View Full Version : Perception is reality?

12-29-2013, 12:43 PM
I'll never forget when that question was asked in a 'Leadership Training' class over seventeen years ago. My immediate response was reality is reality. Now I tell my team members (six figure + people for the most part) that I just try to make sure that their perception is as close to reality as possible.

There has been quite a bit of chatter about various very new releases and how they change the 40k 'meta'. It only changes things for the better. RT was released in '87 and twenty six years later those people have $ now. Not everyone is interested in playing Apocalypse, but I've never met a 40k player who didn't want to see an Apocalypse game. We now have an 'approved' (not really new for most of us long time players) method that's a lovely stepping stone/window into Apocalypse. Escalation is not Apocalypse, it's actually small/tiny by comparison, but that's not a bad thing.

Tourney play isn't going anywhere, it will change/evolve as it always has regardless of the 'game'. Games have a built in 'competition' element...duh. I know that a whopping few weeks since these new releases hit the street it seems like the sky is falling. Don't worry, it's not. I think it's rather funny that most of the 'angst' is self created. GW is in no way 'dividing' the community, only the community can do that.

Deep breaths, it's all good!

"All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convention, if only one can first conceive of doing so."

12-29-2013, 06:11 PM
Agreed. 40k is a game and hobby for fun. Yes that word... fun. Too few people seem to have any it would seem.
Cue a rant bemoaning some unforseen cataclysm that has befallen CCSM due to the latest 40k releases.

Happy new year in advance to one and all, may your resolutions come true.

12-29-2013, 06:49 PM
yes its a two player game for fun.

telling someone that they're expensive cash and points unit has to be taken off the board as if it we're a unit of grots, gants or guardsmen is not likely to be their idea of fun. doing it twice a turn every week is just being an *******.

12-30-2013, 10:07 AM
Perception is indeed reality.

I find that if you take the game too seriously - you will not have any fun and the reality will be that the game sucks. Don't take the game seriously. No one cares if you win or lose, and there is no professional warhammer league you are trying to get into where we have nike endorsements.

12-30-2013, 01:59 PM
yes its a two player game for fun.

telling someone that they're expensive cash and points unit has to be taken off the board as if it we're a unit of grots, gants or guardsmen is not likely to be their idea of fun. doing it twice a turn every week is just being an *******.

Then agree with the other player not to use Escalation rules now and then. If they won't do that find other players.

Or are you worried GW's corporate Ninjas will break into your house and force you to use the new rules?

12-30-2013, 02:08 PM
The problem is, arbitrarily deciding which rules to use or not use is a sword that cuts both ways. I don't want to ever play against str d because I play Grey Knights and I'll just get tabled turn 3 no matter what I do. But I've got a buddy with a warhound who wants to use it every once and a while. Since he's a friend, there's a compromise we both want to make, and that applies to everyone I play. I just don't want to spend half an hour hashing ourlt houserules every single game just so my opponent and I are on the same page.

12-30-2013, 03:24 PM
I'm all for setting up some general 'ground rules' for Escalation/Stronghold at GE. There are already loose ground rules for standard 40k games. Very similar to using FW models in general, it's not like the two players can't agree to still use D weapons as written if they want and that seems to be the sticking point. People know I'll happily play against someone who wants to use my Rev, Cobra or any other Super Heavy 'as is'. I plan on setting up some very basic ground rules regarding all my 'stuff' and then anyone is welcome to make use of them as long as they follow those very basic rules. I expect to be hearing about/seeing/playing some very interesting games of Escalation/Stronghold in the near future. It's all good.

Oh, and regardless if it's a Rev, Cobra, 4 Tide, 3 Knight, Screamer, etc. that some d***h*** keeps curb stomping you with week after week because you simply don't have any counter and they know it...the person is just a d***h***, it has nothing to do with a specific unit or army type.

Arkhan Land
12-30-2013, 04:25 PM
a bit of knowledge from an alternate field. Ido sound or play music every night of the year at a gig and have noticed that some things are the same in music 40k and life: if you set out to enjoy yourself with your friends you will far more often have a good time, if you set out to win, theres a greater chance of failure than success, simply the nature of competition. that said there is also something to be said for doing your best and seeing what actually happens when you try to do your best/be as competetive as you want to be. it is nice to know you can kick a butt when needed. I spent years just playing music with my friends before I made it into a band where someone else puts out our records and we get invited to play cool little punk music fests, but all the time i miss just having fun under a lack of focus and pressure. thats why i got back into 40k to escape the fact that something i did for fun became work under the expectations of others. I understand entirely why people do it but in 40k im pretty much just here to chill and paint models I build and love, I dont need two fronts on the war on fun.

also forgot to add, classic conic strip advice, Calvin wishes for a million dollars Hobbes wishes for a sandwich. Hobbes gets the sandwich.

01-01-2014, 08:01 AM
It takes all of 20 seconds to go "for next game do we use escalation? Y/N"

It doesn't take a half hour to establish all of the house rules one is going to use unless you are VERY pedantic and anal-retentive....

01-01-2014, 06:37 PM
Did you actually read any of the posts in this thread?

01-01-2014, 08:24 PM
Pretty much the exact reason I've never pursued any type of 'job' dealing with 40k Arkhan. It seems that you've found that nice balance though of being able to do something you dig/love and not have the 'job' part of it suck the 'fun' out of it which is VERY rare. Punk rock as well, that's so kewl. I've been told many times I have eclectic (imagine a Dan Fogelberg song followed by a GWAR song, heh heh) taste in music, but punk is definitely near the top!

Dark will totally throw down with Escalation/Stronghold games Auticus. He has stated in a number of threads on the subject of Escalation/Stronghold (including this one) that he's just not really interested in playing with/against D Weapons in general and definitely not against random opponents. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.