View Full Version : Computer Advice

12-31-2013, 11:11 AM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m252/drlove42/Capture_zpsf504b969.png (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/drlove42/media/Capture_zpsf504b969.png.html)

My Chrome is being wierd, and won't let me access google. Ad therefore barely works. Brings up this error. Any suggestions?

Need to get it fixed, cos I'm having to use Internet Explorer (shudders))

12-31-2013, 11:53 AM
Well, for one, updating would probably help. Close all your windows and it does it automatically. The little orange menu icon in the upper left usually means you need to update.

01-01-2014, 03:24 PM
clear your history, clear your cookies. Try an alternate browser (firefox/comodo dragon/something not IE) or reinstall chrome and start from scratch?

Mr Mystery
01-01-2014, 04:00 PM
Have you tried kicking it?

01-01-2014, 06:23 PM
Is the computer turned on?

01-02-2014, 03:07 AM
Is the system date/time correct?

01-02-2014, 04:00 AM
Get your boyfriend to bring it back to the store when he's not working and I'll show him how to fix it...

01-04-2014, 04:19 PM
I tired cycling the power supply, and enforcing a premature shutdown.

Turns out its was muhc simpler than that. My laptop clock reset and Chrome decided that because my laptop was in the past it must be a hack

Mr Mystery
01-04-2014, 04:27 PM
Have you tried kicking it harder?

01-05-2014, 03:00 AM
Is the system date/time correct?

My laptop clock reset and Chrome decided that because my laptop was in the past it must be a hack

Nailed it. :D