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View Full Version : Thinking of starting....

12-13-2009, 01:53 PM
I've always eyed WFB, but I've usually just been too involved in 40K to really start. I'm taking a break from 40K's hobby section (not because my armies are complete, they are far from it... just because I want to break from painting my all-metal armies).

Currently, I have my eyes on handgun based armies-- that is, Empire or Dwarves, focusing around state troop handgunners or dwarven thunderers as the core units of the army, with all other units operating in support of these.

The idea behind my current lists is like this:

Empire: Ten handgunners on each flank, central unit of twenty spearmen in the center, detachment of five swordsmen on either side of the spearmen. Captain who joins the spearmen with relatively cheap equipment (halberd, armor of meteoric iron, handgun).

Dwarves: A similar setup, two squads of thunderers with shields on flanks, central squad of warriors with shields and greatswords. Thane with runic flaming axe, pistol, handgun, 3+ runic armor

But knowing that there's a new edition around the corner (metaphorically speaking anyway, still probably half a year or more), should I bother starting it or wait and see what comes?

12-13-2009, 03:42 PM
Dwarf and Empire army's are pretty stable as a rule. If you start collecting now your not going to have any major problems with the new edition. I'm starting a Dwarf army after Xmas (Ive got it here all ready to go) so go for Empire or we'll have nothing to argue about! lol

12-13-2009, 03:52 PM
Well, I already have a starter Empire list hammered out with some friends' advice. The Dwarf list is just a concept list more than anything.

Captain (General) w/ Halberd, Handgun, Armor of Meteoric Iron

9x Handgunners w/ Musician
-- Marksman w/Repeater Handgun

9x Handgunners w/ Musician
-- Marksman w/Repeater Handgun

19x Spearmen w/, Musician, Standard Bearer, Shields
--Sergeant w/Shield
-- 5x Swordsmen Detachment
-- 5x Swordsmen Detachment

Central formation of spearmen with the captain in their ranks, swordsmen on either side of that to countercharge. Handgunners on the flanks for ranged damage and to take down knights. The focus is on the handgunners, but the spearmen make a good central formation to anchor them on.

12-13-2009, 03:56 PM
I know you don't like cav but I would not discount some Pistoliers to march block and hunt warmachines/skirmishers.

12-13-2009, 03:57 PM
Maybe at 750 or 1000 points they'll get added in, but for now, there's no place to fit them without making this setup fail at 500 pts.

12-13-2009, 04:05 PM
Your main problem with Handguns only is going to be range. Your going to be out-ranged by Xbows and Longbows and moving to close the range is going to be difficult as you cant move and fire. If not Pistoliers then maybe some huntsmen could give you some flexibility?

12-13-2009, 04:18 PM
The problem is that I'd have to take something out to add that in. If I reduce the size of my spearmen, they won't be able to form ranks as easily. If I drop a handgunner squad, then it breaks theme.

At 750 or 1000 points, I can add in those units easily, and probably will.

12-13-2009, 04:49 PM
Well, I already have a starter Empire list hammered out with some friends' advice. The Dwarf list is just a concept list more than anything.

Captain (General) w/ Halberd, Handgun, Armor of Meteoric Iron

9x Handgunners w/ Musician
-- Marksman w/Repeater Handgun

9x Handgunners w/ Musician
-- Marksman w/Repeater Handgun

19x Spearmen w/, Musician, Standard Bearer, Shields
--Sergeant w/Shield
-- 5x Swordsmen Detachment
-- 5x Swordsmen Detachment

Central formation of spearmen with the captain in their ranks, swordsmen on either side of that to countercharge. Handgunners on the flanks for ranged damage and to take down knights. The focus is on the handgunners, but the spearmen make a good central formation to anchor them on.

Hey Mel, I don't play fantasy; so feel free to ignore me.
With Empire being just normal humans, why not try to make the Captain a BSB; it'll make your big unit nearly as fighty, but the re-roll and +1 combat res would probably be worth it.

