View Full Version : Siege Assault Allies

12-28-2013, 09:08 PM
Couple of questions regarding the updated Siege Assault Vanguard army list:
1) If the S.A.V. is taken as an Ally choice, do you still have to deploy a Siege objective, and if so do you have to use your Troops choice(s) from the S.A.V. to capture it, or can any of your scoring units take it?
2) Does the Ally FOC take precedence over the S.A.V. chart, or do you need a Heavy choice even as Ally?

12-29-2013, 12:30 AM
hmmm good question. Have you emailed fw? because if this make the objective go away this will be awesome.

12-30-2013, 12:06 PM
The objective is a prerequisite for using the siege assault vanguard thus you must use it.
The ability to take dreads as troops and vindicators as squadrons etc comes at the price of the objective wether they be allies or not.

12-30-2013, 01:11 PM
I figured you'd need to take it, I'm more concerned over whether your scoring units in your other detachment can nab it. Because if so, that really changes the balance when you can either:
a) splash in the S.A.V. as allies to get the Siege Master and his buffs for cheap and not have to worry about protecting one specific scoring unit, or;
b) add allies with Drop Pods to the S.A.V. to snatch up the siege objective.