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View Full Version : Astral Guard Renegade Space Marines

08-02-2009, 10:35 AM
This was HEAVILY influenced by the "Father" list on the main website. I proxied it out and for a casual game and it can be VERY fun and random. I took the original list and tweaked it down to 1500pts. I will go up to 2000pts and will fill it out with another Oblit, a Plasma Dread, and a squad of raptors or a Daemon Prince just for the fun of it.

Fabius Bile: 160pts

Possessed Marinesx9 = 284pts
+Aspiring Champion
+Tzeentch Icon

CSM x10 = 315pts
Bile Up
Meltagun x2
Asp Champ

CSM: x10 = 315pts
Bile Up
Meltagun x2
Asp Champ

Plague Marines x8 = 269pts
Meltagun x2
Asp Champ
-Personal Icon

Obliterator Cult x2 = 150pts


Comments? Critics? Spoons?

08-02-2009, 10:46 AM
There is no spoon.

Upgrade Points costs = Angry GW.

08-02-2009, 05:33 PM
Hey Mindless-Focus, I'm finding your army list a bit tough to read. Can you cut out all of the points? You'll get more responses if you make it a bit clearer. Also, you generally don't want to be too specific with points (we work hard not to infringe on GW's copyright).

Here are a few comments:

1. Fabious Bile is fun. I'm all about adding fun things to your army. Putting him in with the Plague Marines isn't going to be as useful as putting him in a squad that will get into close combat. Even though he doesn't have a Power Weapon, six attacks that cause Instant Death isn't anything to sneeze at.

2. Tzeentch Possessed aren't as much fun as some of the other icons, but in a large squad it's not a bad deal. I'm more concerned about how they are going to get to the enemy. Without some sort of transport, they aren't going to be much use.

3. The army is a bit cookie cutter to me, which is not necessarily a bad thing -- it just doesn't leave a lot to comment on. I see what you are trying to accomplish with Meltagun and Plasma Gun spam.

I think you are going to struggle with Imperial Guard (those two Obliterators just isn't enough), but you should do well against Tyranids and Orks.

Best of luck!

-- MKerr