View Full Version : 40K Nostalgia Thread

12-29-2013, 11:21 AM
It's time to go way, way back.

This thread is for your old gaming archeological finds. We want ancient pics of boxes, covers, minis, and ads from the ancient days. Go digging through your collections for those gems from the ancient world and share. The older the better. Include the date if you can find it.

I'll get this party started:

Here is the 2-page ad spread that started it all!

circa 1989

12-29-2013, 12:04 PM
If you look at where we all came from it is sad that there is so much whining and moaning about where 40K is at the moment.

1989... I was 15 back then and bought my very first GW Book... This thread will be a trip down memory lane.

Sadly I can't post something... due to various reasons I had to let go of some of my ancient gems, lost in the mists of time :-)

12-29-2013, 12:41 PM
"Space Dwarfs"? What kind of mythical beings were those? :D

I've got my slightly dogeared copy of the Rogue Trader book; the one that pages started falling out of as soon as I opened it.

12-29-2013, 04:13 PM
These are the oldest books I own. I was only 1 or 2 (1988/1989) when these came out so of course these are second hand copies that I own but I love the artwork within both books.


12-29-2013, 08:28 PM
in 1989, I was on leave, and in a bar in Brooklyn, I met a girl from Scotland. Learning that I was heading back to my duty station in Germany, she tore the label off a beer bottle and wrote here address in Edinburgh down and told me to visit. A few months later I did so, and she and her roommates introduced me to Scottish Ale and Space Hulk. I was hooked, and bought that game, the RT rulebook, the red 40K compendium, and and far too many minis, White Dwarfs and Fanatics, and GW games over the decades. I'll scan some things soon and post them.

Stuart Ian Morris
12-29-2013, 11:37 PM
Then some old git comes along and ruins it...
6455 6456 6457 6458

Look at them in order, it'll make the last one much more interesting.

12-30-2013, 12:31 AM

I've never seen those last 3 ever. We NEED more of these "neolithic Rogue Trader" images!

Stuart Ian Morris
12-30-2013, 12:41 AM
Well, you asked for it:

Yep, stubbers is bolters is stubbers. You'll never play Necromunda the same way again.

Want me to dig out some, "Rogue Trooper", ads?

12-30-2013, 12:55 AM
to quote my Oliver Twist...

"Please, sir, I want some more"

Stuart Ian Morris
12-30-2013, 01:26 AM
Rogue Trooper: I like it 'cause it squashes two ideas: 1) GW's sci-fi plastics started with RTB01; 2) Plastics + Games started with the MB collaboration. The colour shot is from May 1987, the B&W is an ad in the September issue, when 40k was launched.

6460 6462

Then we have an ad for metal Marines and Orks from September 1987. Yes I have some, no I'm not proud of it.


Apart from John Sibbick's cover art and a free give away, there wasn't a whole lot of fanfare for the release.

12-30-2013, 05:55 AM
Old books:


There's a copy of Rogue Trader, the Compendium, the Compilation, Adeptus Titanicus, Codex Titanicus, Renegades from Space Marine and all the 1st ed Space Hulk books. Also the Compilation is signed by Jes:


Some page spreads:



12-30-2013, 05:55 AM
Some old (and not so old) boxed games:


I've actually got a copy of Ultra Marines and two more Space Hulk 1st ed boxes in a cupboard as well.

Shelf of ye olde miniatures (most of these were painted 10-20 years ago):


Escher gang:


Beakies! Mostly RTB-01s bought back in the day:


They're Dark Angels which is why they're black. Well, slightly grey now due to the dust actually.

12-30-2013, 05:56 AM
Old Harlies and some Aspect Warriors:


Snakebites 'n' squiggly beasts:


12-30-2013, 09:03 AM
My mind is blown that there was a Rogue Trooper game.

12-30-2013, 09:44 AM
Just grabbed some random books, but I made sure to include an oldie but goodie Nid in honor of the upcoming release!


12-30-2013, 09:52 AM
Man, I'd forgotten about the Vehicle Manual... that thing was simultaneously awesome and terrible :p

12-30-2013, 09:54 AM

I tell youngsters about it and they still don't believe!

Also Dark Future shoutout for Gott!

12-30-2013, 10:09 AM
That DF box weights like 15 kilos due to all the card parts and being basically filled with hotwheels cars... >.<

And how could I forget the crown jewel of my collection:


(note: not a Black Library publication)


It's actually still one of the best 40k books even with (or perhaps because of) all the weirdness.

12-30-2013, 10:14 AM
Gotthammer, those bring back so many memory's hehehe. I so agree about the old, old, OLD! vehicle rules. Don't worry BigRed, I'll be taking some old books with me this week so people can have some serious 'WT*!' moments, heh heh

A few more to enjoy...


Wolf of Winter
12-30-2013, 11:01 AM
My mind is blown that there was a Rogue Trooper game.

Indeed there was! I used to have that game many moons ago, I remember it being a lot of fun. I remember a lot of the GW crossover licenses they had, Doctor Who, 2000AD etc etc, and when a blister of 5 metal figures was less than 2 quid lol!

I can see i'm going to enjoy this thread!

12-30-2013, 12:13 PM
Ive got block mania and mega mania. Will try and dig them out soon for piccies.
Awesome fun before GW went all corporate. Those days were ground breaking and sorely missed.

12-30-2013, 01:11 PM
This thread is all kinds of awesome...

12-30-2013, 01:14 PM
Dedicated to Big Red...

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0105_zps439c0da6.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0105_zps439c0da6.jpg.html)

12-30-2013, 01:16 PM

1. My first ever citadel miniature, painted by my old man:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0107_zps22d7cb35.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0107_zps22d7cb35.jpg.html)

2. Some proper old Ultramarines:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0109_zpsd4940d84.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0109_zpsd4940d84.jpg.html)

3. What scouts used to look like:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0110_zps4c42dbe8.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0110_zps4c42dbe8.jpg.html)

12-30-2013, 01:19 PM
Chaos Marines

1. My Plague Marines, a mix of 1st Ed and 2nd Ed Deathguard, and some Traitor Legionnaires:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0101_zpsbba3900d.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0101_zpsbba3900d.jpg.html)

2. The original and best guitar toting Noise Freaks!

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0098_zps62d833ac.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0098_zps62d833ac.jpg.html)

Both still in use today - I regularly encounter opponents these are older than...

12-30-2013, 01:22 PM
Imperial Guard

1. My Command Squad:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0111_zpsfa1fc86d.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0111_zpsfa1fc86d.jpg.html)

2. A couple of Guards from Yellow Squad - both Imperial Army originals. Note Female trooper on right (ELDARGAL!!!)

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0106_zps6db60f76.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0106_zps6db60f76.jpg.html)

12-30-2013, 01:25 PM
This might take people back a bit.... Before BFG there was Space Fleet. One of a range designed for younger gamers, they released expanded rules and fleets in WD. It was quite possibly my most favourite game yet produced, due to a cunning mechanic of simultaneous movement whilst hiding your manoeuvre cards.

LR - Iyanden Shadowhunter Destroyer, Imperial Gothic Battleship, Chaos Dominator Battleship, and Tyranid Hiveship.

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0096_zps4a7908d4.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0096_zps4a7908d4.jpg.html)

12-30-2013, 01:32 PM
Some random extras:

1. Multiple rule books including the treasures - the original Realm of Chaos with the D1000 mutation tables...

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0113_zps44dc40fc.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0113_zps44dc40fc.jpg.html)

2. The first book of the Astronomican including rules for the famed Inquisitor, Obi-wan Sherlock Clouseau.

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0116_zps18791264.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0116_zps18791264.jpg.html)

3. No collection would be complete without...:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/nostalgia/IMG_0104_zps119b249b.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/nostalgia/IMG_0104_zps119b249b.jpg.html)

12-30-2013, 01:34 PM
@Gotthammer How good was the Horus Heresy board game? There's a copy in my FLGS and I'm wondering if I should pull the trigger on it.

12-30-2013, 03:09 PM
The original or the Fantasy Flight one? I have fond memories of the original and its little White Dwarf buddy.

12-30-2013, 03:27 PM
Good grief, talk about a trip down memory lane - I still laugh at the plastic deodorant tank in RT! Will have to fossick through my old Warhammer tat later on!

12-30-2013, 07:22 PM
If we're going nostalgic:


What a game. What a ****ing game. Total gateway drug to 40K, and the very first plastic Mk 7 Space Marines. Plus, Captains who could carry Heavy Bolters, and the very first Necrons (back when they were Chaos Androids!)

There's also Terminators and Tyranids, The Best Boxed Set Ever:


£11.99 for all that? Glorious.

How good was the Horus Heresy board game? There's a copy in my FLGS and I'm wondering if I should pull the trigger on it.

Original? Quite fun.

Remake? ****ing amazing. But not worth £75. It's worth maybe £40 tops.

12-30-2013, 07:49 PM
Yorky - are those pics all from your collection? I like the UM paint scheme.

12-30-2013, 10:15 PM
Sadly not. Sold my copy back in 1994. :( These were some of the nicest pics I could find on the net.

Space Crusade was a great little game.

Pauly Addams
12-30-2013, 10:16 PM
That DF box weights like 15 kilos due to all the card parts and being basically filled with hotwheels cars... >.<

And how could I forget the crown jewel of my collection:


(note: not a Black Library publication)


It's actually still one of the best 40k books even with (or perhaps because of) all the weirdness.

Own it myself, read it more than once. Wonderfully weird book.

And speaking of Space Crusade...

http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee260/Usiel-40K/DamaelNatLight1PB.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/Usiel-40K/media/DamaelNatLight1PB.jpg.html)
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee260/Usiel-40K/DamaelNatLightPB.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/Usiel-40K/media/DamaelNatLightPB.jpg.html)

12-31-2013, 04:06 AM
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, this brings back some memories.

