View Full Version : My red Templars Army: A question on parts.

Darren Richardson
12-27-2013, 09:25 AM
I have a dislike for many of the captain models for the space marines, I was thinking of doing something really radical for my army's general...

So I've managed to get hold of a Grey Knights box and I was thinking of using a pair of legs and a helmeted head from the box along with a Metal sword arm from and older marine figure which I got in a bits bag along with some commander parts along with parts from a tactical box set I also got on the cheap....

What I was wondering was how people feel about using Grey Knight parts in making characters for regular marine armies, I was thinking some of the parts would also suit a Libby figure as well.....

If I can get a camera cheap in the sales, I'll take photos when I've finish the minis....

Cpt Codpiece
12-27-2013, 10:09 AM
a lot of people have used GK stuff for characters and for just adding a little flair into their forces.

with the new SM kits (tact, sternguard and vanguard) there are even more cool options open for quick kit bash ideas, and the new plastic librarian is AMAZING!!!!! and very customisable with plastic bits.

as long as the guy has the weapons on the model (storm bolter if you use GK SB arms, power/force weapon if you use those) no-one will have any issues.

here are a few examples of my conversions using GK kits (facebook links cause im too lazy to photobucket app my phone :))



and my mk VI pedro cantor made from only sternguard bits


Darren Richardson
12-27-2013, 10:27 AM
thanks for the reply Cpt, I wasn't really sure if people were using them, I knew that the Sternguard were getting heavy usage, and I do like the peices from that kit, but my budget doesn't stretch that far just yet :)

Since I got the GK and the Tact squad for half price I figured that would do, but I might save up for the sternguard just so I can use those peices for my chapter master when I decide to do one...

12-27-2013, 11:17 AM
Yep go for it mate, I've used GK parts myself for plastic Libby's, both in Tactical and Terminator armour. The advantage being that you get a more unique model than the out of the box one that GW make.