyword
12-14-2009, 06:51 PM
I once lost 16 Bloodletters to 10 'nilla marine's bolters. 20 shots were fired, all of them hit, 17 wounds were made, and I made ONE SAVE. It took me fifteen minutes to stop laughing.
It was the whole unit...:(

12-14-2009, 10:39 PM
the dice gods really hate me i haven't won a single game in about of year playing and i've been playing for about a year
the only time i won a game was a kill team mission from 4th but it was space marines vs. gun drones who's gunna win well of course i did but still i haven't won a game and it dosn't help that i throw every anti-tank weapon that could bring down my friends hammerhead and they all miss or jus tbounce off:mad::mad::mad::mad:

12-14-2009, 10:44 PM
There are two times when the dice gods hated me

1> While playing 2-3 times per week, I went two months where I never won the dice roll to determine who goes first and if I did, my opponents stolen initiative.

2> My Big Mek w/ Shokk Attack Gun rolled double 5's turn 1 (which teleports the Big mek into assault with whatever was targeted) for 12 games in a row.

12-15-2009, 01:35 AM
My opponents always make their vehicle cover saves. I never do. The rare occations when I do always put me in a good mood:D.

12-15-2009, 01:55 AM
I've played for 3 years and won about 1(non planetstrike) game
damn its 3000pts so its apoc
damn monolith
damn nids

YaY for marines:D (only killable army)

12-15-2009, 03:59 AM
During one game, I was really kicking *** with my Tau, in another turn or two I would wipe my opponent off the board. My whole army was pushing over by his board edge, and at the start of his turn 4, he "remembered" that he had a 10 man assault squad with power weapon, power fist, and plasma in reserve. And my command squad was about 18" off his board edge. He makes his reserve roll, moves in off the board 12", shoots and misses, charges in and makes like 25 normal attacks, and 6 power fist/power weapon attacks. After all saves/invulns I lost absolutely nothing. my commander attacks back and decks 2 marines, he fails leadership and rolls triple 6s on his fall back-off the board

12-15-2009, 04:58 AM
Few weeks ago my friends were playing at my home, CSM vs SM. Nurgle Daemon Prince vs Ironclad Dread. DP assaults, rolls 3 2's and 2 1's. Next turn, rolls 2 2's 2 1's, next turn rolls 3 2`s and a 1 and dies...

12-15-2009, 04:59 AM
Dammit, double posting, soory!

Murphius Stevus
12-15-2009, 05:56 AM
I started playing again at the beginning of the year with a DA army. Though I was more or less brand new to the game (before restarting I played 3rd edition 40Kso the diferences were huge) I couldn't help throwing the aces or 4's instead of invulnerable 5's. I know this is going to sound corny, cheesy, rubbish but a friend of mine who I still loose against told me to "believe in what you are going to throw". I'm a fairly big sceptic it has to be said, but I thought ah what the hell I'm loosing anyway! And I have found that my rolls are considerably better, plus with the experience gained form loosing all my first 20-odd battles I have been able to reduce the chances of throwing a zillion invulnerable save throws though it still does occur! If you are finding that the dice are against you don't think "oh geez here we go again more snake-eyes on the way" because more chances are not you will throw terribly. Chin up to all those who seem to lose the fight against the dice!

Subject Keyword
12-15-2009, 10:34 PM
"believe in what you are going to throw".

Once, in an Apocalypse Game, I threw eleven 5+ invuln saves for a Bloodthirster while screaming "BL:mad::mad:D FOR THE BL:mad::mad:D GOD!"

It was four in the morning and I was full of Monster and mushroom pizza. God I love Warhammer...