I distinctly remember my gateway 40K experience, it was 'Advanced Space Crusade' played for the first time in 1991 I think. Taking a couple of squads of Scouts into the heart of a Tyranid ship and getting quite seriously munched by an endless wave of Tyranid warriors and Genestealers!

Ah, fun times...

Alas, I gave away all of my original 40K stuff when I moved house back in 2000 so no photos of any old school stuff unfortunately, but I still have the memories!

12-31-2013, 08:29 AM
That converted Space Crusade Dreadnought is ****ing amazing.

12-31-2013, 08:49 AM
@Gotthammer How good was the Horus Heresy board game? There's a copy in my FLGS and I'm wondering if I should pull the trigger on it.

Original? Quite fun.

Remake? ****ing amazing. But not worth £75. It's worth maybe £40 tops.

Yorkie covers the basics of it. It is very fun to play (but has some niggling points - I think spaceport victory is too easy), but possibly a bit overpriced.

Also, for some more crack, a page spread from Dark Future:


and what I consider one of the best GW illustrations evar:


and on the subject of these retro games, anyone remember when GW had the rulebooks and tiles available for download from their website? I do and I saved them all, so here's teh Dark Future rulebook, expansions & tiles (https://app.box.com/s/3umd0p89gluzjmwwcbcm), and the original Battle for Armageddon game plus the Chaos Attack expansion (https://app.box.com/s/izsm2q4gmje5cp8mhlh3). Not only good for the game, but lots of old background material in there.

01-01-2014, 10:38 PM
Cardboard for DAYS!!!


Darren Richardson
01-02-2014, 10:50 AM
And speaking of Space Crusade...

http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee260/Usiel-40K/DamaelNatLight1PB.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/Usiel-40K/media/DamaelNatLight1PB.jpg.html)
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee260/Usiel-40K/DamaelNatLightPB.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/Usiel-40K/media/DamaelNatLightPB.jpg.html)

Love the classic Dark Angels paint Job, it looks so old and battle worn with the damage paint job as well., do you use it in 40K?

01-02-2014, 11:38 AM
Look what I snapped at Adepticon last year still duking it out on the tabletop.

The CSM (Death Guard) player had six of them out there as counts-as Obliterators.


01-02-2014, 11:52 AM
NO WAY! Those are the Chaos Robots from... was it Space Crusade?

01-02-2014, 11:57 AM
Yup - Space Crusade. I have no idea how long it took him to scrape up 6 of them.

Also - this from my personal collection!


01-02-2014, 02:29 PM
Indeed there was! I used to have that game many moons ago, I remember it being a lot of fun. I remember a lot of the GW crossover licenses they had, Doctor Who, 2000AD etc etc, and when a blister of 5 metal figures was less than 2 quid lol!

I can see i'm going to enjoy this thread!

You can get the RT game quite easily from BGG or ebay, i gotmine for like 22 bucks! its zarjaz!

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-02-2014, 03:07 PM
I have a mass of Epic stuff, i should take pictures of that lot if anyone is interesting. I used to be huge into Epic in the mid-late 90s and bought nearly all of the infantry boxes I could find as I was obsessed with the idea of spending a fiver and getting an entire army in a small box for a lot cheaper than 40k's equivilent XD

01-02-2014, 03:13 PM
I'd love to see your Epic stuff. It was a good game. It's a shame GW stopped supporting it.

01-02-2014, 04:50 PM
Some of my guys. The landspeeder was fresh from the battle field after giving up first blood.


And my oldest box:

Ooh look at those old stats.. M, Int, Cl, WP

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-02-2014, 05:29 PM
I'd love to see your Epic stuff. It was a good game. It's a shame GW stopped supporting it.

Yeah, I guess Apocalypse takes it's niche nowadays - which is probably good for people with the space, desire to paint that many models and money, but not so good for people like me sadly! I liked Epic as a game system too and found it much easier to get into and less clunky as well but I suppose it's all personal preference at the end of the day. Shame nobodies really come up with a 6mm game to replace it though, as modern CAD can allow 6mm infantry to look pretty damn good nowadays. If I had CAD skills id probably do it myself even.

Pauly Addams
01-02-2014, 07:43 PM
Yorkie covers the basics of it. It is very fun to play (but has some niggling points - I think spaceport victory is too easy), but possibly a bit overpriced.

Also, for some more crack, a page spread from Dark Future:


and what I consider one of the best GW illustrations evar:


and on the subject of these retro games, anyone remember when GW had the rulebooks and tiles available for download from their website? I do and I saved them all, so here's teh Dark Future rulebook, expansions & tiles (https://app.box.com/s/3umd0p89gluzjmwwcbcm), and the original Battle for Armageddon game plus the Chaos Attack expansion (https://app.box.com/s/izsm2q4gmje5cp8mhlh3). Not only good for the game, but lots of old background material in there.

Thanks for those, I horde old school background ^__^

Love the classic Dark Angels paint Job, it looks so old and battle worn with the damage paint job as well., do you use it in 40K?

Yes, I used it as a Mortis class Dreadnought [Pre-heresy patten] retrofitted for supporting a Tyranid engagement.

I used the old VDR rules to give it stats and it was ridiculously expencive, so then I reverse engineered stats/points from the marine dex as a Venerable Dread with TL-Heavy Bolters and two independent Assault Cannons and it felt just right (most importantly to my opponents too).

Stuart Ian Morris
01-02-2014, 08:14 PM
Points for the paint jobs on the dreadnoughts, but demerits for selling out on the assault cannons. :D

Battlecars, 1983, for all the Dark Future players.
The second plastic rhino kit, identical to the first in all the details except one: They took out two rhinos.
The guide book from the Space Marine paint set.
The all metal Terminator Squad box, with Librarian, Captain, and 6 other torsos, plus one of each weapon fit out.

Darren Richardson
01-03-2014, 01:55 AM
And my oldest box:

Ooh look at those old stats.. M, Int, Cl, WP

That was my very first 40K box set I ever brought too, and to think people never belive me when I tell the the old RTB01 figures were released in smaller boxes :)

01-03-2014, 06:56 PM
I'll just leave this here...

01-03-2014, 07:51 PM
If you look at where we all came from it is sad that there is so much whining and moaning about where 40K is at the moment.

Actually it is because of where we are now that there is all the whining and moaning.

40K was great twenty years ago.

No Flyers
No Large Overprice Models

Very few vehicles

You got to see Infantry actually using tactics to get at the enemy.

Oh and the armies were far more balanced back then (if you exclude Harlequins).

Today we have very little balance with the armies, and GW is pushing the Flyers and Large models.

No today the game sucks.

01-03-2014, 07:54 PM

I tell youngsters about it and they still don't believe!

Also Dark Future shoutout for Gott!

Didn't you hate it when you line it up and shot your round right under of over the target.

You got to learn to angle the grid so that you would actually hit the vehicle you were shooting.

Though even back then it took several shots to knock it out.

01-03-2014, 08:21 PM
I got my first 40k models back in July of 1989 when I went to the Origins convention when it was in Los Angeles.

If only we had those prices today.

Ten metal Space Marines for just $10.

Ten metal Eldars for the same price.



I still have all of the Eldar and several of the Space Marines though I did sell those first ten to someone else.

I also picked up the 1st Space Hulk game and the Rogue Trader book.


I also picked this up five years later.


By 1995 I had several 40k armies and WFB armies to include several 40k Epic armies.

Three sets of this game built the basis for two of my WFB armies.


It came with 102 miniatures and a local toy store had discounted it down to just $10. I saw this and picked up all three boxes that they had would have gotten more if they had them.

Sold the Chaos and several of the other items in them and went to the GW store and brought enough bases.

I then took them with me to Kuwait when I was stationed there from 1995-1996.

Then GW started to go downhill by 2000.

But boy they were great 20 years ago.

Kaptain Badrukk
01-03-2014, 08:22 PM
Actually it is because of where we are now that there is all the whining and moaning.

40K was great twenty years ago.

No Flyers
No Large Overprice Models

Very few vehicles

You got to see Infantry actually using tactics to get at the enemy.

Oh and the armies were far more balanced back then (if you exclude Harlequins).

Today we have very little balance with the armies, and GW is pushing the Flyers and Large models.

No today the game sucks.

Instead we had moderate points games that took twice as long as apocalypse games, wargear and tactics cards which could be abused to the extreme (as anyone who ever faced the unkillable superdodging Ragnar will attest).
And my Ogryn Hero with full wargear access laughs in the face of your supposed balance.
Nothing's really changed, except that the models are (arguably) better and (arguably) more expensive (I use arguably because with 20 years of inflation worked in it's not as big as everyone thinks, for the most part anyway, we just feel that way because we're old).
If the game sucks so much now, go do something else.
Personally I'd say it's not really changed, it's just us who get older and more self-entitled, I feel it happening to me too.
Every now and then I have to dig out an old rule book, or put a 90s marine next to a 2013 one to remind myself that actually there's been as much improvement as there has loss.

01-03-2014, 10:48 PM
I don't feel like much of anything has been lost. The background is more rich, the rules are better written, the models look better than ever, and the books have much higher production values. 40K is the best it's ever been.

01-04-2014, 12:09 AM
Instead we had moderate points games that took twice as long as apocalypse games, wargear and tactics cards which could be abused to the extreme (as anyone who ever faced the unkillable superdodging Ragnar will attest).
And my Ogryn Hero with full wargear access laughs in the face of your supposed balance.
Nothing's really changed, except that the models are (arguably) better and (arguably) more expensive (I use arguably because with 20 years of inflation worked in it's not as big as everyone thinks, for the most part anyway, we just feel that way because we're old).
If the game sucks so much now, go do something else.
Personally I'd say it's not really changed, it's just us who get older and more self-entitled, I feel it happening to me too.
Every now and then I have to dig out an old rule book, or put a 90s marine next to a 2013 one to remind myself that actually there's been as much improvement as there has loss.

Moderate points games?

Gee I was playing 2000-3000 point games all the time. Today you have individuals who are only playing 500-1000 point games.

