View Full Version : Deadlifts doing Blood Angels 2014

12-27-2013, 10:55 AM
So its soon to be the end of 2013, and for me that means the start of a new project. I was heavily leaning towards Iron Hands, but as much as I love that chapter somethings always niggled me about them and the rather uninteresting colour scheme. I went and set up a poll here on BoLs with both the Death Guard and World Eaters included to see what the community here would like to see me paint this year. Blood Angels got nearly 50% of the vote. Im not disappointed.

I did back in 2010 have a go at a Blood Angels army, well Knights of the Blood to be specific and whilst I enjoyed it I really wanted to do a founding chapter this coming year. Below are some pics from back then and I hope i can improve on the painting from 4 years ago. Also I'm going to attempt to make this a pre-heresy model army so all Forge World stuff. Also no airbrush this time round. As much as I love it I think its time to "brush up" (sorry) on my actual painting skills. I have a trial model on the table ready to go which I will start tomorrow. I will post this both on my blog and here on BoLs to gauge some reaction to see if I'm in the right ball park so to speak. To help keep my blog going i will also include the paints I'm using and a more in-depth log. My Ghost army is not forgotten either as that is my army for playing and I will be adding more stuff to that too.

http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/IMG_0004-3.jpg (http://s844.photobucket.com/user/joenortonjones/media/IMG_0004-3.jpg.html)

http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/IMG_0013.jpg (http://s844.photobucket.com/user/joenortonjones/media/IMG_0013.jpg.html)

http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/IMG_0012-1.jpg (http://s844.photobucket.com/user/joenortonjones/media/IMG_0012-1.jpg.html)

Happy New Year Guys and I hope you all had a great Christmas too.

12-27-2013, 11:29 AM
I'm hovering around the next project decision point and BA is up there, as is IG with loads of bunkers. Hmmm, I'll watch with interest old horse.

12-27-2013, 11:55 AM
Why not BA with a load of Bunkers? The Imperial Defence Network allows you to take 3 Bunkers and 2 Firestorm Redoubt bunkers in 1 Fortification formation!

12-27-2013, 12:17 PM
You know what I've never ever seen modeled?

The stripped down "made for speed" Blood Angels armored vehicles.
If you go back and read the fluff of why the Blood Angels vehicles can both Deep Strike and are fast it's pretty interesting:

Basically the BA,s combat drop their vehicles right into the battlelines via Thunderhawk (explaining the Deep Strike) and the units themselves have been modified by the chapter to not only have overcharged engines but have any extraneous weighty equipment and extra fuel removed, to lighten their overall weight (explaining the Fast). The fluff said this greatly decreases the overall range and self-sufficiency of the vehicles, but the chapter doesn't care as they have their T-hawks to quickly resupply and re-deploy their armor where needed.

I don't think I've ever seen a BA modeller attempt to represent these modifications on their vehicles.

Looking for a cool challenge there Deadlift?

12-27-2013, 12:22 PM
That's actually pretty cool Big Red, challenge accepted. :D

12-27-2013, 01:44 PM
Put turbo chargers on the hood.

12-27-2013, 01:52 PM
Why not BA with a load of Bunkers? The Imperial Defence Network allows you to take 3 Bunkers and 2 Firestorm Redoubt bunkers in 1 Fortification formation!

Because BA are (should be) a premier assault army - wouldn't want to go static with them.

Dave Fothergill
12-27-2013, 02:53 PM
Looking forward to seeing more of your work !! I'm currently painting the BA 1st company as a project so looking forward to seeing more of the sons of sanguinius

12-28-2013, 10:16 AM
http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/IMG_2012.jpg (http://s844.photobucket.com/user/joenortonjones/media/IMG_2012.jpg.html)

This guys my 1st "prototype" whilst its a little rough around the edges I'm happy with the paints I've used so far and the colours I've gotton for the armour. I have used some of GWs paints for this and i haven't used them for quite some time. I do like them but damn wish they would make the switch to dropper bottles.

Darren Richardson
12-28-2013, 05:16 PM
.....whilst its a little rough around the edges.....

he's a little rough around the edges?

Damn if that's rough then you are a truely skilled painter Deadlift, I'd be lucky if my finished models come out looking like he does at this "Rough stage"

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
12-28-2013, 06:57 PM
He's a good lad is our Deadlift. :)

12-29-2013, 11:51 AM
Thanks Lads :)
http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/aa135cf3-990f-40f4-8bd0-f81974cb8406.jpg (http://s844.photobucket.com/user/joenortonjones/media/aa135cf3-990f-40f4-8bd0-f81974cb8406.jpg.html)

I have begun my 1st set of mk IV assault marines, just the heads to be precise. Luckily whilst rooting around my cans of primers I found a can of yellow army painter coloured primer. I gave the helmets a light dusting 1st then went on to use many thin layers of yellow to build up the colour. I couldn't resist giving the sarge a bare head. and I had fun painting it. I tried to experiment with giving this dude a bit of a stubble, never tried it before but I'm happy with my 1st attempt.

Darren Richardson
12-29-2013, 12:08 PM
Thanks Lads :)
http://i844.photobucket.com/albums/ab3/joenortonjones/aa135cf3-990f-40f4-8bd0-f81974cb8406.jpg (http://s844.photobucket.com/user/joenortonjones/media/aa135cf3-990f-40f4-8bd0-f81974cb8406.jpg.html)

Looking good, extremely well painted for just a bunch of heads!

12-29-2013, 06:31 PM
"You've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... diddley dee"...

Your sarge looks good! His nose and forhead SEEM brighter than his cheek bones but at this point I am nit picking... great work!!

12-30-2013, 02:45 AM
My 2013 challenge was to repaint my blood angels, I am one squad in...

12-30-2013, 04:18 AM
My 2013 challenge was to repaint my blood angels, I am one squad in...

I'm just building my 1st kit at the moment. Despite a good wash the parts are not glueing together very well and I'm having to use a combo of glue and small amounts of gs.