View Full Version : Getting Back Into the Game with IG

12-28-2013, 11:09 AM
So i started playing back in third edition with Cadians and Lost and the Damned out of the eye of terror codex, played up until early mid fifth edition then fell out of the hobby. Now i'm back and looking to built a decent fun and competitive list. Eventually i want to build a guard with Chaos or Space wolves Allies as a nod back to when i started playing, but for now this is a list using what i have currently opinions/suggestions would be helpful. Local shop does 2000pt tourneys once a month.


Command Squad
4x Plasma Guns
Officer of the Fleet
Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer


10x Pysker battlesquad
Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

10x Pysker battlesquad
Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer


Veterans Squad
3x Meltaguns

Veterans Squad
3x Meltaguns

Infantry Platoon 365pt
Commmand Squad
4x Flamers
Chimera w/ Heavy Flamer

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

Infantry Squad

Fast Attack



Heavy Support

W/ Heavy Flamer

W/ Heavy Flamer


Imperial Bastion
Quad Gun

Imperial Bastion
Quad Gun

Total is 1950, i used to use hydras but they seem to have been nurfed via the FAQ. The plan is obvious camp on an objective w/ the bastion and a 20 man blob squad place the other bastion in los of a contested objective w/ other 20 man blob squad, run around w/ vets in vendettas blast up tanks or big things or saving them to contest or steal toward the end. Thinking of fitting in a Primaris Psyker maybe dropping the advisers as i don't really know if they help in the current edition or not. Any help would be appreciated.

12-28-2013, 05:12 PM
Too much double ups that's the problem I see here instead of doubling up units try to fix what you may suffer from weakness after all no point having too much anti air if most people field 1 air unit that's just logical there my advice is first fill each roll with a min then maximize what you want to focus on like say objective grabbing I don't own the army codex so I can't advice on what you should have but 2 imperial bastions is a bit much try just 1 and a defense line as it is much cheaper due to a defense line can also have a quad gun and it spares you 25pts also becareful as people can aim to destory the bastions in 6th edition possibly killing everyone inside check page 94 in your big rule book for more details on building destruction.

12-30-2013, 11:39 PM
I think this is a pretty solid list. I might invest the remaining 50pts in a Commissar + Power Weapon + Meltabombs.

12-31-2013, 02:17 AM
I thought you could only take one fortification per FOC?

Don't rush out and buy too much new stuff. The new codex looks like it will be out early next year. I always find it upsetting when you buy a new unit that gets a new model a few months later!

Good luck with the guard. I love playing mine and can still take Tau and Eldar by suprise!

12-31-2013, 11:39 AM
As mentioned above, you can only take a single fortification per FOC. As you are playing at 2k all you need is another HQ and Troop to fulfill the requirements of the second FOC. I would just drop one Bastion and get a squad of Veterans with Plasmaguns in a Chimera, though.

01-10-2014, 04:37 AM
It is a fairly solid list, similar lay out to my own which I find fairly competitive. Looking past dropping the 2nd Bastion, some suggestions with the points:

-Get another infantry squad and divide into two 30man platoons. As mentioned you gotta get a couple Commissars in there for sure. (excellent wpn loadouts - flamer/autocannon btw) The other platoon command can be barebones and makes a great Quad Gun crew with the officers BS4.

-Dual Manticores are excellent but don't overlook the ol' Basilisk, almost as strong, AP3 and never runs out of ammo. Good to keep power armor clinging to cover.

-I run a similar HQ minus the Officer of the Fleet, consider carapace armor to keep your guys from plasma melting themselves.

-Hellhounds aren't bad since they have Torrent and Fast. Good for rolling up quick Flat Out, smoke and then burn something out of cover the next turn.

Good list though, you should kick some butt. You have a good amount of search lights so Night Fighting should be a non-issue.

01-11-2014, 04:56 PM
The new codex for the Imperial Guard will be out in either February or March -- so just save up your money and wait for the 6th Ed. codex. That way you don't get screwed over by buying a bunch of stuff that you won't really need. Also, I'd advise against using fortifications other than the ADL or the Void Shield Generator -- those are probably the best ones for their point cost.

EDIT: Hydras didn't get nerfed. They simply now have Skyfire - which means that if they fire at anything that isn't a skimmer or flier, then they have to roll at BS1. Plus, the fact that nothing can take a jink save because its the Hydra firing at them, makes it still one of the best AA-tanks in the game.