As for Ragnar will he might dodge some but not all when I blew him away with ease with my Swooping Hawks. Today you hardly ever see Swooping Hawks.

Actually I would match your Ogryn Hero to any of my Harlequin characters but as I stated before the Harlequins were Overpowered (there is a reason why did were taken out of the game for so long). Oh and he would not had lasted long at all.

I would not say they are better I still prefer my metal Eldar over the current multi-part plastic ones of today. Drop my metal models and usually nothing happens drop one of those Plastic models well good luck with that.

But yes, those Tactics Cards can suck like the good old Virus Grenade. Had a game with my Eldar against a Space Wolf army and he had that card. He used it and I lost nearly half of my Army.

Thing is beginning out numbered 2-1 right from the start of the battle - I still nearly won it and would have if I had one more turn.

As I stated far more balance back then.

Also far less saves since there was only one Conversion Field Wargear card only one of your characters could get it. Though you did see quite a few Chaplains since they came with one.

Today every single model can nearly get a 4+ save and many have multi-saves.

So yes today the game sucks it will cost me nearly $1,300 just to replace my Imperial Guard army, more if I want to replace my WFB Ork and Goblin army. Dire Avengers are $7 for just one and $70 for just a single squad.

20 years ago I could have gotten several squads of metal Dire Avengers for that price.

The game is not better today only more dumbed down and it really is more a game of rolling lots of dice.

01-04-2014, 12:28 AM
I don't feel like much of anything has been lost. The background is more rich, the rules are better written, the models look better than ever, and the books have much higher production values. 40K is the best it's ever been.

Have you been to Colorado in the last few days.

There is really no fluff anymore.

Is the Ork broken out into the Clans?

Nope there is no more Clans.

Do you ever see anyone play with Gretchins squads in their 40k Ork armies.

Nope because today it is all about Min/Max and when only given 6 choices for troops Gretchins aren't even consider.

Back 20 years ago you were not limited to just SIX TROOP CHOICES but you are today.

20 years ago you saw armies of mostly troops today a lot of armies only have the bare minimum TWO TROOP CHOICES, but maxing out most of the other categories.

Sure 20 years ago nearly everyone had a 4th Level Psyker but I found that when you have one as well it balanced it self out. Plus that is what the Vortex Grenade was for, lost my Eldar Avatar to that little Wargear more time than I could count. Because he was a beast and you had to Vortex him or lose things in your army that you didn't want to lose.

Today due to the HQ limit and the fact that most Eldar players can't play without Eldrad you don't even see the Avatar.

Oh and the rules are horrible.

How many pages of FAQ's are there for this Edition?

As to better models all I have to say to that is...


Which was so bad that even GW has dropped it.

Oh sure the books are higher production value but then again they cost $55-$60+ and you have to buy quite a few of them if you owe as many armies as I do.

But I decided that at those prices I am not going to buy any of them.

40K was far better 20 years ago but then GW got taken over and it has been going downhill since then.

Darren Richardson
01-04-2014, 03:14 AM
WOAH WOAH guys, this isn't the place for a flame war guys, this thread is only for remembering the Games Workshop 40k items we were fond of when growing up, not to argue which system was better, there are other threads for those arguements.... (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?38170-6th-Edition-A-new-golden-age)

Three sets of this game built the basis for two of my WFB armies.


It came with 102 miniatures and a local toy store had discounted it down to just $10. I saw this and picked up all three boxes that they had would have gotten more if they had them.

Yeah I remember Battlemasters, we had it at school, the floorplan battlemap was HUGE, and the figures wern't that bad for the time, except the Cannon, which had a great big hole in the underside....

I brought one of the expansion sets for the Empire figures, which apart from the cannon I still own today...

Along with two copies of Hero Quest, 1st Ed and 2nd Ed (you can tell the two editions apart by the first quest in the quest book) along with Keller's Keep, Return of the Witch Lord expansions and the much sought after Quest Making kit (mine's complete and unused, though the box is unsealed)...

My Pride and joy though is my copy of Space Crusade, complete with just one Space Marine Weapon damaged.... I'll get round to painting them sometime this year :)

I just wish I hadn't got rid of any of my stuff over the years, I used to own GW's release of the Judge Dredd RPG, along with the first module, A GW Release of the Lord of the Rings RPG that ICE did (which is worth a mint complete these days :( ),I had Ultra Marines and that other fantasy one with the Skaven, Mighty Warriors IIRC, and the Spacewar Combat cards with all the Space Marines on the cards, the really old school ones :)

And that's not to mention the figures I had, my first was the box set I mentioned in an earlier post, my second was that metal terminator box set mentioned in someone elses post, they were great figures..

01-04-2014, 03:20 AM
Regarding 'old' 40k being more balanced...

Original overwatch.
Original Cyclone Missile Launchers. Remember having that targeter?
Original Assault Cannons
Follow on Fire
Original Wolf Guard (OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!!)

There always have been and always be rules/units/armies in games like 40k that are considered overpowered or abused. The discussion is the same, the rules/units/armies just vary between editions.

01-04-2014, 06:59 AM
Yeah but the assault cannon and cyclone both carried the risk of death to the user...

Mr Mystery
01-04-2014, 07:09 AM
Cyclone's was bypassed by shooting all your missiles at once, and mashing up a unit.

Assault Cannon? In the 4ish years I played 2nd Ed, never had one blow up on me!

01-04-2014, 08:20 AM
I never had one that didn't. Sustained fire dice hated me with a passion and have lead to my continued suspicion of storm bolters, shuriken catapults, and assault cannons :) I do kind of miss nicking a cyclone missile launcher and watching my opponent sigh and pull out 'the chart.'

01-04-2014, 11:38 AM
triple jam.... :eek:

You never had you cyclone blow up and take out about three of you terminators?

01-04-2014, 11:58 AM
Cyclone's was bypassed by shooting all your missiles at once, and mashing up a unit.

Assault Cannon? In the 4ish years I played 2nd Ed, never had one blow up on me!

Bet you had a few that rammed on you.

Roll the three dice enough and you will get that jam.

Had plenty of my Eldar Guardians S. Catapults Ram on me.

The game had a way of balancing itself.

Mr Mystery
01-04-2014, 12:47 PM
Occasional jam yes!

But seriously dude, 2nd Ed was far from balanced. Heroes were massively, ridiculously hard. Level 4 Inquisitor, Terminator Armour, Psycannon, Psychic Rod and Combat Drugs. Psychically boosted up, switch on Holocaust and watch the enemy army crumble around him.

The game was still a lot of fun, but far from balanced.

01-04-2014, 12:50 PM
I had waaaaaaaaay to much fun with the Imperial Assassin to ever care about balance in wargames. Polymorphine made for so many hilarious combos.

Mr Mystery
01-04-2014, 12:53 PM
I had waaaaaaaaay to much fun with the Imperial Assassin to ever care about balance in wargames. Polymorphine made for so many hilarious combos.

Yup! Once had an Eversor carve through Roger Blackmane, Nigel the Slayer and a bunch of Wolfguard in a single round of combat!

Fun, but by no means balanced.

01-04-2014, 04:55 PM
Polymorphine made for so many hilarious combos.

Totally, and yes 2nd ed. was a blast!

Yeah, the Cyclones being a half inch radius that increased with each missile was gnarly. Was it a 10 or 12 missile load out, I can't remember?

01-04-2014, 11:00 PM
The Cyclone had twelve missiles; six on each side. Reference (http://ajwebmaster.co.uk/40k/cyclone.JPG)

01-05-2014, 12:08 AM
Occasional jam yes!

But seriously dude, 2nd Ed was far from balanced. Heroes were massively, ridiculously hard. Level 4 Inquisitor, Terminator Armour, Psycannon, Psychic Rod and Combat Drugs. Psychically boosted up, switch on Holocaust and watch the enemy army crumble around him.

The game was still a lot of fun, but far from balanced.

Two Words:

Vortex Grenade

Plus while your opponent might have someone like that chances are so did you.

I player Eldar and we had the Avatar who was just as nasty as that Level 4 Inquisitor.

I will only say that the best games that I ever had was back in 2nd Edition.

01-05-2014, 12:18 AM
Yup! Once had an Eversor carve through Roger Blackmane, Nigel the Slayer and a bunch of Wolfguard in a single round of combat!

Fun, but by no means balanced.

I did find that for the most part most armies were balanced.

The only army that really was not balanced were the Harlequins.

I can't remember ever losing with them.

Though I usually did not come out of any battle with a lot of them left on the table either.

Bring 35 or 36 to the battle and have only around 6 or so left at the end of the game.

Mr Mystery
01-05-2014, 07:47 AM
Vortex Grenade, meet Vortex Detonator from Dark Millenium.... And one very dead enemy character.

01-05-2014, 08:09 AM
"Space Dwarfs"? What kind of mythical beings were those? :D

I've got my slightly dogeared copy of the Rogue Trader book; the one that pages started falling out of as soon as I opened it.

Holy Shenanigans I thought I was the only one that happened to! No sooner did I crack the cover then about half of the middle pages fell out!

01-05-2014, 12:21 PM
I would be happy if the IG got landspeeders again and the ability to take assault cannons on sentinels...just saying.

01-05-2014, 02:17 PM

01-05-2014, 02:40 PM
I remember before the Squats got Squatted, they got a full range of Psychic powers for living ancestors in the Dark Millenium box. One was a mind control - I remember the carnage a brainwashed terminator assault cannon with follow-on fire could do...

01-06-2014, 02:58 AM
Virus bombs strategy card anyone?
How to win the game before turn one...

But the best was still librarian with displacer field, quickening and iron hand chasing a demolisher round trying to punch it to death...

01-06-2014, 04:06 AM
Virus bombs strategy card anyone?
How to win the game before turn one...

Well, I guess there was a period where you could do that, but it seems strange to be nostalgic for it. I thought 2nd edition was much more balanced after the White Dwarf piece telling you to tear that card up...

