View Full Version : Internet Rage - and how to enjoy your 40k hobby

12-26-2013, 08:27 PM

12-26-2013, 09:45 PM
-Attacking ridiculously exaggerated strawman instead of addressing opposing viewpoint

-Angry on the internet about people angry on the internet

-Defending a multinational corporation

-Liberal use of "t3h epic memes i saw on reddit xD"

-Implying that anyone used Assault Marines ever

10/10 would rage again

12-27-2013, 12:40 AM
Sure there many out there who rage against 6th ed (including me), but the complaints in that clip are stupid. Random charges and abilities? Been apart of WHFB and LOTR for a while. First turn charges? Does anyone like being charged first turn before you even move a model or roll a dice? Shooty armies dominating? How many editions has assault dominated? Three? Four? And what makes this real funny is that people think abusing GW is going to change the problems.

Of course, I assume that is the point of it all.

12-27-2013, 12:55 AM
I have computer games so this is a pysical media for me and somtimes it more fun just to play with somthing other then a keybored and mouse

Uncle Nutsy
12-28-2013, 03:32 PM
LOL. just LOL. loved the comic and oh SO portrays the sackless so well.

Mr Mystery
12-28-2013, 04:08 PM
-Attacking ridiculously exaggerated strawman instead of addressing opposing viewpoint

-Angry on the internet about people angry on the internet

-Defending a multinational corporation

-Liberal use of "t3h epic memes i saw on reddit xD"

-Implying that anyone used Assault Marines ever

10/10 would rage again

Hit a nerve then?

12-28-2013, 09:27 PM
I hate these strawman comics, it's always so "ridiculous" to be upset at something that a company does. But the thing is, it's important to voice your concerns when something you are a consumer of is doing something you see as a negative, there isn't anything wrong with having an opinion.

But no, everyone that has an issue is just a crying baby and Games workshop is perfect right? Enjoy being a victim the rest of your life.

12-29-2013, 06:36 AM
I think its perfectly fine to get upset about companies that pollute the world we live in, or build over natural or historic areas.
Getting that upset about how a company chooses to market their toy soldiers is rather pathetic in comparison.
The old phrase "its only a game" is so applicable to this, especially when so many folk seem to consider toy soldiers to be almost "life or death".
I dont like lots of games and their rules, hence i dont play them. Simples.
There are so many good games out there to try, if you dont like how GW treats your spikey maureens etc, try something else instead.

12-29-2013, 11:51 AM
I think its perfectly fine to get upset about companies that pollute the world we live in, or build over natural or historic areas.
Getting that upset about how a company chooses to market their toy soldiers is rather pathetic in comparison.
The old phrase "its only a game" is so applicable to this, especially when so many folk seem to consider toy soldiers to be almost "life or death".
I dont like lots of games and their rules, hence i dont play them. Simples.
There are so many good games out there to try, if you dont like how GW treats your spikey maureens etc, try something else instead.

There are children starving in Africa right now, why are you wasting time arguing about toy soldiers on the internet?

People like their spikey marines, they've invested lots of time and money into them. Heaven forbid they get upset when all that goes poof because GW wants to sell dinobots.

12-29-2013, 06:04 PM
Any of us that have played 40k for 10 plus years or more have had armies nerfed by GW.
I myself have sold more than one because GW chose to change direction.
Its tough, but i just got on with my hobby.
Its been a long time since 3.5 and GW havent seen fit to go back, isnt it about time people moved on?

12-30-2013, 08:15 AM
Nerfed is one thing. I started with Dark Angels, nerfed is the default for me.

With CSM in particular, folks are more upset over armies they build becoming invalid or impossible to do without counts-as. Me, for example, my Alpha Legion had half its number removed from the Codex when 4th dropped, so I got rid of them. When the current book came out, I got a little excited and built up another army. I've since sold it, because I want to play Alpha Legion instead of counts-as Red Corsairs, Black Legion or Raven Guard.

People who are passionate about the game are going to complain about it. Call them optimists, hoping GW will eventually do better, rather than just quitting. People have been complaining about this and that for years, don't you think it's a little silly to get worked up over what other people think? You could really turn that concern into feeding those starving children.

12-30-2013, 09:54 AM
Im quite the opposite of worked up about people moaning about CCSM, i actually find it most amusing.
Its really quite entertaining to see in almost every thread conceivable, the most tenuous reasons for the same old posters to crowbar in a rant about why CCSM is the bane of their existance.
As Churchill said " keep buggering on!"