View Full Version : Charnal Carcharodon Astra; Kill Team

01-01-2014, 07:16 AM

Several months ago my club decided to try out the Kill Team events pack, however once the basic play testing was over it was decided that it would conflict with shedualed events. Since then we've rebooted the project following the christmas kill team release. We've now decided that should be in the early spring period, giving me two months to build my complete kill team.

Originally i was going to post this are part of my project 142nd as an allied force/self contained distraction, however the more i dig around to establish the armies character the more i find myself thinking upon it as an army. Strike forces have always been my preference for Astarte, and the added bonus of a simple but characteristic scheme along side the wide spread use of heresy era gear has sold me. That said, i am known for strapping pricey projects when i've got other cheaper more effective armies in the works. As it stands the 142nd is going to dominate my budget for the next 3 months, so the Kill Team may be as far as it goes.

So here's where i'm up, using the old rule set as a guideline;

Army; Space Marines
Chapter rules; Raven guard
Army List;

-Sternguard Sergeant, Chainsword, Bolter, Rending
-Sternguard Veteran, Plasmagun, Ignores Cover
-Sternguard Veteran, Heavy bolter, Relentless
-Sternguard Veteran, Bolter, Bolt Pistol
-Sternguard Veteran, Bolter, Bolt Pistol
-Sternguard Veteran, Bolter, Bolt Pistol
-Sternguard Veteran, Bolter, Bolt Pistol


I'm currently waiting on a heavy bolter, and i'm trying to work out a few additional details at the moment. However this should give you a basic feel for the squad. Once my new airbrush arrives and i correct some of the modelling quirks (the slightly angled axe head for example) then i should be providing higher quality photo's of the squad.


01-01-2014, 07:30 AM
That is looking like it is going to be a damn cool looking kill team, I do like the Carcharodons myself :D

However, have you thought about using their specific Chapter tactics available in a free download from the FW website?


Also, which model is your leader, because I thought the leader could no longer be a specialist in the latest Kill Team rules?

01-01-2014, 10:36 PM
looks great and remember as space sharks you can take a CC weapon for an extra point

01-02-2014, 04:19 AM
That is looking like it is going to be a damn cool looking kill team, I do like the Carcharodons myself :D

However, have you thought about using their specific Chapter tactics available in a free download from the FW website?


Also, which model is your leader, because I thought the leader could no longer be a specialist in the latest Kill Team rules?

I've seen those, i'm using raven guard because a) it's unlikely the event organizers will allow FW of any kind on that scale b) That first turn +1 cover save could make or break my tactica.

looks great and remember as space sharks you can take a CC weapon for an extra point

I don't think we'll be using the FW rules, and even then i'm set at 200pt now.

Time for the test mini. I've decided to invest in the FW transfers for the shoulders, simply because i want to do some weathering that my own freehand work wouldn't respond to well to.



01-02-2014, 10:40 AM
Looking good- suitably bloodthirsty appearance there! :D

Ok, fairly solid reasoning there with the Chapter Tactics. I guess it would be an advance recon force more than the main body, being a kill team ;)