01-06-2014, 04:13 AM
Never saw that WD piece :D
It was funny the first time it happened...

01-06-2014, 05:33 AM
This Thread is really making me want to play 2nd again.

01-06-2014, 05:39 AM
I come not to praise 40K2, but to bury any notion that it was the game tourney players would want to see again.

IMO, second edition (40K2) had some great points: the fluff was wide open, you could field a wide variety of things and customize the wide variety of wargear on most of your troops, it had a great level of detail for each turn, practically each round fired or power sword swung (you could equip every SM in an assault squad with a power sword in those days) every bounce of a thrown grenade, every drift of a smoke grenade, it was one of the best skirmish games ever. By Skirmish, mean 5-20 minis per side, it was like Necromunda with SM, nids, Orks, Squats, and Eldar. Players were encouraged to name each miniature, and often did.

Strategy cards, with the exception of Virus Outbreak, added some nice twists to the game. My biggest gripe with Virus as an Ork player was that I'd have to set up a lot of minis, only to find out I'd lost before a die had been rolled.

The downside to 40K2 was that because of the level of detail, no mass rolling of dice and combat resolution for the most part, turns could take a very long time to play, especially in close combat. IIRC, tourneys had a 2.5 hour limit per game, and rarely did most make it to turn 4 before time was up. Unless you enjoy rolling a few dice for almost every action taken by each mini on one side in a player turn, and then doing the same for every mini on the other side, it was a bit slow. Some players did come up with their own mass rolling and combat resolution, but for tourneys, the rules were firmly against it.

On another note, maybe this week I can scan in the "Space Hulk Recreator Squad" article from The Dragon, it's a very funny parody of the grimdark.

01-06-2014, 05:43 AM
Who cares about tournaments though?

Mr Mystery
01-06-2014, 06:40 AM
Please Sir Mr Splodge Sir

Not I Sir, Mr Splodge Sir!

Mr Mystery
01-06-2014, 06:42 AM
I remember before the Squats got Squatted, they got a full range of Psychic powers for living ancestors in the Dark Millenium box. One was a mind control - I remember the carnage a brainwashed terminator assault cannon with follow-on fire could do...

Saw that used just once, and to frankly hilarious affect....

Abaddon teleports in with a full Bodyguard of Terminators.

Next turn, Squat Living Ancestor chances his hand with Dominate. Abaddon fluffs his Psychic Save, and promptly rolls a 12 for his Ld test. Single action taken? Back up to your ship with you! (you could teleport back off the board in those days. Just couldn't then teleport back down again).

Cue visual image of teleporting in, evil laugh, teleport back up, evil laugh tailing off into a 'Huh?'

Veteran Sergeant
01-06-2014, 01:52 PM
Who cares about tournaments though?
Have to agree. While I won't begrudge anyone their fun tournaments are really anathema to the way wargames are supposed to be played in my opinion. Trying to compress a wargame down to a simple dice-rolling exercise defeats the whole purpose. That's really what 3+ Edition of 40K did. Set up models, move models towards eachother (or conversely stand absolutely still), roll dice, remove models. It was reduced to basically an expensive board game.

Gone were all the aspects that made 40K a wargame. Range modifiers, tactical movement, maneuver, overwatch, etc.

Now, by no means and I suggesting 2nd Edition was perfect. It was a bloated mess in a lot of ways. The psychic attacks rules were ridiculously bad. Melee needed an overhaul. The problem was, 3rd Edition didn't fix 2nd Edition's issues (come clumsy rules, super-characters, wonky wargear). It simply created a brand new game that pretended to be 40K, with its own slew of brand new problems.

Game takes too long for younger players with short attention spans? Make all the models move faster. Make close combats result in wipes. How do we force close combat in a game full of guns? Halve the (already ridiculously short) ranges if a model moves. Reduce everyone's ballistic skill (from removing targeters, to straight up gimping Orks down to BS2). Force models in a squad to all fire at the same target (even if that means 9 models that can't hurt a tank shooting at it just so the lascannon can).

Ultimately, the tournament scene killed 40K. Players demanded a game that played faster so that instead of playing one good game, they could play two or three mediocre ones and win a trophy.

01-06-2014, 05:14 PM
The psychic attacks rules were ridiculously bad.

*cough* Daemonic attack *cough*

01-06-2014, 05:44 PM
2nd 40K was awesome. Best edition by miles. Sure some of it was crazy but a little bit of reworking and it would still work. Just needed to tone the characters down and it would be fine.

01-07-2014, 12:13 AM
Virus bombs strategy card anyone?
How to win the game before turn one...

But the best was still librarian with displacer field, quickening and iron hand chasing a demolisher round trying to punch it to death...

Not always a sure winner because there were many models that were never effective by it.

But it sure could make a Imperial Guard or Guardian Eldar player whine and cry.

Only had it used once against me and it cause me to lose half my Eldar Army when the Space Wolf player used it.

Thing is I still almost won that game and only needed one more turn but the game ended on the 5th turn.

Oh Eldar Guardians were very good back then, which is why GW nerfed then to hell and back.

01-07-2014, 12:41 AM
Oh and I loved it when a opponent would shoot their Plasma guns at my Avatar not knowing that he was immune to them.

Oh and the ability for Orks to custom make their own weapons.

Once ended up with a large blast template weapon that froze everyone solid to include the shooter because the range was shorter than the blast template.

Oh the joy of shooting your Ork Shokk Attack gun and having the little buggers end up inside the armor of the terminators that you were shooting.

Say what you will about 2nd Edition - but it sure was fun with all the crazy things that could happen.

Like the time I toss a Rad Grenade into the building that had a squad of Blood Axe Commando's and it ended up with a 3" blast radius but only being 2-3 strength. It did cause them to break and since they were in the building they had to go to ground.

Took a very long time for them to die because due to the Grenade I wasn't going in after them with my Harlequins and due to it low strength it was hard to wound the Orks.

The real fun Grenade was the Plasma Grenade since if had the ability to expand to 18". Got lucky once with that and destroyed a sizeable portion of a Genestealer army.

Another fun bit of fun was the Eldar D-Cannon and the Displacement Chart. You never knew where the model that you hit would end up.

01-07-2014, 02:35 AM
Oh the joy of shooting your Ork Shokk Attack gun and having the little buggers end up inside the armour of the terminators that you were shooting.

That always amused, even on the receiving end it was funny.

This Dave
01-07-2014, 08:37 AM
My favorite Ork weapon was the Hop Splat Gun. It fired a rocket attached to a cannonball or something that moved wildly around the table until it moved off the edge or you rolled doubles for the scatter and hit everything in its path.

One game we had Orks down one long edge of an 8' table and Space Marines and Eldar down the other. One Ork player fired a Hop Splat gun at a bunch of Eldar near the corner. It hit one Eldar then came back across the table and killed 12 Orks (including a whole unit of Goffik Rockers). Then it went back across the table and killed two Eldar then came Back to the Ork side and killed 14 more. It finally flew back across the table at the far end from where it started, bounced off the head of a Marine, then finally flew off. The whole thing took about ten minutes to resolve but then we had to stop playing for a while because we were laughing about it too much to continue.

After that the guy who had borrowed the army and fired the shot became a lifelong Ork player. :)

01-07-2014, 10:44 PM
Ah, a pure Mad Boyz at heart.

Really sad when GW drop these guys.

You never knew what they were going to do.

Oh and how about those random Farseer's?

Mine almost always ended up on the weak side. Had to give him his own squad of Fire Dragons because they needed the protection.

Powerful Psyker but don't ever get anywhere near close combat.

01-07-2014, 11:26 PM
I miss stopping my opponent every time he shot with '3d6 times 3 for the shrouding'.

01-08-2014, 01:54 AM
I understand that this is quite rare ...


It's dated 1993. It includes rules for using marines in power armour and missions using chaos terminators vs imperial ones.

Mr Mystery
01-08-2014, 06:10 AM

I had that.

Power Armour is terribur on a Space Hulk! You get loads of guys to a squad though!

01-08-2014, 08:28 AM
Anyone remember the old 2nd Ed. rules for assault cannons? >:}

01-08-2014, 08:29 AM
Yep, triple jam, BOOM!

01-08-2014, 10:25 AM
One of the above posters just gave me a "Light Bulb" moment. I remember naming all of my models in my 2nd Ed armies. Armies were much smaller back then so it was possible. For example it was 300 points for 10 tactical marines. I remember scrounging to get 10x power Swords and 10x chain swords for my assault squad and them costing over 400 points, but the parry rules of the day made then actually useful. A 1000 point army could be 30ish marines and the most common tournament games I attended were 1500 points or only about 45 models.

Now second edition did have it's problems. The worst army I ever fought and saw was a Space Ork army. It was 25% Squig Catapults, 25% Pulsa Rokits, Bad Moons in mega armour with heavy weapons (with targetters) and a cheap Warboss. The rockets fired and normally did a pulse (2d6 range) that knocked models down. The models then spent their next turn just standing up, so they are effectively pinned. The catapults dropped templates that ran around randomly and could eat anything. Being templates they were not affected by the pulses. Add to this the heavy weapon orks destroying everything and it was a game-set-match army. All your opponent did was stand his models up and end his turn. The ork player then spent 30 minutes: dropping more rokits, knocking down models, adding more squig templates and using the heavy orks to shoot any part of the army not in pulsa range. Note the squig templates pretty much stayed in play so it was 6 templates on turn 1, then 12 running around on turn 2, 18 on turn 3, etc.

That experiance aside. I think this hits the root cause of why 40k is losing it's appeal to me. I want the skirmish feel back. for each model to matter rather than being clone troop #5 of clone squad #3.

01-08-2014, 12:20 PM
I remember the rather boring army options of third, but the really good picture section, which gave some great paint advice terrain designs etc, they were not massive army books but they gave a lot for what you got.

Veteran Sergeant
01-08-2014, 08:01 PM
I understand that this is quite rare ...


