View Full Version : Finally! Battle Foam Has Come To The UK :)

12-14-2009, 12:53 PM
Hey guys just thought you might like to know that there will soon be a British retailer of Battle Foam. If you've looked at the main website and been put off because of shipping costs. You can now purchase them with very little shipping, and (in my opinion), pretty cheap. They stock a lot of other products too. Sometimes at discount prices!

Check em out

For those who haven't seen Battle Foam before I highly suggest you check them out. They have many different types of foam to fit different models/model sizes. Plus you can get custom made foam trays too!



Herald of Nurgle
12-14-2009, 01:54 PM
Dear god... This is EXCELLENT news!
Finally a good place to buy foam other than my FLGS (whether GW or the many headed one)...

Good to know, cheers.

12-15-2009, 09:58 AM
Battlefoam? Whats so great? :confused: Figrues in Comfort (http://www.figuresincomfort.net) have been doing similar foam trays in the UK for years, they've a slightly smaller range and a slightly lower price is the only difference at first glance compaired to Battlefoam.

12-15-2009, 11:14 AM
I have always preferred the customizability of SABOL Army Transport. Some of us have oddly shaped figures that don't fit in the standardized Battlefoam trays.
Also, I don't like how many of their standard trays have so much dead space; their standardized trays also have spaces you won't use. many of us use many Wave Serpents but no Vypers and no Jetbikes. So much dead space.

All that, and the prices are very high.

Albeit I love their rather useful Space Hulk foam. It's high quality stuff, all of Battlefoam is. But I'd rather minimize dead space and save money at the same time; win-win.

12-16-2009, 02:16 AM
There are several good case / foam makers already and I can't see me changing from the people I normally use, that said I can see myself getting some of that Space Hulk foam just to protect the lovelyness in that box!