View Full Version : Void shields and promethium relays

Librarian Harker
12-28-2013, 04:49 PM
I really like the void relay network from the stronghold, but Gw have not released any models for it and may not for the next few months. Could anyone recommend any suitable models for both the relays and void shield generators. Thanks in advance.

12-28-2013, 06:44 PM
There are little thingies that come along with the old Leman Russ Kit that could pass for a shield generator -- and anything from a Bastion to the Wall of Martyrs Bunker could be a good choice for the void shield building.

12-29-2013, 08:39 AM
I'm going to be using these for my Void Shield Generator.

The Building is from wargame-model-mods on eBay, £15.99 + Postage.
The Generator is by Micro Arts and I got it from Element Games £16.19 + Postage.
I've only just ordered the building, so haven't received it yet.
I've included Illic Nightspear with the Generator for scale purposes.


12-29-2013, 08:43 AM
Once upon a time GW would recommend things for building terrain, and it was wicked cool. I say that because that's where I learned a Gatorade bottle, flipped upside down with the top cut off, is super awesome scifi terrain. Looks like just about anything depending on how you paint it.

12-29-2013, 09:17 AM
Pssyche, I hate to break it to you, but if you intend to use the "generator" as a Void Shield Generator terrain piece, you will be disappointed. It's a requirement of the terrain piece that it have battlements.

Arkhan Land
12-29-2013, 10:25 AM
I was thinking about building using a vengeance weapons battery as a base then adding a top area made out of catwalk/platform/etc, put my generator in the center and BAM void sheild generator, that way once they release a new model I can just use it as a weapons battery and not be out a kit for it

12-29-2013, 10:32 AM
I was thinking about building using a vengeance weapons battery as a base then adding a top area made out of catwalk/platform/etc, put my generator in the center and BAM void sheild generator, that way once they release a new model I can just use it as a weapons battery and not be out a kit for it

What are you doing to use for a base? None of that will be stable unless its connected somehow.

12-29-2013, 10:32 AM
Pssyche, I hate to break it to you, but if you intend to use the "generator" as a Void Shield Generator terrain piece, you will be disappointed. It's a requirement of the terrain piece that it have battlements.

Katharon, I hate to break it to you...

Do you remember when I said "I'm going to be using THESE for my Void Shield Generator."?
See that wooden building in the picture to the side of the Generator...
The one I said I've not received yet...
The one with the Battlements on it...

I bet you can't guess what that's for...

Arkhan Land
12-29-2013, 10:58 AM
What are you doing to use for a base? None of that will be stable unless its connected somehow.

not sure abotu base, maybe weighting unless I base it base it. i was probably gonna glue it for right now, just not over-do-it so it can be popped off later, or Ill use my normal turret trick and attatch a stack of coins to weigh it down, I was thinking using 4 sqaure floor tiles I have left over from the munitorium, gluin em into a sqaure 2x2 area (enough for a sqaud of 5, probably not bulky dudes though : /) put battlements up around it then have an central pole with some sort of cool looking beacon on it, ladder on the side of that jam. glue it for now lightly enough I could pull it off later, does that make sense in the minds eye? still very preliminary plan

12-29-2013, 11:04 AM
It's an Energy Shield Generator...

Come on folks how can you not use these:

Battery-Free Ultra Bright LED 6" Plasma Ball

12-29-2013, 03:33 PM
I love you Big Red.

12-29-2013, 05:44 PM
Katharon, I hate to break it to you...

Do you remember when I said "I'm going to be using THESE for my Void Shield Generator."?
See that wooden building in the picture to the side of the Generator...
The one I said I've not received yet...
The one with the Battlements on it...

I bet you can't guess what that's for...

So you're going to have a giant piece of terrain, connecting the two somehow, to be your Void Shield Generator? Not sure how your local gaming group deals with that, but mine would probably be a little frigged off at me plopping down something that large (and capable of blocking a lot of LoS) and saying "nani-nani-boo-boo, GW doesn't have rules for the building size so I can do what I want". Now, if you were to build some sort of cat-walk around the generator piece then I could see that being fair (or on top of it). Otherwise that other building just looks way too large for the building.

12-30-2013, 05:26 PM
MY only question is what is the point of battlements if the void shield is impassable terrain? Or have I just not read the rules for it closely enough?

Arkhan Land
12-30-2013, 05:43 PM
If it was impassable terrain/building like the weapon emplacements then it would have to be destroyed and you wouldnt be able to capture it, it would seem. From what I can make of the rules, because theres no entry or battlements on vengeance weapons batteries theyr gonna keep shooting not matter what even if theyre surrounded. If a building has battlements or access points it can be "Claimed/Unclaimed". Imagine deepstriking scouts/rangers/marbo to take control of a void sheild right under the enemie's nose. I think thats ****ing awesome in terms of narative and balance

wanted to add that also reading the jump/jet units rules allow them to ignore dangerous terrain tests when landing on them... think about top down assualt as a vulnerability to anything with battlements

12-30-2013, 07:08 PM
If it was impassable terrain/building like the weapon emplacements then it would have to be destroyed and you wouldnt be able to capture it, it would seem. From what I can make of the rules, because theres no entry or battlements on vengeance weapons batteries theyr gonna keep shooting not matter what even if theyre surrounded. If a building has battlements or access points it can be "Claimed/Unclaimed". Imagine deepstriking scouts/rangers/marbo to take control of a void sheild right under the enemie's nose. I think thats ****ing awesome in terms of narative and balance

wanted to add that also reading the jump/jet units rules allow them to ignore dangerous terrain tests when landing on them... think about top down assualt as a vulnerability to anything with battlements
Fair enough. I must have missed that vengeance batteries had battlements.

Arkhan Land
12-30-2013, 09:05 PM
Sorry I should clarfiy Vengeance Batteries dont have Battlements they have to be destroyed since without battlements or access points there's no way for an opposing player to claim them. Their still impassable terrain, essentially similar in strength and special rules to a defense emplacement.

So the Void shield model will likely be something the size of the vengeance battery/half a side of a bunker, and have some sort of small platform on it.