It's dated 1993. It includes rules for using marines in power armour and missions using chaos terminators vs imperial ones.

I actually have a hard copy of that somewhere. Fun book.

01-16-2014, 08:05 AM
I actually have a hard copy of that somewhere. Fun book.

I have copies of the White Dwarfs with those rules in them, passed down to me. Used to spend hours with my brother trying to adjust them for 2nd edition Space Hulk.

01-16-2014, 01:50 PM
Well, you asked for it:

Yep, stubbers is bolters is stubbers. You'll never play Necromunda the same way again.

Want me to dig out some, "Rogue Trooper", ads?

I read the partial 'something has happened' rule below the drawing LOL. Just imagine, a group of Ultramarines, all rolling one's to wound, and all of the propellant of their bolt rounds fails as it hits the target.

Da Gargoyle
01-18-2014, 01:48 AM
This has been fun to read and I have a lot of the stuff that's been pictured. I started with the Hamlyn game of space crusade and it is likely that the lad that fielded those 6 dreadies bought the supplementary gamers pack. I still have the board cards and rules from that game. I then got the Ed two game which is how I started gaming orks. I still have the little markers which are now comming in handy to mark units with some of the effects my Eldar impose on the game, like soul burn.

But what I am surprised about is the fact that no one has mentioned Gorka Morka. I have the cardboard press-outs from that game, and the Ork fort. Must dig that out now they have strong point rules and things. The boxed kit was really good value and the game hilarious. It also inspired my first scratch builds, being as Gorka Morka was as much about mining and earning teef for the rescue ship as it was about thumpin hummies and those tragic followers of Mork.

01-18-2014, 02:02 AM
This has been fun to read and I have a lot of the stuff that's been pictured. I started with the Hamlyn game of space crusade and it is likely that the lad that fielded those 6 dreadies bought the supplementary gamers pack. I still have the board cards and rules from that game. I then got the Ed two game which is how I started gaming orks. I still have the little markers which are now comming in handy to mark units with some of the effects my Eldar impose on the game, like soul burn.

But what I am surprised about is the fact that no one has mentioned Gorka Morka. I have the cardboard press-outs from that game, and the Ork fort. Must dig that out now they have strong point rules and things. The boxed kit was really good value and the game hilarious. It also inspired my first scratch builds, being as Gorka Morka was as much about mining and earning teef for the rescue ship as it was about thumpin hummies and those tragic followers of Mork.

Speaking of which...


01-18-2014, 11:58 AM
Speaking of which...


Got that one.
Is it tournament legal?

Darren Richardson
01-19-2014, 02:18 AM
This has been fun to read and I have a lot of the stuff that's been pictured. I started with the Hamlyn game of space crusade and it is likely that the lad that fielded those 6 dreadies bought the supplementary gamers pack. I still have the board cards and rules from that game.

Mission Dreadnought


Damn set costs an abusulote fortune to try and buy these days, assuming you can find one, still at least I have my complete base set of the game.....

01-19-2014, 08:58 AM
Got that one.
Is it tournament legal?

It's a legitimate model.

01-19-2014, 12:31 PM
it is a picture on a piece of cardboard with a plastic stand. i do not believe it qualifies as a "model" in any sense of the word.

01-19-2014, 12:40 PM
it is a picture on a piece of cardboard with a plastic stand. i do not believe it qualifies as a "model" in any sense of the word.

I have my space marine and space ork army from rouge trader. You can photocopy and cut as many of them as you like and were "legal" models for game play :D

01-19-2014, 12:41 PM
it is a picture on a piece of cardboard with a plastic stand. i do not believe it qualifies as a "model" in any sense of the word.

was acceptable enough to include in a box set. i'd be fine with it.

01-19-2014, 12:41 PM
it is a picture on a piece of cardboard with a plastic stand. i do not believe it qualifies as a "model" in any sense of the word.

It is a model. GW sold it as an ork dread. As long as it isnt a fake that thing is legit.

Cpt Codpiece
01-19-2014, 12:43 PM
it is a picture on a piece of cardboard with a plastic stand. i do not believe it qualifies as a "model" in any sense of the word.

Supplied with a GW box set, can't get more legit...... Granted 4 editions ago.

01-21-2014, 09:50 PM
Seeing the photos here got me motivated to pull my camera out and upload my collection of ye olde GeeDub games. A lot of them still have the pieces and one of my Space Crusade boxes still has everything in it but unplayed!

Ahh the good ol'days!

Darren Richardson
01-22-2014, 03:28 AM
Seeing the photos here got me motivated to pull my camera out and upload my collection of ye olde GeeDub games. A lot of them still have the pieces and one of my Space Crusade boxes still has everything in it but unplayed!

Ahh the good ol'days!

Good Grief, not only do you have all three forerunners to the Epic game system you've also got that hard to find beast Tyranid Attack....

But to own a Mint On Sprue copy of Space Crusade, damn I'm envious, it's also proberly the only one in existestance.....

01-22-2014, 02:48 PM
Good Grief, not only do you have all three forerunners to the Epic game system you've also got that hard to find beast Tyranid Attack....

But to own a Mint On Sprue copy of Space Crusade, damn I'm envious, it's also proberly the only one in existestance.....

Oh the pain of ages ... I had the Dreadnought expansion kit also MIB, but somehow over the ages it went missing! I bought them to have a rip roaring time with my mates, but we just sort of skipped over it straight into the normal wargaming mix of things! I've got the new space hulk re-release ... never been opened and still in its shiny wrapper (sad sad I know, but then don't we old timers have enough un-opened kits to open our own game store!)

01-22-2014, 10:35 PM
Old books:


There's a copy of Rogue Trader, the Compendium, the Compilation, Adeptus Titanicus, Codex Titanicus, Renegades from Space Marine and all the 1st ed Space Hulk books. Also the Compilation is signed by Jes:

Some page spreads:


For you young whipper snappers out there, that blue beastie breaking through the wall in the diorama is what an original Dread used to look like. And you should see the original Chaos dreads, very H.R. Geiger inspired.
I remember for a few years i used to get a bday card from GW using the same Blood Angels image on it as is on the compendium.

01-22-2014, 10:46 PM
That DF box weights like 15 kilos due to all the card parts and being basically filled with hotwheels cars... >.<

And how could I forget the crown jewel of my collection:


(note: not a Black Library publication)


It's actually still one of the best 40k books even with (or perhaps because of) all the weirdness.

Sorry for the double post BoLS, but I think I have a digital copy of this book, and it is an awesome read! And one of the scouts reappears as a Fists Captain in the Draco/Harlequin/Chaos Child trilogy, too (Written by Dan Abnett years after Space Marine)

01-23-2014, 10:49 PM
Points for the paint jobs on the dreadnoughts, but demerits for selling out on the assault cannons. :D

The all metal Terminator Squad box, with Librarian, Captain, and 6 other torsos, plus one of each weapon fit out.
OMG, this was my gateway drug for 40K. After this termie boxed set, it was the MKI Land Raider and MKI Predator, complete in creamy-colored plastic, one heavy bolter on top of the land Raider, and a ridiculously thin auto-cannon barrel on the Pred. That termie box art brings back memories (especially of a termie cptn who could equip a frikkin grenade launcher on the back of his power fist!!!!)

http://www.solegends.com/citcat88/4102spacemarines-01.jpg <-- this link you posted, D4 (the chaplain-looking marine) still is one of my favorites.

Darren Richardson
01-24-2014, 07:08 AM
Sorry for the double post BoLS, but I think I have a digital copy of this book, and it is an awesome read! And one of the scouts reappears as a Fists Captain in the Draco/Harlequin/Chaos Child trilogy, too (Written by Dan Abnett years after Space Marine)

Sorry to burst your Bubble :) the Draco books are ALL written by Ian Watson, I know this because I have the BL omnibus in front of my right now...

Still haven't gotten round to reading it though, still trying to get through Iron Hands.....

01-25-2014, 09:16 AM
it is a picture on a piece of cardboard with a plastic stand. i do not believe it qualifies as a "model" in any sense of the word. That came in the 2nd Edition 40K box. The metal Ork Dread model wasn't released until several months later.

01-25-2014, 04:11 PM
Those are some nice classics!

Darren Richardson
01-25-2014, 05:22 PM
That came in the 2nd Edition 40K box. The metal Ork Dread model wasn't released until several months later.

Yeah A friend of mine at school brought the 2nd ed box set, we never got round to playing it though, the rules were more complex then WFB....

which was the 4th ed which came with Cardboard cutouts of that Goblin special character on a chariot and that high elf dude on a griffion/hippogriff (Can't remember their names or the exact flying beast)....

01-26-2014, 07:31 AM
Sorry to burst your Bubble :) the Draco books are ALL written by Ian Watson, I know this because I have the BL omnibus in front of my right now...

Still haven't gotten round to reading it though, still trying to get through Iron Hands.....

You, sir, are correct! I don;t know why i wrote Dan Abnett.... I must have had a few Belgian White ales prior to posting, I guess.
In retrospect, it has a very different feel and reads differently than anything else in the 40K universe, so be prepared for something that does not feel like it fits in (for example: Space Marines do not have the mental fortitude to fight Chaos and have their minds wiped after every encounter, and other weirdness...)

Mr Mystery
01-26-2014, 09:18 AM
Anyone know of any sites that buy 2nd Hand, 2nd Edition stuff wholesale?

Bro and I have over a company of Dark Angels we don't use, plus many other things (including metal Guardians still in Blister) that we'll be getting rid of later in the year.

Darren Richardson
01-26-2014, 04:34 PM
You, sir, are correct! I don;t know why i wrote Dan Abnett.... I must have had a few Belgian White ales prior to posting, I guess.
In retrospect, it has a very different feel and reads differently than anything else in the 40K universe, so be prepared for something that does not feel like it fits in (for example: Space Marines do not have the mental fortitude to fight Chaos and have their minds wiped after every encounter, and other weirdness...)