I was thinking
BSB with Meteoric Armour
20x Spears with shields, Standard and Musician.
10x Swordsmen Detachment
9x Handgunner Detachment, w/ marksman

9x Handgunners w/ Musician
-- Marksman w/Repeater Handgun

You could probably play with the points a little (maybe take Full Plate instead of magic armour, and add a magic weapon).
I combined the swords so you're more likely to be to break rank bonus (as ranks are calculated after combat is fought, the loss of just 1 swordsman means the unit is now too small to take away ranks with a flank charge).
I added the one unit of gunners as the other detachment so it can 'stand and shoot' reaction when/if the spears get charged.

That's my 2 cents.

Oh, don't forget to paint them in Black Uniforms; it looks like you have a good basis for a Nuln army started.

12-13-2009, 08:07 PM
Looking at your list, the only suggestion I can really think of is to upgrade the Repeating Handguns on your Marksmen to Hockland Long Rifles. I'd do this at the expense of the Captain's Handgun.

I suggest this as the Long Rifle can be very useful for removing problem models. I guess you won't see to many in such a small points games, but even a weak spell (like a Fireball) from a level 1 wizard could have a dramatic effect in a small game. (Panicing a Handgunner unit for example). Use them pick off unit champions, target warmachine crews or characters, and to go after any little annoyances running around (goblin fanatics for example) that you feel do not need the full attention of the unit.

Other benifits the Hockland Long Rifle provide include added range and the ability to target seperateratly from the unit.

Take the suggestion as you will.


12-14-2009, 03:12 AM
Personally I hate HLRs. They don't hit often enough for my liking. If you were sure you'd be up against a level 1 caster then maybe, but really they suck (imo). Honestly for what you have said you want dwarfs would be a better option. Ld 9 on troops compared to 7 on empire is a huge advantage. You are all but immuned to panic and magic, have more character and never have to paint horses.(that stupid pony thing is so ugly no one would paint it let alone play it!).
Empires only advantage over dwarfs is mobility and if you don't like cav your not so mobile. Given your painting prowess dwarfs in a tartan scheme with lots of black power...perfect.
BTW its nice to see you here, I had missed you on B&C ;)

Lord Azaghul
12-14-2009, 08:26 AM
Just my two cent on this:
I’m a Dwarf player at heart so that would be my first recommendation, but empire has its appeals as well ( I tried them for a while, but didn’t want to paint the puffy coats). Dwarves have fewer numbers but are more durable overall.

On you empire list I suggest Swordsmen over Spearmen. They have a better WS and a better Save in CC. Empire wins combat by rank bonus not by # of attacks.

I would also change out one handgun unit for xbows. In the empire army xbows are slightly better. Longer range same price. Now in the dwarf army handguns are awesome, they are a little more expensive then xbows

500pts dwarf army
Thane: sh gw Ro stone 76
14 Warriors sh FC 151
10 Quarrellers sh 120
10 Thunderers sh 150


12-14-2009, 02:48 PM
Just my two cent on this:
On you empire list I suggest Swordsmen over Spearmen. They have a better WS and a better Save in CC. Empire wins combat by rank bonus not by # of attacks.

I agree with this statement, either go with the Swordsmen or Halberds (+1 Strength will help a lot) over the Spears. The problem is that a bunch of S3 attacks are not going to hurt many units out there and you won't have a survivable armor save on top of the lack of strong attacks with Spearmen.

12-14-2009, 06:42 PM
I was thinking
BSB with Meteoric Armour
20x Spears with shields, Standard and Musician.
10x Swordsmen Detachment
9x Handgunner Detachment, w/ marksman

9x Handgunners w/ Musician
-- Marksman w/Repeater Handgun

I haven't played for some time, but I think that this list is illegal. You need a general in your army and BSB cannot be one.

12-14-2009, 07:20 PM
I haven't played for some time, but I think that this list is illegal. You need a general in your army and BSB cannot be one.

Bang on! You're totally right, I didn't even think about that.
Of course, if you're playing Warbands; a marksman can be the general!