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View Full Version : Bunch of questions... help me out?

Sir Biscuit
12-13-2009, 10:03 PM
So, I played an apocalypse game today, and quite a few rules issues came up. We resolved them peaceably, but I'd like an actual answer to some:

1.) Can a gargantuan creature assault multiple units?
1b.) If it can, what units can it assault? (For instance, only the models that it is touching or, that its base is touching?)
1c) If the model is not based, but is in contact with two units it is assaulting, and its head is suspended over another, can it attack the unit it is over but not touching?
2.) Super heavy creatures can "tank shock" units that are in the way of its movement, pushing them aside. Can it do this while making a "fleet" move for not firing weapons?
3.) If a player uses the "blind barrage" asset and the first marker lands on the table, but the second marker scatters off the table, what happens?

I also have some Tau specific questions, seemed a little suspect to me.
4.) Is the only thing that removes a marker light using it to launch a seeker missile? It was played that it stays until this happens, providing a bonus to all firing units.
5.) Does a shield drone really give the whole squad a 4+ invulnerable save?

Also, not a rules question, but
6.) Why is the Hierophant Bio-Titan so ABSURDLY good?

Thanks for your time, everyone. :)

12-13-2009, 10:36 PM
So, I played an apocalypse game today, and quite a few rules issues came up. We resolved them peaceably, but I'd like an actual answer to some:

1.) Can a gargantuan creature assault multiple units?

Any unit can assault multiple units, so yes, it can. Normally, a single model is physically impossible to be able to assault more than one unit, but, I have no clue what your creatures look like, so it just may.

1b.) If it can, what units can it assault? (For instance, only the models that it is touching or, that its base is touching?)

The model should have a base, so it would be what its base is touching. If it has no base, then, whatever units are touching it's body.

1c) If the model is not based, but is in contact with two units it is assaulting, and its head is suspended over another, can it attack the unit it is over but not touching?


2.) Super heavy creatures can "tank shock" units that are in the way of its movement, pushing them aside. Can it do this while making a "fleet" move for not firing weapons?

No, since this 'tank shock' is done during the movement phase. Fleeting is not in the movement phase.

12-13-2009, 10:53 PM
I also have some Tau specific questions, seemed a little suspect to me.
4.) Is the only thing that removes a marker light using it to launch a seeker missile? It was played that it stays until this happens, providing a bonus to all firing units.
5.) Does a shield drone really give the whole squad a 4+ invulnerable save?

Re-check page 29 of your Tau codex ... any use of a markerlight counter expends it. One counter, for instance, can buff the BS of one unit for one shooting attack only.

And shield drones don't give anybody a 4+ invulnerable save. They're just models with a 4+ invulnerable save, to which a wound may be allocated.

Herald of Nurgle
12-13-2009, 11:11 PM
So, I played an apocalypse game today, and quite a few rules issues came up. We resolved them peaceably, but I'd like an actual answer to some:

1.) Can a gargantuan creature assault multiple units?
1b.) If it can, what units can it assault? (For instance, only the models that it is touching or, that its base is touching?)
1c) If the model is not based, but is in contact with two units it is assaulting, and its head is suspended over another, can it attack the unit it is over but not touching?
2.) Super heavy creatures can "tank shock" units that are in the way of its movement, pushing them aside. Can it do this while making a "fleet" move for not firing weapons?
3.) If a player uses the "blind barrage" asset and the first marker lands on the table, but the second marker scatters off the table, what happens?

I also have some Tau specific questions, seemed a little suspect to me.
4.) Is the only thing that removes a marker light using it to launch a seeker missile? It was played that it stays until this happens, providing a bonus to all firing units.
5.) Does a shield drone really give the whole squad a 4+ invulnerable save?

Also, not a rules question, but
6.) Why is the Hierophant Bio-Titan so ABSURDLY good?

Thanks for your time, everyone. :)
1b- In the case of models such as the Baneblade, I just measure 2" from the tank to decide who's in range from the charging units.. For things such as An'grrath, it's more obvious - only guys in base to base + 2" (as he's not Independent - thank god!)
3 - Most players would allow you to either place it JUST on the edge of where it went off OR to re-roll it completely. Key word: MOST.
6 - Because Nids were already incredibly broken in Apocalypse so they went 'hey, Jerv - LOOK WHAT THIS CAN DO' when it turned out that his son plays Nids...

12-13-2009, 11:32 PM
I also have some Tau specific questions, seemed a little suspect to me.
4.) Is the only thing that removes a marker light using it to launch a seeker missile? It was played that it stays until this happens, providing a bonus to all firing units.
5.) Does a shield drone really give the whole squad a 4+ invulnerable save?

4. Every time a markerlight counter is used for anything, it is removed. So you shoot all the markerlights from the unit, then you can use each successful light to cause one single effect of the list. In this case, it sounds like your opponent is using the light to boost the BS of ALL units targeting your unit. This is illegal. You can only boost one shooting unit's BS per markerlight.

To paraphrase the rules; The counters remain until the end of the Tau's shooting phase or until the counter is used. A counter can be used to grant one of the following effects...

5. No. You can read over the relevant rules on pg 31 of the Tau codex, but in short, only the Drone has a 4+ invulnerable. The changes in wound allocation in 5th prevent the drone from giving the whole unit a 4+ invulnerable save.

Brass Scorpion
12-14-2009, 12:18 PM
Not only can Gargantuan Creatures assault multiple units, the STOMP ATTACK rules make it very advantageous to do so!

12-14-2009, 04:01 PM
Not only can Gargantuan Creatures assault multiple units, the STOMP ATTACK rules make it very advantageous to do so!

I once assaulted a 100+ model Ork unit with a Brass Scorpion of Khorne (Da Green Tide formation, I think). Technically, the stomp attack would have given my 100+ attacks, I think. We decided to play it based on the number of Orks within the 2" combat range though, for fairness.

Norbu the Destroyer
12-22-2009, 05:35 PM
As far as your statement "Why is the bio-titan so absurdly good?" It seems it will get even better if Warpfield indeed gives a 3+ invul. save. 10 Wounds S9 with a 2+/3++ is a little rough to take out.