Yeah I've heard that, which is the main reason I still haven't read it yet, that and real life getting in the way!

Mind you I only paid a £1 for it in WH Smiths in a sale....

Picked it up with Garro Oath of Moment, Hellion Rain and Horus Raising all on CDs for a couple of quid each as well :)

02-03-2014, 06:42 PM
You should read it, if anything for the comparative analysis with the newer 40K books.
Is a pound and a few quid a lot? I'm a Yank, so I don;t really know what that means there...

Oath of Moment was cool, I was not aware Horus Rising was convertted to audio drama from the book. Was disappointed with Helion Rain, and extremely disappointed with the Sgillite/Malcador audio drama. It was a complete bait and switch: Malcador sitting in the golden throne on the cover with the armrests made from skulls, the skulls labeled with the legion numbers of the unknown primarchs. Totally sucked.

Darren Richardson
02-05-2014, 01:56 AM
You should read it, if anything for the comparative analysis with the newer 40K books.
Is a pound and a few quid a lot? I'm a Yank, so I don;t really know what that means there...

One £ is roughly just over just around $1.40ish, while a couple of Quid (slange for a pound£) is typicly £2...

O.... I was not aware Horus Rising was convertted to audio drama from the book.....

Yeah it was an abridged form of the book, it's not an audio drama but the more traditonal straight readthrough, but on 5 CDs!

It's read by some guy called Martyn Ellis, oh and it's out of production from what I can tell which is kind of funny considering it was only done in 2010.... guess it didn't sell well.....

I have read the book version and it is good....

"I was there the day Horus Killed the Emperor".....

02-05-2014, 09:35 AM
then some old git comes along and ruins it...
6455 6456 6457 6458

look at them in order, it'll make the last one much more interesting.

my god,it's full of stars!

02-06-2014, 12:24 AM
I require more nostalgia.

02-06-2014, 01:34 AM
Actually have the entire CJ collection :). I do have a couple copies of Adeptus Titanicus around here somewhere as well...

7171 7172

02-08-2014, 12:46 AM
I still have that Ragnar Blackmane mini kicking around somewhere, although mine is so old that on the mold tab connected to the feet, its imprinted with Leman Russ, not Blackmane.

02-08-2014, 04:57 AM
That mini was never rebranded to Ragnar from leman - the leman russ mini was totally different. Check Solegends.

*Edit to say if this isn't your memory playing tricks you would have a really rare miscast probably worth something.

02-08-2014, 06:44 AM
I require more nostalgia.

This was the most fun I've had all week.
Sorry on the iPad I'm Note sure why some are upside down?

02-08-2014, 06:58 AM
Sorry I don't know what going on here? I've just posted these picks here. All are the right way up. Must be an iPad issue.

02-08-2014, 08:30 AM
That mini was never rebranded to Ragnar from leman - the leman russ mini was totally different. Check Solegends.

*Edit to say if this isn't your memory playing tricks you would have a really rare miscast probably worth something.

Crapo. Now I have to go find it.

02-09-2014, 02:07 PM
Full Squat army from EPIC7218

Colin Graham
02-09-2014, 03:57 PM
I posted a few images on my Blog a while back from the 1995 catalog. I found it in my brothers old room at my parents house when visiting at Christmas.
Space WolfGrey Blog Post Jan 31 (http://spacewolfgrey.tumblr.com/post/71639109259/now-for-the-space-wolves-it-would-be-good-to-get)
Space WolfGrey Blog Post Jan 31 (http://spacewolfgrey.tumblr.com/post/71638655195/the-games-workshop-1994-1995-catalogue-part-one)
Space WolfGrey Blog Post Jan 31 (http://spacewolfgrey.tumblr.com/post/71797766826/a-few-more-products-from-the-1994-95-games)
a-few-more-images-from-the-1994-95-catalogue (http://spacewolfgrey.tumblr.com/post/71797282508/a-few-more-images-from-the-1994-95-catalogue)


02-09-2014, 08:49 PM
Sorry for the double post BoLS, but I think I have a digital copy of this book, and it is an awesome read! And one of the scouts reappears as a Fists Captain in the Draco/Harlequin/Chaos Child trilogy, too (Written by Dan Abnett years after Space Marine)

Just a note: Space marine and the inquisition war books were written by ian watson, the same author, not abnett.

Smartest move GW ever made was to hire actual authors to do their publishing.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-09-2014, 09:45 PM
Heres some of my Epic Collection -

Titan Legions boxset, I was one of the last people to get a copy before they vanished from the stores forever.

Epic Tyranids - I much prefer the look of these oldschool Tyranids.

Epic Squats!

Epic Orks!

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-09-2014, 09:49 PM
Epic Chaos

Lots of Epic Eldar, wish i still had the box for these :(

Epic Space Marines, love the artwork on this box, they were all beakies in this one too, and slightly smaller than the ones that came afterwards!

I know it's not GW, but heres some of my epic Necrons, I have about 500 of them in total ;

02-10-2014, 05:32 PM
Full Squat army from EPIC7218

Now *that* would be worth digging out my Epic Eldar to play against! :)

Darren Richardson
02-11-2014, 02:30 PM
Full Squat army from EPIC7218

Bloody hell look at all the "carriages" on that Land Train!

That Squat army is worth a fortune....

Darren Richardson
02-11-2014, 02:59 PM
Actually have the entire CJ collection :). I do have a couple copies of Adeptus Titanicus around here somewhere as well...

7171 7172

nice, do you have these in your collection


Sadly the Spring 86 issues pages all fell out but I do have them all in a sleve folder.


This Spring 87 issue is surprisingly in good shape for it's age, no missing pages and complete.


And now for something completely different as they say, this baby is sadly missing it's covers but it is complete otherwise, the third compendium was printed shortly before the Citadel Journal Spring 1986 issue as it has the first part of the Kaleb Daark saga, written by Wagner and Grant, who will be familiar to 20,000AD readers no doubt....

02-12-2014, 12:05 AM
nice, do you have these in your collection

Sadly no. I had a chance to pick them up a bit ago, but passed on them since they didn't contain anything of interest to me being too early in the days of Citadel Miniatures to be useful in GW games. Someday I might pick them up to complete the collection, but who knows...

Darren Richardson
02-12-2014, 02:07 AM
Sadly no. I had a chance to pick them up a bit ago, but passed on them since they didn't contain anything of interest to me being too early in the days of Citadel Miniatures to be useful in GW games. Someday I might pick them up to complete the collection, but who knows...

I know what you mean, 40K hadn't been invented back then, the original Journal was 1/3 Warhammer, 1/3 assorted modeling and 1/3 catalogue, it's interesting to look through at all the really old figures they did back then, Dr Who; Star Trek; Judge Dredd; Lone Wolf etc...

The Compedium though was pretty much just a catalogue, very little "Gaming Content" but of course it's how WD would eventully turn out....

02-12-2014, 02:26 AM
Full Squat army from EPIC7218

Looking at this, in the old days those models could never be made into 28mm-scale...

Now, loads of that stuff could easily by 40k'd and would look AWESOME!

and comparing the old GW chaos dwarfs to the newer FW chaos dwarfs I think it could be done in a good grim-dark fashion.

Shame it wont though :-/

02-23-2014, 08:51 AM
ok with all the knight kerfuffle going on I decided to dig out my epic knights...
wow, a few more than I remembered!
41 imperial
24 eldar

and in another box I found Titans :eek:
8 Warhounds
5 Reavers
14 Warlords
1 Impereator
2 Eldar Phantoms
1 Eldar Warlock Phantom
2 Mega Gargants
1 Slasher Gargant
lots of Stomper Gargants

there are an awful lot more boxes to go though..
I think its safe to say I liked epic :cool:

02-23-2014, 09:00 AM
ok with all the knight kerfuffle going on I decided to dig out my epic knights...
wow, a few more than I remembered!
41 imperial
24 eldar

and in another box I found Titans :eek:
8 Warhounds
5 Reavers
14 Warlords
1 Impereator
2 Eldar Phantoms
1 Eldar Warlock Phantom
2 Mega Gargants
1 Slasher Gargant
lots of Stomper Gargants

there are an awful lot more boxes to go though..
I think its safe to say I liked epic :cool:

It's safe to say that Ebay is your friend. (If you so choose.)

02-23-2014, 09:53 AM
wow those are silly prices.

The only place these are going is on my painting list (which is ever growing and ridiculously long)

02-23-2014, 10:56 AM
bunch of random old 40k stuff


all painted bits to the right of the avatar are recently painted, others are 20+(:eek:) years ago.

Darren Richardson
02-23-2014, 01:06 PM
bunch of random old 40k stuff


all painted bits to the right of the avatar are recently painted, others are 20+(:eek:) years ago.

Holy Crap you own an original Terminator and an original dreadnought!

Man combined with the massive amounts of Epic Knights you own, I am seriously jealous, seriously :D

02-23-2014, 06:09 PM
Those are just cherrypicked bits and peices. Just my terminators alone weigh in over a kilo.:eek:
One day I'll post a list of all the 40k and epic stuff I have, or maybe start a painting blog/thread. There's an idea...

Darren Richardson
02-24-2014, 01:31 AM
Those are just cherrypicked bits and peices. Just my terminators alone weigh in over a kilo.:eek: over a kilo's worth Double :eek:

One day I'll post a list of all the 40k and epic stuff I have, or maybe start a painting blog/thread. There's an idea...

That's a very good idea, the 40k painting thread will welcom you with open arms, we appricate painted shinies :D

02-24-2014, 02:50 PM
Some of Rogue Trader era SMS (painted recently... Had my own bout with nostalgia last year)


I have three tac squads, an assault squad, a terminator squad, a couple if imperial robots, and a boat load of the Rogue Trader era SM characters. I've been meaning to get some of the FW old school pattern rhinos and land raiders.

I have a huge epic Ork army that's never been photographed... Maybe I need to dig them out.

