View Full Version : Help with Space Wolves

12-25-2013, 04:21 PM
Evening guys,

Got a bit of a problem, as a reward for helping out with heavy lifting and stuff at home my Mum 'bought' me a box of Space Wolves Terminators (I chose them, she paid). I have yet to start building them as I am trying to figure out how best to equip them. Currently I am thinking of: a Rune Priest in Terminator Armour, Force Axe and Storm Bolter, a Wolf Lord in Terminator with Chainfist and Wolf Claw, and three Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour equipped with Storm Shield and Thunder hammer. Plonk them in a Drop Pod with the three Wolf Guard protecting the HQs, then next turn they start killing stuff properly. Upgrade the Rune Priest so he can take two powers, take Jaws (I believe that's the nasty one) and either another SW power or roll on Biomancy/Divination.

Not overly sure on this idea, it looks nice on paper but no clue on the table.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

All welcome :)

12-25-2013, 05:39 PM
would be useful to know what you already have and commonly field...
your plan does sound solid, if quite expensive tho

12-25-2013, 05:52 PM
Nothing else for Space Wolves :)

12-25-2013, 05:56 PM
Rune Priests are stupidly good, between Jaws and the runic weapon.

12-25-2013, 06:00 PM
Since they are your first I would go Wolf Lord and Four Wolf Guard. Mix up their weapons. Wolf Lord I like with Wolf Claws. Wolf Guard give half thunder hammers half frost blades. You might need the faster init attacks. Maybe give one a combi melts (don't have codex so not sure if WG can get combis). Never hurts yo pop a tank from a distance.

12-25-2013, 07:08 PM
Am I right in thinking that as SW are 'old' I can choose what powers to take from their list?

12-25-2013, 08:35 PM
if you take codex powers then yes you can select them.

as for load out do you fancy trying any conversions? combi weapons are always a possibility. i would suggest a mix mash of weapons. taking some high str low initiative but don't completely give up on i4 a few power weapons or frost blades can make for a daunting prospect when tackling. i suggest combi weapons but since the squad cannot split fire i suggest taking a theme and sticking with that theme for me i go all out and usually take plasma. yes i know when they die its an expensive loss. but remember you have a 2+ save.... so its not as insane as it sounds. if you want to you can always mix in swords and mauls i would say forget the power axe as str5 ap2 isnt as good impo as str8 ap1 from a chain fist or powerfist.

12-25-2013, 11:08 PM
Upgrade the Rune Priest so he can take two powers, take Jaws (I believe that's the nasty one) and either another SW power or roll on Biomancy/Divination.

If you want jaws you can't roll on BRB tables, you either take all from the codex or all from the BRB.

12-27-2013, 12:17 PM
since its your first box, id go: one wolf lord with shield and Hammer or chainfist, a rune priest Termie, and 3 wolf guard with combiweapons and either Fists or power weapons for squad leaders