View Full Version : Eldar & what to wear to the war

Da Gargoyle
12-27-2013, 12:08 AM
So Christmas has been and gone and the Mrs, bless her soul has bought me the Eldar big box with all things Wraith. 1 Wraith Knight, 2 Wraith Lords & 15 Wraith Guard. The surprise for me is the wife thinks if it aint dwarf or a dragon its broken and should have been gassed at birth. The up side is we never game against each other.

So for me the Wraith Knight kits itself out as far as I am concerned. With an average WS4 you are more likely to hit things shooting than in combat and two heavy Wraith Cannon can be devastating, do those Tau super suits have any defense against instant death weapons?

With this kit I now have 4 Wraith Lords and a Wraith Seer so I am in no hurry to build the new ones.

So it is down to the Wraith Guard/Blades. And this is where you guys step in.

On Christmas Eve I watched a squad of WG with D-Scythes reduce a 15 man Khorne terminator squad to 2. The Chaos dude fielded 4 squads of 20, 2 of terminators and 2 of Berzerkers. The squad the D-Scythes ripped into had already been thinned out by Star Cannon. The second squad of terminators had lost some to the D-Scythes before they redirected and charged the Wraith Knight which was on its last W and was fisted to death. Yes, it is as painful as it sounds. The WB then assaulted with a Wraith Lord and the shooting from the WL with two scatter lasers plus the plethora of attacks from the Ghostswords cut down a sizeable chunk of the termies despite the 2+ save against the swords.

So is the ghostaxe and shield worth it? I mean a squad of D-Scythes and Ghostswords would be a deadly combo in its own right.

I could 3 units of 5 of each or just scythes and swords. What say ye? By the way I already had 10 WG with Wraithcannon because I hated Monoliths from 3rd Ed and on. So there is no need for more of them.

12-27-2013, 12:26 AM
I find the shooty bits harder to deal with than the stabby bits. Your milage will very...

Lost Vyper
12-27-2013, 07:05 AM
DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA or WHOOOOSSSSH....no stabby in my forces either...

12-27-2013, 01:51 PM
Wraithcannons are the only way to fly. Point - shoot - crawl over wreckage/corpses. Termagants? Titans? Wraithcannons do not care. Some people think d-scythes are also useful and I agree that a small unit of them can be super duper, but I play 20 Wraithcannon Wraithguard and I've never been done wrong by them.

Brother Daedulus
12-27-2013, 09:03 PM
Haha I got this bundle too! :D I did six with D-scythes to plop in a Wave Serpent and the other 9 as Wraithcannons. From the grand total of 3 matches I've played with my new eldar army it's turned out pretty well.