Darren Richardson
02-24-2014, 05:05 PM
Some of Rogue Trader era SMS (painted recently... Had my own bout with nostalgia last year)


I have three tac squads, an assault squad, a terminator squad, a couple if imperial robots, and a boat load of the Rogue Trader era SM characters. I've been meaning to get some of the FW old school pattern rhinos and land raiders.

I have a huge epic Ork army that's never been photographed... Maybe I need to dig them out.

wow love your paint work, why don't you start a thread in the 40K miniatures Forum, we like well painted models in that Forum....

03-02-2014, 03:42 PM
Somebody posted, a while ago, some pics of old school Space Wolf characters.
I had mentioned that the character labelled as Rangar Blackmane was once released as Leman Russ.
Sure enough, I'm not nuts, and I took pics on the mini with the engraved tab on the bottom.


Added bonus: i also have the original Marneus Calgar.


03-03-2014, 09:49 AM
We need to find something saying that model was released as Ragnar Blackmane.

03-03-2014, 10:30 AM
Somebody posted, a while ago, some pics of old school Space Wolf characters.
I had mentioned that the character labelled as Rangar Blackmane was once released as Leman Russ.
Sure enough, I'm not nuts, and I took pics on the mini with the engraved tab on the bottom.


Added bonus: i also have the original Marneus Calgar.


That was me. And that min has never been marketed as Ragnar, it was always Leman Russ. That said, I like it and with all its bits, back pack, Freki and Geri, is worth a little bit on Ebay.

03-03-2014, 10:56 AM
That was me. And that min has never been marketed as Ragnar, it was always Leman Russ. That said, I like it and with all its bits, back pack, Freki and Geri, is worth a little bit on Ebay.

Ah ok, I got it backwards. I doubt mine is worth much what with the half-@$$ed paint job I did hen I was 12 LOL
Oh well.
Is there a Ragnar Blackmane mini?

03-03-2014, 12:08 PM
He's only 15 years old or so... Sometime in the 90s..

Have a MKII marine from 2nd, An old RT Chaplain and a Mk VII with fist from 2nd.. (oh and a 2nd ed speeder with typhoon missile launchers)

03-03-2014, 12:13 PM
Can't believe I still haven't painted this...


03-03-2014, 12:19 PM
Ragnar came out at the same time as the original Njal and Ulrik models at the tail end of Rogue Trader, just before 2nd hit. If memory serves the only characters out before them were Yarrik and Ghazkull.

03-03-2014, 12:47 PM
Can't believe I still haven't painted this...


you could proxy him as Sammael.... seeing as Marine Jetbikes went out of use after the Heresy

03-03-2014, 02:58 PM
you could proxy him as Sammael.... seeing as Marine Jetbikes went out of use after the Heresy

Unfortunately, he's a little small, a techmarine and my Angels don't wear dresses (often) ;)

I forgot I had these too. Converted Gorka Nob, Genestealer Magus and a half finished Karandras.


Darren Richardson
03-03-2014, 05:09 PM
....Have a MKII marine from 2nd....

I've got one of them too, mine's been recently detol'led to death and is ready for a new paintjob when the weather gets better so I can spray prime him and the 100 odd other Space Marines I've accumalted for my Red Templars army :O

Arkhan Land
03-08-2014, 07:18 PM
Today I scored an OG copy of a few of the rulebooks from early editions of 40k.

when reading the codex army lists (aka the black codex) I stumbled on something I thought was interestingly relevant to the current debate about 40k balance



Darren Richardson
04-01-2014, 04:00 PM
For a blast from the past I recent won off ebay two sprues from the original RTB01 Box, the basic Space Marine Sprue and the Heavy Weapons sprue.

Torn between making them up and preserving them......

Also won a lot of 1st and 2nd ed plastic Marines, some RTB01 and 2nd ed box game marines, in some need of serious tender loving care to make them usuable...

First they will need to be stripped and then some surgery.....


Erik Setzer
04-02-2014, 02:05 PM
I'll have to dig out what I have at home, what was salvaged. Sadly, my folks' house burned pretty badly a couple years ago and had to be demolished and rebuilt. My dad still had copies of Rogue Trade, a bunch of very old White Dwarfs (pre-100), I think 3rd edition WFB, plenty of old stuff.

In the things they found in storage that had been salvaged and sent to my apartment for me to enjoy, I've got a Dark Millennium box with the original card ruins (and some Grots on sprues still!); some old blisters with original Eldar Dreadnoughts or Aspect Warriors; Space Marine Jetbikes (as well as original bikes and attack bikes); OLD Inquisitor model; some old IG; the supplement boxes for Space Marine/Titan Legions (but not the core boxes, sadly); a bunch of models for SM/TL, including a lot of them in boxes such as Squat Cyclops; the Horus Heresy board game...

Plenty of old memories. I was only a wee lad when Rogue Trader and the original Space Marine came out, but I followed my dad to the game stores as he played, got into the games pretty early, would draw Titans and write stories at school... it was good times.

04-05-2014, 10:28 AM
8140 81418143

Eurka! Da ZB-1. It'z eavy, andles jus'table fer eazy carryin, gud fer Orkses n Kan-grotties, breaks down oftn, n'tect'able by ded beakies, i'deal fer fast n' loud Waaaghs! Now boutz firepowa. Zzap charga, lotz o' dakka wit bursts uv undreds ta lots. Wit da re'play buttn, (anudda Zork invenshun), it'z e'van easy'a. Wun dakka, n' re'play sendz evr'y follo'win dakka to da sames direc'shun. An ta finish da job, all da Zork oldyz-but-goldyz. Rocketz launcha... arraz launcha, wit explodin r squig eads, (vury pract'cal)... me fam'ous netz launcha...da alwayz-fficient burna, (me fav'rite) n fer da gran final'eh, da all-new 'Shokk'tack gun!- MekBoss J.B. Zork about his new Kustom Blasta the 'Zork Blasta-1'

01-01-2015, 02:45 AM
Well I was getting my man cave into organised chaos when you find some gems you totally forget about! Being the typical hoarder gamer, I never threw away the cool boxes most of my guff came in!

I'll post up a few more gems that I've re-discovered along the way as I get them sorted into some semblance of order!


Darren Richardson
01-01-2015, 08:50 AM
Wow I remember those red boxes, I did work experiance in a shop which used to sell RPG's and Warhammer stuff, these photo's have got me remininscing....

01-25-2015, 06:47 PM
Ahh the fun and games I had with these models striding through the ruins of an Imperial city! Just been recently fixing them up (snapped off at the feet so had to re-pin) and finding all their weird and wacky weapons like, macro-cannons, plasma cannons, void missiles, etc.


01-26-2015, 07:56 AM
Hi all, Long time, first time... I just moved and was going through some boxes. I have less shelf space in the new place and was wondering if there is a market for some of the older books, etc. I don't expect to get top dollar for a 3rd edition Chaos Space Marines codex, but if I throw it up on Ebay, would the price I get cover the cost of shipping to someone? I just need to know if I should just recycle some of this stuff.

The nostalgia of this thread is wonderful, but are there players out there who play using the older rulesets? I know that there are a lot of roleplayers that use 1st ed D&D or WHFRP (which is still excellent, BTW), but many of the podcasts out there indicate that tournament players tend to stick with the latest rulesets. Thanks for the trips down memory lane, everyone!


01-26-2015, 07:57 AM
Your best bet is search what its going for on ebay.

Joe Emery
01-26-2015, 02:18 PM
Just started to reclaim these from some dubious terrain. Most pieces there. Predator is going to be used for a 30k iron hand army.12463

01-26-2015, 07:36 PM
Just started to reclaim these from some dubious terrain. Most pieces there. Predator is going to be used for a 30k iron hand army.12463

Haha! Nice! I have three of those I still use in my Blood Angels army! I should whip out my older pattern models for a trip down memory lane ... pity I didn't keep the first land speeder I got ... but I still have those flying metal bricks!

01-26-2015, 07:47 PM
Finally after all these years (at least more than a decade?) I have finally got around to opening my army box of Praetorian XXIV and also sorting out the other miniatures I managed to acquire to create my "Zulu Dawn" 40K army!

Prepped them and done their undercoat. A few I got had been "painted" directly without benefit of any undercoat so those will be Simple Green stripped!

These are the rank and file with missile launcher teams also, still have the heavy weapons squads to complete next. If I had the time and patience, I guess I should order the Victoria Miniatures wheels (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/products/wheels?pagesize=12).

Will be doing in their classic colours of the red coat and white/tan pith helmets and fortunately I have enough figures to do the standing and kneeling rank for sustained fire!


Just did a search on ebay and crikey! The eye-watering cost of these fellows now! :eek:

01-27-2015, 01:10 AM
Finally after all these years (at least more than a decade?) I have finally got around to opening my army box of Praetorian XXIV and also sorting out the other miniatures I managed to acquire to create my "Zulu Dawn" 40K army!

Prepped them and done their undercoat. A few I got had been "painted" directly without benefit of any undercoat so those will be Simple Green stripped!

These are the rank and file with missile launcher teams also, still have the heavy weapons squads to complete next. If I had the time and patience, I guess I should order the Victoria Miniatures wheels (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/products/wheels?pagesize=12).

Will be doing in their classic colours of the red coat and white/tan pith helmets and fortunately I have enough figures to do the standing and kneeling rank for sustained fire!


Just did a search on ebay and crikey! The eye-watering cost of these fellows now! :eek:

Even if it's a while ago, it cannot have been cheap to purchase all those in New Zealand.

Mr Mystery
01-27-2015, 03:22 AM
I know it's not 40k, but it is nostalgia!

Just recently replaced my long lost Blood Bowl Starplayers and Companion books.

Such good reads! Had forgotten how much I used to enjoy that version of Bloodbowl. Yes it was table heavy and far from a smooth gaming experience, but that's never bothered me. The replacement edition of course brought in better models, meaning it was easier to tell if you were about to beat up a Linesman or get flattened by a Blocker, but for me the block dice just didn't work that well. All personal taste of course!

