View Full Version : 2014. New Years resolution, and the ‘plastic crack’ dilemma.

Colin Graham
12-31-2013, 07:38 PM

2014. New Years resolution, and the ‘plastic crack’ dilemma.

Every serious gamer knows the addiction to the ‘plastic crack’ that comes with being an adult gamer. We started out as kids playing they game, and we could afford one box or so every month or two. When I got back into the game a few years ago I have so much more disposable income now, and there are always deals to be had. Many adult gamers know the feeling of being on the internet late at night and scouring eBay or Kajiji for deals, but how often do we take stock of what we have?

The thing is; there are always deals to be had. There’s always something to get for a steal, and its tempting… but sometimes we have to just say no. And it’s hard, buying Minatures is addictive and that’s why we call it ‘Plastic Crack’.

My weakness of course is that i’ll only play with an Army that is painted. I will also only buy an army that i can paint (or repaint) myself, so that means you can have a lot of ‘Plastic Crack’ just sitting there.

The other day i almost bought another army… Again…
A chaos space marine army for a real steal, but I was beaten to the punch.

Initially i was a bit disappointed, i wanted the army to sell to a friend to beef up his existing army, I think Chaos Marines would have been great Allies for him. I also wanted to part the Army out a bit and make back some cash (which ironically the guy who bought it did).

But then i got thinking… do i really have time to paint that army? really?How much ‘Plastic Crack’ do i have?

So New Years is a time to take stock and see where you are and what you can do about it. It’s about making lists, finding ways to improve your life and taking stock.

I sat down this afternoon and wrote down a list of all the ‘projects’ i still had to do and it was very revealing.

Here’s what i wrote:

Warhound Titan (about 80%) complete

Space Wolves:

Storm Eagle

2 Drop pods

Special Weapons Grey Hunters (about 15)

20 Grey Hunters on Sprues

Wolf Guard terminator Weapon Variations Maganatized (40)

Land Raider with Hurricaine bolters

2 Dreadnoughts

Ragnar Blackmane

Ulrik the Slayer


New Hills(about 10)

Space Marine Armory (Needs detailing and painting)

Dollar Store Bunkers

Landing Pad / Cargo Bay Terrain Piece

Imperial guard - Fast response team

15 Sentinals

60 Guardsmen

30 Cadians on Sprue

Vostroyan First Born Army

120 Vostroyans (including heavy weapons)

2 Basaliks

Valkyrie Gunship

Imperial Fists /Crimson Fists Battle Brothers Strike force

40 Marines

2 Razorback/Rhino


Land raider

Captain and Command Squad



18 Centurions

Ork Raiders band


2 Nobs

Squad of Boyz

10 Lootaz

So thinking about all that, if i paint to a high quality table to standard i will have about a year’s worth of stuff to paint…which really means that if i don’t buy anymore stuff i’ll be good for quite a while…

Just writing that list really put it all into perspective.. which is what resolutions are supposed to do, right? Help us find perspective and set goals. Well, i’m going to paint all that… and play all that. That’s my goal for 2014.

12-31-2013, 09:32 PM
Great post, I am in exactly the same boat, although not quite the same number of minis but due to very limited painting time available about a years worth of painting. Thanks for sharing with us :')

Storm Falcons 3rd Company
20 Sternguard
10 Vanguard
15 Tactical

Imperial Fists 4th Company
10 Tactical
8 Devastator
1 Master of the Forge
1 Captain

Deathwatch kill team
2 x 5 man kill team
1 x librarian
1 x chaplain

Eldar Allied Detachment
10 x Guardians
1 x Avatar of Khaine
5 x Guardian Jetbikes

Knights Errant ( Heresy era Conversion project)
5 man squad to convert Garro, Rubio, Varren, Loken and Cruze from HH series. All models started but not finished.

I'm hoping that, like you, having my grey shame out there i will be more inclined to make the extra time and complete at least one of my full company armies and one of my side projects.

Nice one Colin :)

01-01-2014, 10:55 AM
I think this is a topic that is on the minds of a lot of hobbyists at the start of every year. It was on my mind so I adapted the 5 tips to accomplishing your resolutions that appears in some form or another around the web to our 40K hobby: http://52weeksof40k.blogspot.com/2014/01/40k-new-years-hobby-resolutions-tips.html

I've shelved my Chaos Space Marines army in favor of Tyranids for 2014, but there's still some lingering projects for CSM I would love to tackle. The big ones are:

Land Raider assembled but no paint or much-needed green stuff to cover up all the silly aquilas on the treads & assault doors

35 Plague Zombies which were converted like crazy and base-coated, but not finished

Rhino with Nurgle Forge World Doors with only base coat on it

Aegis Defense Line still in the grey

2 Dark Vengeance Helbrutes still in the grey

2 Dark Vengeance Chosen squads with as many Chaos Lords still in the grey

But they're all way on the back-burner now, as I've got all new plastic-crack of Tyranids. I've got a lot of hobbying to do in 2014.

Colin Graham
01-01-2014, 11:44 AM
Great Article Flatscan...

Bail Ohmar
01-03-2014, 07:14 AM
I've got plenty to assemble and paint muself. And despite saying I'm going to buy no more I inevitably do. And with Tyranids out in a couple of weeks, and Orks not far behind I'm sure to be buying more soon.

My to do list includes;

Ork Trukk
Big Mek Junka (from a Rhino and bits)
30+ Ork Boyz
Big Squiggoth
Box of Ork nobz

Imperial Sector Terrain

Re-painting a dozen or so Space Wolves

All the Necron HQs
other Neconn stuff I forget the name of

Couple of dozen Tyranid gaunts & Genestealers

01-03-2014, 08:43 AM
in no particular order

4 cataphracti termies for my lamenters
3 mkv assault marines for my lamenters

my fw warhound titan

deadzone KS that arrived finished off

finish painting my last two Leman Russes

Ian Mulcahy
01-03-2014, 11:03 AM
Yeah, I've got a bunch of stuff on my plate as well.
Stuff to paint--
1 Emperor Titan-- just in case I ever find a game big enough to use it
1 warhound titan *
1 scratchbuilt bastion/fortress thingy
1 fire raptor
1 storm eagle
2 stormtalons
1 stormraven
2 Caestus assault rams *
2 thunderbolts *
2 vindicators *
2 land raiders *
1 whirlwind *
1 small bunker
1 large ruin
a bunch of Aegis line pieces

(lest anyone think I'm rolling in cash-- all the ones marked with * are scratch built-- not actual GW/FW models)

10 terminators for the Thousands sons army I'm starting
1 terminator sorcerer
1 terminator chaos lord
37 cultists

And warmachine models too--
5 heavy warjacks
1 light jack
3 warcasters
10 large infantry models
4 small infantry models

Ok, that's more than I thought. And I'm already planning on scratchbuilding a couple of lightning fighters, an avenger fighter, a couple drop pods, and a thunderhawk. Not to mention the heldrakes and forgefiends I plan to pick up when I have some spare cash....

Maybe I should get off the internet and go pick up a paintbrush, hmm?