Task for next month? Track down and procure a complete set of the astrogranite boxed game.

I fully expect to still be hopeless at the game, but y'know - NOSTALGIA!

01-27-2015, 05:15 AM
Hmm...this thread made me go look through my Black Legion and I found some models from the ages. Oh and looks like I have to redo a lot of stuff! :D


Darren Richardson
01-27-2015, 12:55 PM
Finally after all these years (at least more than a decade?) I have finally got around to opening my army box of Praetorian XXIV and also sorting out the other miniatures I managed to acquire to create my "Zulu Dawn" 40K army!

Prepped them and done their undercoat. A few I got had been "painted" directly without benefit of any undercoat so those will be Simple Green stripped!

These are the rank and file with missile launcher teams also, still have the heavy weapons squads to complete next. If I had the time and patience, I guess I should order the Victoria Miniatures wheels (http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/products/wheels?pagesize=12).

Will be doing in their classic colours of the red coat and white/tan pith helmets and fortunately I have enough figures to do the standing and kneeling rank for sustained fire!


Just did a search on ebay and crikey! The eye-watering cost of these fellows now! :eek:

Bloody hell, that's a lot of Pith Helmnts and Redcoats!

I envy you sir, I really do....

This Dave
01-28-2015, 09:14 AM
Bloody hell, that's a lot of Pith Helmnts and Redcoats!

I envy you sir, I really do....

I found this picture of the army I took to Astronomi-con in Toronto last year. Yes the Ratlings have fezzes. :)


01-28-2015, 09:29 AM
Not exactly 40k but I've been feeling really nostalgic for Necromunda lately.

01-28-2015, 09:36 AM
It's part of the Imperium, must be 40k...

Path Walker
01-28-2015, 09:36 AM
I'm going to play Necromunda next week, got my Wargames Tournaments terrain to finish off and go with the 2 sets of the original carboard I have, should be pretty cool! The Lizzies will fight again!

01-28-2015, 09:37 AM
Sorted out all my GW books the other day. I forgot what I had hidden away...


02-02-2015, 12:11 AM
Bloody hell, that's a lot of Pith Helmets and Redcoats!

I envy you sir, I really do....

I finally got around to assembling up my Heavy Weapon Squads for them! 15 Autocannon teams, 12 Heavy Bolter teams, 13 Mortar teams and 11 Lascannon teams (2 plasma gunners hiding in that lot also!)

Will have to now putty the slots, texture the bases and then begin the job of undercoating!


- - - Updated - - -

After all this time, I've had these bad boys/girls squirreled away, even with the re-release of them before, I never broke them out ... but it seems with the latest incarnation of these mysterious artiste effete poseurs ... I decided to let them see the light of day and may even get around to painting them one day soon!

Heh, it's funny how the more things change, the more they stay the same! I'll hate the day when these xenos dancers break out and start butchering the Emperor's Finest but I daresay I will enjoy the spectacle!


Mr Mystery
02-02-2015, 12:52 AM
You're taking the Pith!


*exits thread left*

02-02-2015, 02:04 AM
You're taking the Pith!


*exits thread left*

It's better than pithing against a wall! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pithing

*exunts to claps of fish being slapped together*

Erik Setzer
02-02-2015, 09:54 AM
Random question that might work on this topic (man, I really need to take some pics):

Would the old Space Marine models fit into a 30K army without too much issue? Pics might help, but if you know what they look like, last night I found a bag of old bikers, three jetbikes (likely not useful because they have dual bolters, not a heavy bolter), some support guns (Rapiers, Tarantulas, at least one Thudd Gun).

I'm using a couple of original Rhinos I have, weren't assembled yet. Since I'm doing Iron Warriors, an older Vindicator I have for them is potentially useful, as the only Chaos anything on it might be a symbol on a hatch (can't recall at the moment). I have a pair of Whirlwinds that someone painted awful for Ultramarines and sold for a pittance, could repaint those.

Basically, I'm trying to find a way to avoid spending a fortune on a 30K army, and I'd love to use these old models outside of being "rogue Marines" in a hodgepodge Rogue Trader force.

Darren Richardson
02-02-2015, 10:25 AM
Erik, the scale of the figures themselves are much smaller (25mm) then current figures(28mm Heroic) and if you mix them they will be noticable, however you can use whatever figures you wish to in your armies, I'm building a Rogue Trader/2nd Ed army up at the moment in addation to my current army and will base them on bases by Microarts Studios, which will raise their height up a bit.

Path Walker
02-02-2015, 10:52 AM
The older stuff will look tiny, especially the tanks, compared with FW stuff, a Horus Heresy army is a big investment but its a chance to really make a gorgeous force, as such, I think the best approach is to build up slowly with friends, adding to it when you can and making an army you can really be proud of.

They would make really cool "armoured humans" though, using the original fluff for Rouge Traders, who had their own well equipped private armies.

Darren Richardson
02-02-2015, 01:15 PM
They would make really cool "armoured humans" though, using the original fluff for Rouge Traders, who had their own well equipped private armies.

Hm I hadn't thought of that.... nice idea!

Erik Setzer
02-02-2015, 01:48 PM
Well, my backup for all those older Marine models was to just use them as "renegade Marines" or something of that sort, maybe castoffs from old chapters using old armor or... something? It'd give me a use for them at least. And given the mix of other stuff (old Ogryn, really old Ogryn, converted Ogres, converted Empire militia, Necromunda models, female Commissar, old IG) I'm using for my Rogue Trader's force, they'd make sense in that army.

I'm just really hoping to be able to find a way to build a 30K army without spending over a thousand dollars, especially as my budget for 30K models went to new Skaven. (But those are awesome models, so I regret nothing!)

02-02-2015, 07:28 PM
@Erik Setzer Heck, going old school with the original old sculpts would be rocking! Especially if you have the RTB1 "womble" marines in bulk! Remember, it's your hobby and you can easily do it! Heck, to be really old school build the deodorant bottle grav-tanks! I still mix in those old models - I have the marine with the communicator arm, old school medic, cigar-chomping eye-patched marine ...

Darren Richardson
02-03-2015, 02:48 AM
well Yesterday my "Original Old School" Librarian Terminator arrived, just need the original captain then I have a complete squad, if I can get two, Two complete squads of original metal Termies!

- - - Updated - - -

@ gijoe1313, blimey which one is he, looking through the old blue catalogue, there's about 5 pages of metal beakies, I forgot they had made so many....

02-03-2015, 03:12 AM
well Yesterday my "Original Old School" Librarian Terminator arrived, just need the original captain then I have a complete squad, if I can get two, Two complete squads of original metal Termies!

- - - Updated - - -

@ gijoe1313, blimey which one is he, looking through the old blue catalogue, there's about 5 pages of metal beakies, I forgot they had made so many....

Wow you have the catalogue! Nice one! Will have to take a photo of him, he's sitting in my Kubelwagen that I used when you could play scratch-built vehicles using the Vehicle Build rules!

Darren Richardson
02-03-2015, 03:28 AM
Wow you have the catalogue! Nice one! Will have to take a photo of him, he's sitting in my Kubelwagen that I used when you could play scratch-built vehicles using the Vehicle Build rules!

umm, not quite, I have a scanned copy of the catalogue, i know naughty naughty, still it's for personal use, my old one which I DID have got badly damaged along the spine, hence I now have a scanned copy instead :D

02-03-2015, 03:20 PM
I have all those old catalogs. Fun to browse through them every now and again. Also made sure I kept the ones with the old specialist games stuff just for reference... :)

Mr Mystery
02-03-2015, 03:56 PM
I have all those old catalogs. Fun to browse through them every now and again. Also made sure I kept the ones with the old specialist games stuff just for reference... :)

Bitter sweet memories for me.

Not so much the game - that is what it is, but for the relevant time period in my life. The late 90's were not fun for most people I knew, but I guess that's growing up for you!

02-15-2015, 05:52 PM
Finally finished undercoating all my heavy weapon teams and have fallen in with the rest of the ranks. Just the next bit to do ... multiplied by quite a bit!


02-22-2015, 05:28 PM
£1.99 from a second hand games shop


Now I just need 386 or better to play it on...

Mr Mystery
02-23-2015, 01:10 AM
Very nice!

02-23-2015, 03:26 AM
It could be XD
At the moment it's a purely for the owning thing, unless I can find a working 486 motherboard XD

Mr Mystery
02-23-2015, 05:12 AM
Have you tried kicking it?

02-23-2015, 05:19 AM
Lols I don't think that will put the standard bios back on it

Mr Mystery
02-23-2015, 05:25 AM
How do you know if you haven't tried?

02-23-2015, 05:28 AM
Wow would the floppy disk still work after all this time?
you could try this, might be easier


02-23-2015, 05:29 AM
It's a cd. If it was floppy I'd be proper screwed...
But yeah that might be easier.

Erik Setzer
02-23-2015, 08:39 AM
I'd love it if all those old GW computer games could find their way to Good Old Games. Then you'll know for sure they work.

Tomaten Theo
06-11-2015, 03:50 AM
Hi Guys. I need your help. I have a discussion with a friend. I got Terminators and the seller sworn that they are Rouge Trader Terminators. The Friend means that they are not RT. He say that the RT Termis are more round on the head, arms and the full body. If i look at ebay or other stores. The RT Terminators look all like these from me.
The imprint is from 92 and 40000 k wiki say that the RT ends in 93.


06-11-2015, 03:40 PM
On the back of the metal tag it usually has a copyright year that should clear it up.

They look RT, the pointy shoulder pads. Certainly the sarge is at least.


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Arms 3 & 27 - the lightning claws look 2nd ed as they have square bottoms to the shoulder pads rather than pointy.

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Tomaten Theo
06-11-2015, 10:10 PM
So your picture show me a RT Terminator Box?
I wrote that the imprint/ copy right date is 1992.